require 'spec_helper' describe RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Rails3 do subject { RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.load(:rails3) } it { should be_well_formed } it { should have(11).report_trackers } describe '#parse_line' do it "should parse :started lines correctly" do line = 'Started GET "/queries" for at Thu Feb 25 16:15:18 -0800 2010' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:started).and_capture(:method => 'GET', :path => '/queries', :ip => '', :timestamp => 20100225161518) end it "should parse :started lines in Oct, Nov and Dec correctly" do line = 'Started GET "/queries" for at Thu Oct 25 16:15:18 -0800 2010' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:started).and_capture(:method => 'GET', :path => '/queries', :ip => '', :timestamp => 20101025161518) end it "should parse :started lines in Ruby 1.9.2 format correctly" do line = 'Started GET "/queries" for at 2010-10-26 02:27:15 +0000' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:started).and_capture(:method => 'GET', :path => '/queries', :ip => '', :timestamp => 20101026022715) end it "should parse :processing lines correctly" do line = ' Processing by QueriesController#index as HTML' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:processing).and_capture( :controller => 'QueriesController', :action => 'index', :format => 'HTML') end it "should parse nested :processing lines correctly" do line = ' Processing by Projects::QueriesController#index as HTML' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:processing).and_capture( :controller => 'Projects::QueriesController', :action => 'index', :format => 'HTML') end it "should parse :processing lines correctly with format */*" do line = ' Processing by ProjectsController#avatar as */*' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:processing).and_capture( :controller => 'ProjectsController', :action => 'avatar', :format => '*/*') end it "should parse :processing lines correctly without format" do line = ' Processing by ProjectsController#avatar as ' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:processing).and_capture( :controller => 'ProjectsController', :action => 'avatar', :format => '') end it "should parse a :parameters line correctly" do line = ' Parameters: {"action"=>"cached", "controller"=>"cached"}' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:parameters).and_capture(:params => {:action => 'cached', :controller => 'cached'}) end it "should parse :completed lines correctly" do line = 'Completed 200 OK in 170ms (Views: 78.0ms | ActiveRecord: 48.2ms)' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:completed).and_capture( :duration => 0.170, :view => 0.078, :db => 0.0482, :status => 200) end it "should parse :completed lines correctly when ActiveRecord is not mentioned" do line = 'Completed 200 OK in 364ms (Views: 31.4ms)' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:completed).and_capture(:duration => 0.364, :status => 200) end it "should parse :completed lines correctly when other durations are specified" do line = 'Completed 200 OK in 384ms (Views: 222.0ms | ActiveRecord: 121.0ms | Sphinx: 0.0ms)' subject.should parse_line(line).as(:completed).and_capture(:duration => 0.384, :view => 0.222, :db => 0.121, :status => 200) end it "should parse :routing_error lines correctly" do line = "ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] \"/static/faq\"):" subject.should parse_line(line).as(:routing_errors).and_capture(:missing_resource_method => "GET", :missing_resource => '/static/faq') end it "should parse :failure lines correctly" do line = "ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `field' for #<Class>) on line #3 of /Users/willem/Code/warehouse/app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb:" subject.should parse_line(line).as(:failure).and_capture(:line => 3, :error => 'ActionView::Template::Error', :message => "undefined local variable or method `field' for #<Class>", :file => '/Users/willem/Code/warehouse/app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb') end it "should parse :rendered lines as an array" do line = " Rendered queries/index.html.erb (0.6ms)" subject.should parse_line(line).as(:rendered).and_capture(:partial_duration => [0.0006]) end end describe '#parse_io' do let(:log_parser) { } it "should parse a successful request correctly" do log = <<-EOLOG Started GET "/" for at Fri Mar 19 06:40:41 -0700 2010 Processing by QueriesController#index as HTML SQL (16.3ms) SHOW TABLES Query Load (32.0ms) SELECT `queries`.* FROM `queries` Rendered queries/index.html.erb within layouts/default (40.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 170ms (Views: 78.4ms | ActiveRecord: 48.2ms) EOLOG log_parser.should_receive(:handle_request).once log_parser.should_not_receive(:warn) log_parser.parse_string(log) end it "should count partials correctly" do log = <<-EOLOG Started GET "/stream_support" for at 2012-11-21 15:21:31 +0100 Processing by HomeController#stream_support as */* Rendered home/stream_support.html.slim (33.2ms) Rendered home/stream_support.html.slim (0.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) EOLOG log_parser.parse_string(log) end it "should parse a failing request correctly" do log = <<-EOLOG Started POST "/queries/397638749/execute.csv" for at Mon Mar 01 18:44:33 -0800 2010 Processing by QueriesController#execute as CSV Parameters: {"commit"=>"Run query", "authenticity_token"=>"pz9WcxkcrlG/43eg6BgSAnJL7yIsaffuHbYxPHUsUzQ=", "id"=>"397638749"} ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `field' for #<Class>) on line #3 of /Users/application/app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb: 1: <%=raw { |f| f.humanize.to_json }.join(',') %> 2: <% @result.each do |record| %> 3: <%=raw { |f| record[field].to_s }.join(",") %> 4: <% end %> app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb:3:in `_render_template__652100315_2182241460_0' app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb:3:in `map' app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb:3:in `_render_template__652100315_2182241460_0' app/views/queries/execute.csv.erb:2:in `_render_template__652100315_2182241460_0' app/controllers/queries_controller.rb:34:in `execute' Rendered /rails/actionpack-3.0.0.beta/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_trace.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /rails/actionpack-3.0.0.beta/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_request_and_response.erb (9.7ms) Rendered /rails/actionpack-3.0.0.beta/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/template_error.erb within /Users/willem/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/actionpack-3.0.0.beta/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/layout.erb (20.4ms) EOLOG log_parser.should_receive(:handle_request).once log_parser.should_receive(:warn).exactly(3).times log_parser.parse_string(log) end end end