# # Ruby/ProgressBar - a text progress bar library # # Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Satoru Takabayashi # All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of Ruby's license. module CommandLine class ProgressBar VERSION = '0.9' def initialize(title, total, out = STDERR) @title = title @total = total @out = out @terminal_width = 80 @bar_mark = '=' @current = 0 @previous = 0 @finished_p = false @start_time = Time.now @previous_time = @start_time @title_width = 24 @format = "%-#{@title_width}s %3d%% %s %s" @format_arguments = [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat] clear show end attr_reader :title attr_reader :current attr_reader :total attr_accessor :start_time private def fmt_bar bar_width = do_percentage * @terminal_width / 100 sprintf('[%s%s]', @bar_mark * bar_width, ' ' * (@terminal_width - bar_width)) end def fmt_percentage do_percentage end def fmt_stat if @finished_p then elapsed else eta end end def fmt_stat_for_file_transfer if @finished_p then sprintf('%s %s %s', bytes, transfer_rate, elapsed) else sprintf('%s %s %s', bytes, transfer_rate, eta) end end def fmt_title @title[0, (@title_width - 1)] + ':' end def convert_bytes(bytes) if bytes < 1024 sprintf('%6dB', bytes) elsif bytes < 1024 * 1000 # 1000kb sprintf('%5.1fKB', bytes.to_f / 1024) elsif bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1000 # 1000mb sprintf('%5.1fMB', bytes.to_f / 1024 / 1024) else sprintf('%5.1fGB', bytes.to_f / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) end end def transfer_rate bytes_per_second = @current.to_f / (Time.now - @start_time) sprintf('%s/s', convert_bytes(bytes_per_second)) end def bytes convert_bytes(@current) end def format_time(t) t = t.to_i sec = t % 60 min = (t / 60) % 60 hour = t / 3600 sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour, min, sec) end # ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival. def eta if @current == 0 'ETA: --:--:--' else elapsed = Time.now - @start_time eta = elapsed * @total / @current - elapsed sprintf('ETA: %s', format_time(eta)) end end def elapsed elapsed = Time.now - @start_time sprintf('Time: %s', format_time(elapsed)) end def eol if @finished_p then "\n" else "\r" end end def do_percentage if @total.zero? 100 else @current * 100 / @total end end def show arguments = @format_arguments.map do |method| method = sprintf('fmt_%s', method) send(method) end line = sprintf(@format, *arguments) width = CommandLine::Tools.terminal_width(80, @out) if line.length == width - 1 @out.print(line + eol) @out.flush elsif line.length >= width @terminal_width = [@terminal_width - (line.length - width + 1), 0].max if @terminal_width == 0 then @out.print(line + eol) else show end else # line.length < width - 1 @terminal_width += width - line.length + 1 show end @previous_time = Time.now end def show_if_needed if @total.zero? cur_percentage = 100 prev_percentage = 0 else cur_percentage = (@current * 100 / @total).to_i prev_percentage = (@previous * 100 / @total).to_i end # Use "!=" instead of ">" to support negative changes if cur_percentage != prev_percentage || Time.now - @previous_time >= 1 || @finished_p show end end public def clear @out.print "\r" @out.print(' ' * (CommandLine::Tools.terminal_width(80) - 1)) @out.print "\r" end def finish @current = @total @finished_p = true show end def finished? @finished_p end def file_transfer_mode @format_arguments = [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat_for_file_transfer] end attr_writer :format attr_writer :format_arguments def halt @finished_p = true show end def inc(step = 1) @current += step @current = @total if @current > @total show_if_needed @previous = @current end def set(count) count = 0 if count < 0 count = @total if count > @total @current = count show_if_needed @previous = @current end def inspect "#" end end end