,9Mc@sdZdZddkZddklZlZddkZddkZddkl Z ddk Z ddk Z ddk Z ddklZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd Zhdd<dd <dd <dd <dd <dd d3Z?d4Z@d5ZAd6ZBd d7ZCd d8ZDd d9ZEd d:ZFd;ZGd<ZHd=ZId>ZJd?ZKd@ZLdAZMdBZNdCZOdDZPdEZQdFZReieiidGdHZSd dIZTd dJZUdKZVdLZWdMZXdNZYdOZZdPZ[d\dQZ\dRZ]dSZ^dTZ_dUZ`dVZadWZbdXZcdYZddZZeRS(]sbThe base Node class, for entities that we know how to build, or use to build other Nodes. tAttrscBseZRS((R.R/(((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR7scCst|dg|_t|_t|_g|_t|_g|_t|_ t i i |_ d|_t|_t|_d|_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_|i|_d|_g|_d|_ |i!t"|dS(Ns Node.Nodei(#Rtsourcestsett sources_settFalset_specific_sourcestdependst depends_settignoret ignore_settSConstUtilt UniqueListt prerequisitesR&timplicittwaiting_parentst waiting_s_et ref_counttwkidstenvR tstatetprecioustnocleantnocachet always_buildtincludesR7t attributest side_effectt side_effectstlinkedtclear_memoized_valuestAnnotate(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRs6                        cCs|S(N((Rt must_exist((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt disambiguatescCsdS(Nt((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_suffixst get_build_envcCsHy|idSWntj onX|ii}||id<|S(s>Fetch the appropriate Environment to build this node. R[(t_memotKeyErrort get_executorR[(Rtresult((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR[s cCs|ii|S(s1Fetch the appropriate scanner path for this node.(R^tget_build_scanner_path(Rtscanner((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR`scCs ||_dS(s&Set the action executor for this node.N(texecutor(RRb((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_executorsic Csy |i}Wntj o|pny|ii}Wn+tj otiid|g}n?Xtii||ip |ii|iig|g|i }||_nX|S(spFetch the action executor for this node. Create one if there isn't already one, and requested to do so.ttargets( RbRtbuildertactionRAtExecutortNullRJt overridesR8(RtcreateRbtact((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR^s     cCs:y|idd}Wntj on X|idS(s1Let the executor clean up any cached information.RjN(R^R&Rtcleanup(RRb((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytexecutor_cleanups cCs+yt|dWntj onXdS(s5Remove cached executor; forces recompute when needed.RbN(RR(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytreset_executor%scCsdS(s(Try to push a node into a cache N((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt push_to_cache,scCsdS(sTry to retrieve the node's content from a cache This method is called from multiple threads in a parallel build, so only do thread safe stuff here. Do thread unsafe stuff in built(). Returns true iff the node was successfully retrieved. i((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytretrieve_from_cache1s cCsdS(s Get a Node ready for evaluation. This is called before the Taskmaster decides if the Node is up-to-date or not. Overriding this method allows for a Node subclass to be disambiguated if necessary, or for an implicit source builder to be attached. N((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt make_ready@scCsxA|iD]6}|io#d}tii|||fq q W|idj oHxE|iD]6}|io#d}tii|||fq^q^Wn|i|_dS(s{Prepare for this Node to be built. This is called after the Taskmaster has decided that the Node is out-of-date and must be rebuilt, but before actually calling the method to build the Node. This default implementation checks that explicit or implicit dependencies either exist or are derived, and initializes the BuildInfo structure that will hold the information about how this node is, uh, built. (The existence of source files is checked separately by the Executor, which aggregates checks for all of the targets built by a specific action.) Overriding this method allows for for a Node subclass to remove the underlying file from the file system. Note that subclass methods should call this base class method to get the child check and the BuildInfo structure. s:Explicit dependency `%s' not found, needed by target `%s'.s:Implicit dependency `%s' not found, needed by target `%s'.N( R=tmissingRAtErrorst StopErrorRER&t get_binfotbinfo(Rtdtmsgti((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytprepareJs  !  %cKsKyt|i|f|Wn'tiij o}||_nXdS(sActually build the node. This is called by the Taskmaster after it's decided that the Node is out-of-date and must be rebuilt, and after the prepare() method has gotten everything, uh, prepared. This method is called from multiple threads in a parallel build, so only do thread safe stuff here. Do thread unsafe stuff in built(). N(tapplyR^RARst BuildErrorR(Rtkwte((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytbuildjs  cCs;x|iD]}d|_q W|i|ii|dS(s2Called just after this node is successfully built.N(RFR&REtcleartninfoR (Rtparent((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytbuilt|s    cCsAy |i}Wntj onX|ii||idS(sOCalled just after this node has been visited (with or without a build).N(RvRRR t store_info(RRv((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytvisiteds  cCs|ii|dS(N(RGtadd(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_to_waiting_s_escCs/|i}||jodSn|i|dS(sK Returns the number of nodes added to our waiting parents list: 1 if we add a unique waiting parent, 0 if not. (Note that the returned values are intended to be used to increment a reference count, so don't think you can "clean up" this function by using True and False instead...) ii(RFR(RRtwp((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_to_waiting_parentss    cCs|it|_dS(sLClean up anything we don't need to hang onto after we've been built.N(RmR9RF(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt postprocesss cCsa|i|i|i|_|iyt|dWntj onXd|_dS(sCompletely clear a Node of all its cached state (so that it can be re-evaluated by interfaces that do continuous integration builds). t_calculated_sigN( t del_binfoRUt new_ninfoRRmRRR&RP(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRs   cCs h|_dS(N(R\(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRUscCs-||_y |`Wntj onXdS(N(ReRbR(RRe((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt builder_sets   cCs:y |i}Wn tj od}|_nX|dj S(sReturn whether this Node has a builder or not. In Boolean tests, this turns out to be a *lot* more efficient than simply examining the builder attribute directly ("if node.builder: ..."). When the builder attribute is examined directly, it ends up calling __getattr__ for both the __len__ and __nonzero__ attributes on instances of our Builder Proxy class(es), generating a bazillion extra calls and slowing things down immensely. N(ReRR&(Rtb((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt has_builders  cCs ||_dS(N(t is_explicit(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_explicitscCs5y |iSWn#tj od|_|iSnXdS(sReturn whether this Node has an explicit builder This allows an internal Builder created by SCons to be marked non-explicit, so that it can be overridden by an explicit builder that the user supplies (the canonical example being directories).N(RRR&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pythas_explicit_builders   cCs)y |iSWntj o |SnXdS(s4Return the set builder, or a specified default valueN(ReR(Rtdefault_builder((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_builders cCs|ip|iS(s Returns true iff this node is derived (i.e. built). This should return true only for nodes whose path should be in the variant directory when duplicate=0 and should contribute their build signatures when they are used as source files to other derived files. For example: source with source builders are not derived in this sense, and hence should not return true. (RRR(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt is_deriveds cCs gdfS(s:Return a list of alternate targets for this Node. N(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt alter_targetsscCsgS(sReturn the scanned include lines (implicit dependencies) found in this node. The default is no implicit dependencies. We expect this method to be overridden by any subclass that can be scanned for implicit dependencies. ((RRJRatpath((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_found_includes sc Cs|pgSn|g}h}d||'s(tpoptfilterRtextendt recurse_nodes( RRJRaRtnodesRtdepstnRw((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_implicit_depss$    cCs|i|iS(N(t get_scannert scanner_key(RRJR}((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_env_scanner1scCs |iiS(N(Rettarget_scanner(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_target_scanner4scCsjd}y|ii}Wntj onX|p|i|i}n|o|i|}n|S(sFetch the source scanner for the specified node NOTE: "self" is the target being built, "node" is the source file for which we want to fetch the scanner. Implies self.has_builder() is true; again, expect to only be called from locations where this is already verified. This function may be called very often; it attempts to cache the scanner found to improve performance. N(R&Retsource_scannerRRR[tselect(RRRa((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_source_scanner7s cCsat|d p|idjo#g|_t|_|in|i|i|i|dS(NRE(thasattrRER&R9t implicit_sett_children_resett _add_child(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_to_implicitQs !  cCs$|idj odSng|_t|_|i|ipdSn|i}|i}to~t ov|i }|dj oYx!|i D]}|i |qWt p |iodSng|_t|_qn|i|ii|i}|o|i|ndS(s6Scan this node's dependents for implicit dependencies.N(RER&R9RRRR[R^timplicit_cachetimplicit_deps_changedtget_stored_implicittget_all_targetsRtimplicit_deps_unchangedt is_up_to_datet scan_sourcesReRRt scan_targets(Rt build_envRbREttgtRa((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytscanXs.          cCsdS(N(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRscCs |i|S(sSelects a scanner for this Node. This is a separate method so it can be overridden by Node subclasses (specifically, Node.FS.Dir) that *must* use their own Scanner and don't select one the Scanner.Selector that's configured for the target. (R(RRa((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytselect_scannersicCs&|o|iodSn||_dS(N(RJ(RRJtsafe((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytenv_setscCs|i|}|S(N(tNodeInfo(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRscCs;y |iSWn)tj o|i|_|iSnXdS(N(RRR(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_ninfos  cCs|i|}|S(N(t BuildInfo(RRv((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt new_binfosc Csy |iSWntj onX|i}||_|i}|i}|io.t||_ti i |i |_ n|i o<g}xH|iD]$}||jo|i|qqWn|i||i}t}g}g}xL|D]D}||jo1|i||i||i|iqqW||_||_|i} g} x2| D]*} | |jo| i| iqmqmW| |_| |_|ipg} g} x2| D]*}||jo| i|iqqW| |_| |_|S(s Fetch a node's build information. node - the node whose sources will be collected cache - alternate node to use for the signature cache returns - the build signature This no longer handles the recursive descent of the node's children's signatures. We expect that they're already built and updated by someone else, if that's what's wanted. (RvRRR^R@RRtbactRARBt MD5signaturet get_contentsR5R<R8R)tget_unignored_sourcesR?R9RRtbsourcesR2R=tbdependsR3REt bimplicitR4(RRvRbR@R8tsRRR2R=t dependsigsRwREt implicitsigsRy((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRus\                       cCs+yt|dWntj onXdS(s%Delete the build info from this node.RvN(RR(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRscCsYy|iiSWnDtj o8|i}tii|i|_|iiSnXdS(N(RtcsigRRRARBRR(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_csigs  cCs |iS(N(R(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_cachedir_csigscCsdS(scMake the build signature permanent (that is, store it in the .sconsign file or equivalent).N((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRscCsdS(N((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytdo_not_store_infoscCsdS(N(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_stored_info scCsdS(s&Fetch the stored implicit dependenciesN(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR scCs ||_dS(sSet the Node's precious value.N(RL(RRL((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_preciousscCs|odpd|_dS(sSet the Node's noclean value.iiN(RM(RRM((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_nocleanscCs|odpd|_dS(sSet the Node's nocache value.iiN(RN(RRN((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_nocachescCs ||_dS(s"Set the Node's always_build value.N(RO(RRO((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytset_always_build%scCsdS(sDoes this node exists?i((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytexists)scCs |iS(s1Does this node exist locally or in a repositiory?(R(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytrexists.scCs$|i o|i o |i S(N(RRTR(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRr3s cCsdS(s$Remove this Node: no-op by default.N(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytremove8scCsy|i|i|i|Wntj os}|id}tii|ott |}n t |}ti i dt ||t |fnXdS(sAdds dependencies.isEattempted to add a non-Node dependency to %s: %s is a %s, not a NodeN( RR=R>t TypeErrortargsRARBtis_ListtmapRRst UserErrorttype(RtdependR~R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_dependency<s  cCs|ii||idS(sAdds prerequisitesN(RDRR(Rt prerequisite((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_prerequisiteHscCsy|i|i|i|Wntj os}|id}tii|ott |}n t |}ti i dt ||t |fnXdS(sAdds dependencies to ignore.isHattempted to ignore a non-Node dependency of %s: %s is a %s, not a NodeN( RR?R@RRRARBRRRRsRR(RRR~R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt add_ignoreMs  cCs|iodSny|i|i|i|Wntj os}|id}tii|ot t |}n t |}ti i dt ||t |fnXdS(s Adds sources.NisDattempted to add a non-Node as source of %s: %s is a %s, not a Node(R<RR8R:RRRARBRRRRsRR(RtsourceR~R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt add_sourceYs   cCsad}x?|D]7}||jo$|i||i|d}q q W|o|indS(sZAdds 'child' to 'collection', first checking 'set' to see if it's already present.iN(R&RR)R(Rt collectionR9tchildtaddedtc((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRgs   cCs|i|t|_dS(N(RtTrueR<(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytset_specific_sourcexs cCs(|idj o|ii|ndS(s6Add a node to the list of kids waiting to be evaluatedN(RIR&R)(Rtwkid((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytadd_wkid|scCs|i|idS(N(RURm(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRs t _children_getcCsy|idSWntj onX|io|idjot|i|i}nt|i|i|i}g}xn|D]'}||ijo|i|qqWn<|idjo|i|i}n|i|i|i}||id<|S(Nt children_get( R\R]R@RER&RR8R=R)(RtitertchildrenRy((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRs$  cCsP|o|in|idjo|i|iSn|i|i|iSdS(s0Return a list of all the node's direct children.N(RRER&R8R=(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt all_childrens cCs|o|in|iS(s_Return a list of the node's direct children, minus those that are ignored by this node.(RR(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRscCs ||_dS(N(RK(RRK((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt set_statescCs|iS(N(RK(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_statescCs|itiijS(N(RKRAR6R(Rttargettprev_ni((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytstate_has_changedscCs3|i}|pddk}|ii}n|S(Ni(RJtSCons.DefaultstDefaultstDefaultEnvironment(RRJRA((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_envs   cCs tdS(s Must be overridden in a specific subclass to return True if this Node (a dependency) has changed since the last time it was used to build the specified target. prev_ni is this Node's state (for example, its file timestamp, length, maybe content signature) as of the last time the target was built. Note that this method is called through the dependency, not the target, because a dependency Node must be able to use its own logic to decide if it changed. For example, File Nodes need to obey if we're configured to use timestamps, but Python Value Nodes never use timestamps and always use the content. If this method were called through the target, then each Node's implementation of this method would have to have more complicated logic to handle all the different Node types on which it might depend. N(tNotImplementedError(RRR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytchanged_since_last_buildscCstii||ddS(NR(RARBt AddMethod(Rtfunction((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytDecidersc Csd}|o!td|t||fn|djo |}nt}|ii}|i|i|i}|i }t |t |}|oI|i dg||o$tdt |t |fnt }nxSt ||D]B\}} |i|| o#|otd|nt }qqW|ii} |io^ddk} | ii| } |i| jo,|otd|i| fnt }qn|p|otdqn|otd n|S( s Returns if the node is up-to-date with respect to the BuildInfo stored last time it was built. The default behavior is to compare it against our own previously stored BuildInfo, but the stored BuildInfo from another Node (typically one in a Repository) can be used instead. Note that we now *always* check every dependency. We used to short-circuit the check by returning as soon as we detected any difference, but we now rely on checking every dependency to make sure that any necessary Node information (for example, the content signature of an #included .h file) is updated. ischanged(%s [%s], %s)s: old %s new %ss : %s changediNs: bactsig %s != newsig %ss : up to dates (RR R&R;RRvR2R3R4RtlenRRRRR^RRt SCons.UtilRBRR5( RRttR_tbitthenRtdiffRRtcontentsRAtnewsig((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytchangedsF!   $    cCsdS(sDefault check for whether the Node is current: unknown Node subtypes are always out of date, so they will always get built.N(R&(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR4scCs|i|_|iodSnd}xI|idD]8}|i}|o| p ||jo |}q7q7W|djp|tiijS(sAlternate check for whether the Node is current: If all of our children were up-to-date, then this Node was up-to-date, too. The SCons.Node.Alias and SCons.Node.Python.Value subclasses rebind their current() method to this method.iN( RuRvROR&RRRAR6R(RRKtkidR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytchildren_are_up_to_date9s  cCsdS(s]Always pass the string representation of a Node to the command interpreter literally.i((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt is_literalJscCs|io|io{|i}xp|iD]]}|i|}|o|i|}nd}|||d}tii ||dSq-WndSdS(s Return a text representation, suitable for displaying to the user, of the include tree for the sources of this node. cSs|i|||S(N(R(RRJRaR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR\siN( RRJR[R8RR`R&RARBt render_tree(RRJRRaRR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytrender_include_treeOs  cCs t|S(s Return an absolute path to the Node. This will return simply str(Node) by default, but for Node types that have a concept of relative path, this might return something different. (R(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_abspathbscCs t|S(s Return a string representation of the Node that will always be the same for this particular Node, no matter what. This is by contrast to the __str__() method, which might, for instance, return a relative path for a file Node. The purpose of this method is to generate a value to be used in signature calculation for the command line used to build a target, and we use this method instead of str() to avoid unnecessary rebuilds. This method does not need to return something that would actually work in a command line; it can return any kind of nonsense, so long as it does not change. (R(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt for_signaturejs cCs|o|iSnt|S(sThis is a convenience function designed primarily to be used in command generators (i.e., CommandGeneratorActions or Environment variables that are callable), which are called with a for_signature argument that is nonzero if the command generator is being called to generate a signature for the command line, which determines if we should rebuild or not. Such command generators should use this method in preference to str(Node) when converting a Node to a string, passing in the for_signature parameter, such that we will call Node.for_signature() or str(Node) properly, depending on whether we are calculating a signature or actually constructing a command line.(RR(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_stringyscCs|S(sy This method is expected to return an object that will function exactly like this Node, except that it implements any additional special features that we would like to be in effect for Environment variable substitution. The principle use is that some Nodes would like to implement a __getattr__() method, but putting that in the Node type itself has a tendency to kill performance. We instead put it in a proxy and return it from this method. It is legal for this method to return self if no new functionality is needed for Environment substitution. ((R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytget_subst_proxys c CsY|ip d|Sn|io d|Sn|i}|djodSn|i}|iy2|i|i|i}|i |i |i }Wnt j od|SnX|i }|i|i|i}|i |i |i }tt||}tt||}|iid} g} t|d|} | o5t| | } d} | it| d| nxh|D]`} | |jo| id| | q| i||| o| id | | qqWt| d joL||jo?| id d dt| |fddt| |fnt| d jod}|i|ijoe|i|ijo!| id|d|iq| id|d|i|d|iqnt| d jo d|Snd|}t| djod|| d fSn"d|g| } ti| dSdS(Ns'building `%s' because it doesn't exist s3rebuilding `%s' because AlwaysBuild() is specified sNCannot explain why `%s' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found cSs.t|dot||Snt|S(Ntdir(RR(RtE((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt stringifyscSs ||jS(((Rtnk((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRss`%s' is no longer a dependency cSs||S(((Rtfmt((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRss`%s' is a new dependency s `%s' changed isthe dependency order changed: s %sold: %s t is %snew: %s cSsFti|d}dddt|}d|ti||dS(Ns Ris (RRRtjoin(ttitletstrlinestlinestsep((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytfmt_with_titless)the contents of the build action changed saction: sthe build action changed: sold: snew: s$rebuilding `%s' for unknown reasons srebuilding `%s' becauseis%s %ss%s: i s s s (RRORR&Rvtprepare_dependenciesRRRR2R3R4RRutdictRRtEntryRRRR)RRR5RRR(Rtoldt old_bkidst old_bkidsigstnewt new_bkidst new_bkidsigstosigtnsigRRtremovedRtkR tpreamble((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytexplainsh                 (N(fR.R/R0RAtMemoizet use_memoizertMemoized_Metaclasst __metaclass__tmemoizer_countersR7RR&RXRZR)t CountValueR[R`RcR^RmRnRoRpRqRzRRRRRRRRURRRRRt multiple_side_effect_has_builderRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR1RRRRRuRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RR RRRRRRR/(((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR6s  0                          0      @                      *         8        cCs|S(N((tl((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pytNodeListsR8cBseZdZRS(cCsttt|iS(N(RRtdata(R((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt__str__s(R.R/R:(((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyR8scCs |iS(N(R(RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt get_childrenscCsdS(N((Rtstack((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyt ignore_cyclescCsdS(N((RR((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyRstWalkercBs2eZdZeeedZdZdZRS(s+An iterator for walking a Node tree. This is depth-first, children are visited before the parent. The Walker object can be initialized with any node, and returns the next node on the descent with each next() call. 'kids_func' is an optional function that will be called to get the children of a node instead of calling 'children'. 'cycle_func' is an optional function that will be called when a cycle is detected. This class does not get caught in node cycles caused, for example, by C header file include loops. cCs\||_||_||_ti||d|_|g|_h|_d|i|s   (&R0t __revision__RBt itertoolsRRRtUserListt SCons.DebugRtSCons.ExecutorRAt SCons.MemoizeRRR R R R RRRt StateStringRRRRRVRR1R6RRR8R;R=R>targ2nodes_lookups(((s8install/lib/scons-1.2.0.d20100117/SCons/Node/__init__.pyss\              3@   ;