CSS: style.css LaTeX CJK: true HTML use syntax: true #### Changes in the development version and **experimental** features #### {#last} [Jacques Distler]: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler [itex2MML]: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/itex2MML.html [math]: http://rubyforge.maruku.org/math.html * *Jan. 22* With very minimal changes, Maruku now works in JRuby. It is very slow, though. Some benchmarks: * G4 1.5GhZ, Ruby 1.8.5: Maruku (to_html): parsing 0.65 sec + rendering 0.40 sec = 1.04 sec Maruku (to_latex): parsing 0.70 sec + rendering 0.21 sec = 0.91 sec * G4 1.5GhZ, JRuby 1.9.2: Maruku (to_html): parsing 4.77 sec + rendering 2.24 sec = 7.01 sec Maruku (to_latex): parsing 4.04 sec + rendering 1.12 sec = 5.16 sec * *Jan. 21* Integration of Blahtex. PNG export of formula and alignment works ok in Mozilla, Safari, Camino, Opera. IE7 is acting strangely. * Support for LaTeX-style formula input, and export to MathML. [Jacques Distler] is integrating Maruku into Instiki (a Ruby On Rails-based wiki software), as to have a Ruby wiki with proper math support. You know, these physicists like all those funny symbols. * To have the MathML export, it is needed to install one of: * [RiTeX] (`gem install ritex`) * [itex2MML] supports much more complex formulas than Ritex. * PNG for old browser is not here yet. The plan is to use BlahTeX. * Command line options for the `maruku` command: Usage: maruku [options] [file1.md [file2.md ... -v, --[no-]verbose Run verbosely -u, --[no-]unsafe Use unsafe features -b Break on error -m, --math-engine ENGINE Uses ENGINE to render MathML --pdf Write PDF --html Write HTML --tex Write LaTeX --inspect Shows the parsing result --version Show version -h, --help Show this message * Other things: * Created the embryo of an extension system. Please don't use it yet, as probably the API is bound to change. * There are a couple of hidden, unsafe, features that are not enabled by default. #### Changes in 0.5.3 #### {#stable} * Features: * [All HTML `table` attributes](http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.1) can be used (`summary`, `width`, `frame`, `rules`, `border`, `cellspacing`, `cellpadding`). The next version will hopefully use all HTML attributes. * Bug fixes: * Crash on this line: (found by Aggelos Orfanakos) [test][]: * Regression with attribute system (found by Charles) #### Changes in 0.5.1 #### * Bug fixes: * Workaround for Internet Explorer bug: be very sure that `'` is always written as `'`. * Support for empty images ref: `![image]` and `![image][]`. * Fixed bug in parsing attribute lists definitions. * Minor things: * Now code blocks are written as a `` element inside a `
`, and
		`` elements have both `class` and `lang` attributes set 
		to the specified language.

{:lang=xml} #### Changes in 0.5.0 #### * Syntax changes: * Compatibility with newest Markdown.pl: `[text]` as a synonim of `[text][]`. * Meta data: the first IAL in a span environment now refers to the parent. This makes it possible to set attributes for cells: Head | Head | ---------------+-------+-- {:r} Hello + ... {:r: scope='row'} The first cell will have the `scope` attribute set to `row`. * New settings: * Disable the Maruku signature by setting `maruku signature: false` * Stricter doctype. By the way -- did I mention it? -- **Maruku HTML has always been proper validating XHTML strict** (if a page does not validate, please report it as a bug). Of course, this only matters when using `maruku` as a standalone program. * I have updated the XHTML DTD used to support MathML: currently using XHTML+MathML+SVG. * Content-type set to `application/xhtml+xml` * All entities are written as numeric entities. * Bug fixes * Many fixes in the code handling the sanitizing of inline HTML. * `markdown=1` did not propagate to children. * LaTeX: An exception was raised if an unknown entity was used. #### Changes in 0.4.2 #### * Adapted syntax to the [new meta-data proposal][proposal]. * Changes in LaTeX export: * Links to external URLs are blue by default. * New attributes: `latex_preamble` to add a custom preamble, and `latex_cjk` to add packages for UTF-8 Japanese characters. (**support for this is still shaky**). Example: Title: my document LaTeX CJK: true LaTeX preamble: preamble.tex Content * Bug fixes + Images were not given `id` or `class` attributes. + Fixed bug in LaTeX export with handling of `<`,`>` enclosed URLs: ``. #### Changes in 0.4.1 aka "Typographer" #### * Implemented SmartyPants support: 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' -- in the '90s --- while I was <>. She was 6\"12\'. > 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' -- in the '90s --- while I was <>. > She was 6\"12\'. I adapted the code from RubyPants. * Server directives between `` are properly preserved. * Changes in LaTeX export: * Now Japanese text rendering sort of works, using the following packages: \usepackage[C40]{fontenc} \usepackage[cjkjis]{ucs} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} Nevertheless, I could only get bitmap fonts working -- probably it's a problem with my setup. A quick test: 日本、中国、ひらがな、カタカナ。 * Fixed bugs in rendering of immediate links. * External packages are `require`d only if needed. * More symbols supported. See the symbol list [in HTML](http://maruku.rubyforge.org/entity_test.html) and [in PDF](http://maruku.rubyforge.org/entity_test.pdf). #### Changes in 0.4 #### * First implementation of [the new meta-data syntax][meta]. * General refactorization of the code and much cleaner error reporting. * Created [the RDOC documentation][rdoc]. * The `add_whitespace` method took too much time -- it was O(n^2). * Added unit-tests for block-level elements. [rdoc]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org/rdoc/ [meta]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org/proposal.html #### Changes in 0.3 #### * A real parser is used instead of a regexp-based system, also for span-level elements. Now Maruku is almost 2x faster than Bluecloth, while having more features. Here are some benchmarks: BlueCloth (to_html): parsing 0.00 sec + rendering 1.54 sec = 1.55 sec Maruku (to_html): parsing 0.47 sec + rendering 0.38 sec = 0.85 sec Maruku (to_latex): parsing 0.49 sec + rendering 0.25 sec = 0.73 sec This is the result of running `lib/maruku/tests/benchmark.rb` on the Markdown specification. * Prettier HTML output by adding whitespace. * Added a full suite of unit-tests for the span-level parser. * Error management: Having a real parser, Maruku warns you about syntax issues. The default action is to warn and try to continue. If you do this: Maruku.new(string, {:on_error => :raise}) then syntax errors will cause an exception to be raised (you can catch this and retry). * Fixed a series of bugs in handling inline HTML code. Immediate TODO-list: * UTF-8 input/output works OK for HTML, however I am having pain trying to export to LaTeX. I want at least Japanese characters support, so if you know how to do this you are very welcome to give me an hand. For example: in the HTML version, you should see accented characters in this parenthesis: > (àèìòù) and Japanese text in these other parentheses: > (カタカナで 私の 名前は アンドレア チェンシ です). > > (日本のガルは 大好き、でも、日本語は難しですから、そうぞ 英語話すガルを おしえてください). In the LaTeX version, these do not appear. I know how to do LaTeX with ISO-8859-1 encoding (European characters), but I'm struggling with half-baked solutions for UTF-8 encoded documents. * Implement the [new meta-data proposal][proposal]. * Exporting to Markdown (pretty printing). * Exporting to HTML splitting in multiple files. * RubyPants. * Support for images in PDF. [proposal]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org/proposal.html [contact]: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~acensi/contact.html [markdown-discuss]: http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/markdown-discuss [tracker]: http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?group_id=2795