/*** = Description ** HTabView ** ** ***/ var//RSence.Controls HTabView = HView.extend({ /** = Description * draw function * **/ draw: function(){ var _isDrawn = this.drawn; this.base(); if(!_isDrawn){ var i=0,_styles = [ ['overflow','auto'] ]; for(i;i<_styles.length;i++){ this.setStyle(_styles[i][0],_styles[i][1]); } this.hide(); } } }); /** = Description * HTab * **/ var//RSence.Controls HTab = HControl.extend({ componentName: "tab", refreshOnValueChange: true, refreshOnLabelChange: false, customOptions: function(_options){ this.tabs = []; this.tabLabels = []; this.tabLabelBounds = []; this.tabLabelStrings = []; }, rightmostPx: 0, selectIdx: -1, // overridden in the template tabLabelHeight: 20, // overridden in the template tabLabelLeftEdge: 4, // overridden in the template tabLabelRightEdge: 4, // overridden in the template fontStyle: { fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', fontSize: '13px' }, tabLabelHTMLPrefix1: '<div class="edge_left"></div><div class="tablabel" style="width:', tabLabelHTMLPrefix2: 'px">', tabLabelHTMLSuffix: '</div><div class="edge_right"></div>', tabLabelParentElem: 'label', tabLabelElementTagName: 'div', tabLabelAlign: 'left', tabLabelFillBg: false, tabTriggerLink: false, tabLabelNoHTMLPrefix: false, /** = Description * refreshValue function * **/ refreshValue: function(){ var _this = this; if(typeof _value === 'number'){ this.pushTask( function(){ var _index = parseInt(_this.value,10); if( _index < _this.tabs.length && _index !== _this.selectIdx){ _this.selectTab(_index); } }); } }, /** = Description * Sets label for the tab. * * = Parameters * +_label+:: Label for the tab * **/ setLabel: function(_label){ this.label = _label; }, /** = Description * selectTab function * * = Parameters * +_tabIdx+:: * **/ selectTab: function(_tabIdx){ if(_tabIdx instanceof HTabView){ _tabIdx = _tabIdx.tabIndex; } if(~this.selectIdx){ var _tabSelectElemId = this.tabLabels[this.selectIdx], _tabSelectViewId = this.tabs[this.selectIdx]; ELEM.delClassName(_tabSelectElemId,'item_fg'); ELEM.addClassName(_tabSelectElemId,'item_bg'); HSystem.views[_tabSelectViewId].hide(); } if(~_tabIdx){ var _tabLabelElemId = this.tabLabels[_tabIdx], _tabViewId = this.tabs[_tabIdx]; ELEM.delClassName(_tabLabelElemId,'item_bg'); ELEM.addClassName(_tabLabelElemId,'item_fg'); HSystem.views[_tabViewId].show(); } this.selectIdx = _tabIdx; this.setValue(_tabIdx); }, /** = Description * addTab function * * = Parameters * +_tabLabel+:: * +_doSelect+:: * **/ addTab: function(_tabLabel,_doSelect,_viewClass,_viewClassOptions){ var _this = this, _tabIdx = _this.tabs.length, _tabLabelHTML = '', _labelTextWidth = _this.stringWidth( _tabLabel, null, 0, _this.fontStyle ), _labelWidth = _labelTextWidth+_this.tabLabelLeftEdge+_this.tabLabelRightEdge, _tabLabelElemId = ELEM.make(_this.markupElemIds[_this.tabLabelParentElem],_this.tabLabelElementTagName), _tab; if( _viewClass === undefined ){ _tab = HTabView.nu( [0,_this.tabLabelHeight,null,null,0,0], _this); } else { _tab = _viewClass.nu( [0,_this.tabLabelHeight,null,null,0,0], _this, _viewClassOptions ); } _tabIdx = _this.tabs.length; if(_this.tabLabelNoHTMLPrefix){ _tabLabelHTML = _tabLabel; } else { _tabLabelHTML = _this.tabLabelHTMLPrefix1+_labelTextWidth+_this.tabLabelHTMLPrefix2+_tabLabel+_this.tabLabelHTMLSuffix; } _tab.hide(); ELEM.addClassName(_tabLabelElemId,'item_bg'); ELEM.setStyle(_tabLabelElemId,'width',_labelWidth+'px'); ELEM.setStyle(_tabLabelElemId,_this.tabLabelAlign,_this.rightmostPx+'px'); ELEM.setHTML(_tabLabelElemId,_tabLabelHTML); _this.tabLabelStrings.push(_tabLabel); if(_this.tabTriggerLink && !_this.isProduction){ console.log('HTab.options.tabTriggerLink is no longer supported') } _this.tabTriggerLink = false; _this.setClick(true); _this.tabLabelBounds.push([_this.rightmostPx,_this.rightmostPx+_labelWidth]); _this.rightmostPx+=_labelWidth; if(_this.tabLabelAlign === 'right'){ ELEM.setStyle(_this.markupElemIds[_this.tabLabelParentElem],'width',_this.rightmostPx+'px'); } else if (_this.tabLabelFillBg) { ELEM.setStyle(_this.markupElemIds.state,'left',_this.rightmostPx+'px'); } _this.tabs.push(_tab.viewId); _this.tabLabels.push(_tabLabelElemId); _tab.tabIndex = _tabIdx; if(_doSelect || (_this.value === _tabIdx)){ _this.selectTab(_tabIdx); } return _tab; }, /** = Description * click function * * = Parameters * +x+:: * +y+:: * **/ click: function(x,y){ if(this.tabTriggerLink){ this.setClickable(false); return; } x -= this.pageX(); y -= this.pageY(); if(y<=this.tabLabelHeight){ if (this.tabLabelAlign === 'right') { x = this.rect.width - x; } if(x<=this.rightmostPx){ var i=0,_labelBounds; for(i;i<this.tabLabelBounds.length;i++){ _labelBounds = this.tabLabelBounds[i]; if(x<_labelBounds[1] && x>=_labelBounds[0]){ this.selectTab(i); return; } } } } }, /** = Description * removeTab function * * = Parameters * +_tabIdx+:: * **/ removeTab: function(_tabIdx){ var _selIdx = this.selectIdx, _tabViewId = this.tabs[_tabIdx], _tabLabelElemId = this.tabLabels[_tabIdx], _tabLabelWidth, i = 0; this.tabs.splice(_tabIdx,1); this.tabLabels.splice(_tabIdx,1); this.tabLabelBounds.splice(_tabIdx,1); this.tabLabelStrings.splice(_tabIdx,1); if(_tabIdx===_selIdx){ this.selectIdx=-1; if(_tabIdx===0&&this.tabs.length===0){ this.selectTab(-1); } else if(_tabIdx===(this.tabs.length-1)){ this.selectTab(_tabIdx-1); } else{ this.selectTab(_tabIdx); } } else if(_tabIdx<_selIdx){ this.selectIdx--; } ELEM.del(_tabLabelElemId); HSystem.views[_tabViewId].die(); //Reset labels positions this.rightmostPx = 0; for(; i < this.tabs.length; i++){ _tabLabelElemId = this.tabLabels[i]; _tabLabelWidth = ELEM.getIntStyle(_tabLabelElemId,'width'); ELEM.setStyle(_tabLabelElemId,this.tabLabelAlign,this.rightmostPx+'px'); this.rightmostPx += _tabLabelWidth; } if(this.tabLabelAlign === 'right'){ ELEM.setStyle(this.markupElemIds[this.tabLabelParentElem],'width',this.rightmostPx+'px'); } else if (this.tabLabelFillBg) { ELEM.setStyle(this.markupElemIds.state,'left',this.rightmostPx+'px'); } } }); /** = Description * HTabItem is a wrapper for creating tabs as subviews when using JSONRenderer. * rect is ignored * parent is the HTab instance * options may contain the following: * select: true|false, passed on to addTab * label: true|false, passed on to addTab * * = Returns * a new HTabView instance returned by addTab * **/ var//RSence.Controls HTabItem = { nu: function(_rect, _parent, _options){ if( _rect && _rect.hasAncestor && _rect.hasAncestor( HView ) ){ _options = _parent; _parent = _rect; } else { console.warn( "Warning: the rect constructor argument of HTabItem is deprecated." ); } return _parent.addTab( _options.label, _options.select ); }, 'new': function(_rect, _parent, _options){ return this.nu(_rect,_parent,_options); } }; var//RSence.Controls GUITreeTabView = HControl.extend({ controlDefaults: HControlDefaults.extend({ visible: false, autoCreate: false, autoDestroy: true }), jsonRenderer: false, createJSONRenderer: function(){ var _this = this, _value = _this.value, _progressView = HView.nu( [4,0, 150, 34, 0, null], _this ), // _indicatorPhases = ['/','-','\\','|','/','-','\\','|'], // ascii // _indicatorPhases = ['◴','◷','◶','◵'], // unicode sector ball // _indicatorPhases = ['◑','◒','◐','◓'], // unicode half ball // _indicator = HStringView.nu( [ 2, 2, 32, 32 ], _progressView, { value: _indicatorPhases[0], style: { 'font-size': '24px' } } ), // _indicatorTimeout = setInterval( function(){ // _indicatorPhase = _indicatorPhases.shift(); // _indicatorPhases.push( _indicatorPhase ); // _indicator.setValue( _indicatorPhase ); // }, 100 ), _indicatorStr = HStringView.nu( [ 34, 12, 100, 20, 4, null ], _progressView, { value: 'Rendering' } ); _this.destroyJSONRenderer(); if( _value.type === undefined || _value.version === undefined ){ _value = { 'type': 'GUITree', 'version': 1.0, 'class': 'HView', 'rect': [0,0, null,null, 0,0], 'options': { 'style': { 'overflow': 'auto' } }, 'subviews': _value }; } setTimeout( function(){ _this.jsonRenderer = JSONRenderer.nu( _value, _this ); // clearTimeout( _indicatorTimeout ); _progressView.die(); }, 10 ); }, destroyJSONRenderer: function(){ if( this.jsonRenderer ){ this.jsonRenderer.die(); this.jsonRenderer = false; } }, drawSubviews: function(){ if( this.options.autoCreate ){ this.createJSONRenderer(); } }, show: function(){ this.base(); if(!this.jsonRenderer){ this.createJSONRenderer(); } }, hide: function(){ this.base(); if( this.options.autoDestroy ){ this.destroyJSONRenderer(); } }, die: function(){ this.destroyJSONRenderer(); this.base(); } }); var//RSence.Controls GUITreeTabItem = { nu: function( _rect, _parent, _options ){ if( _rect.hasAncestor && _rect.hasAncestor( HView ) ){ _options = _parent; _parent = _rect; } else { console.warn && console.warn( "Warning: the rect constructor argument of GUITreeTabItem is deprecated." ); } return _parent.addTab( _options.label, _options.select, GUITreeTabView, _options ); } };