3.0 set_electric_equipment_loads_by_epd b1d87b95-a6d1-4999-bd0d-16da879f4340 244a6e72-f587-4e16-af14-742f18490d2f 20190325T215956Z 5C8B3381 SetElectricEquipmentLoadsByEPD Set Electric Equipment loads by EPD Set the electric equipment power density (W/ft^2) in the to a specified value for all spaces that have electric equipment. This can be applied to the entire building or a specific space type. Cost can be added per floor area Delete all of the existing electric equipment in the model. Add electric equipment with the user defined electric equipment power density to all spaces that initially had electric equipment, using the schedule from the original electric equipment. If multiple electric equipment existed the schedule will be pulled from the one with the highest electric equipment power density value. Demolition costs from electric equipment removed by this measure can be included in the analysis. space_type Apply the Measure to a Specific Space Type or to the Entire Model Choice true false *Entire Building* {7ebe8c6a-1db3-4d95-b21f-1a3894199a8f} *Entire Building* epd Lighting Power Density (W/ft^2) Double true false 1 add_instance_all_spaces Add electric equipment to all spaces included in floor area, including spaces that did not originally include electric equipment Boolean true false false true true false false material_cost Material and Installation Costs for Lights per Floor Area ($/ft^2). Double true false 0 demolition_cost Demolition Costs for Lights per Floor Area ($/ft^2). Double true false 0 years_until_costs_start Years Until Costs Start (whole years). Integer true false 0 demo_cost_initial_const Demolition Costs Occur During Initial Construction? Boolean true false false true true false false expected_life Expected Life (whole years). Integer true false 20 om_cost O & M Costs for Lights per Floor Area ($/ft^2). Double true false 0 om_frequency O & M Frequency (whole years). Integer true false 1 Equipment.Electric Equipment Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean Measure Type ModelMeasure string EnvelopeAndLoadTestModel_01.osm osm test 10AA8866 EnvelopeAndLoadTestModel_01_Costed.osm osm test E025B7B3 LICENSE.md md license 9640B6CB HasSpaceWithNoLightsOrElec.osm osm test ECE1D347 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script DC629AF8 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 232D0477 README.md md readme 14295EFE ReplaceElectricEquipmentWithEPD_Test.rb rb test 86FD7316