# Contributing First, thanks for wanting to contribute. You’re awesome! :heart: ## Help We’re not able to provide support through GitHub Issues. If you’re looking for help with your code, try posting on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/). All features should be documented. If you don’t see a feature in the docs, assume it doesn’t exist. ## Bugs Think you’ve discovered a bug? 1. Search existing issues to see if it’s been reported. 2. Try the `master` branch to make sure it hasn’t been fixed. ```rb gem "ahoy_email", github: "ankane/ahoy_email" ``` If the above steps don’t help, create an issue. Include: - Detailed steps to reproduce - Complete backtraces for exceptions ## New Features If you’d like to discuss a new feature, create an issue and start the title with `[Idea]`. ## Pull Requests Fork the project and create a pull request. A few tips: - Keep changes to a minimum. If you have multiple features or fixes, submit multiple pull requests. - Follow the existing style. The code should read like it’s written by a single person. - Add one or more tests if possible. Make sure existing tests pass with: ```sh bundle exec rake test ``` Feel free to open an issue to get feedback on your idea before spending too much time on it. --- This contributing guide is released under [CCO](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) (public domain). Use it for your own project without attribution.