/* * Copyright 2010, Wen Pu (dexterpu at gmail dot com) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * Check out http://www.cs.illinois.edu/homes/wenpu1/chatbox.html for document * * Depends on jquery.ui.core, jquery.ui.widiget, jquery.ui.effect * * Also uses some styles for jquery.ui.dialog * */ // TODO: implement destroy() (function($){ $.widget("ui.chatbox", { options: { id: null, //id for the DOM element title: null, // title of the chatbox user: null, // can be anything associated with this chatbox hidden: false, offset: 0, // relative to right edge of the browser window width: 230, // width of the chatbox height: 400, // height of the chatbox groupBox: false, //if a group Chatbox? video: 0, // height of the videoBox messageSent: function(id, user, msg){ // override this this.boxManager.addMsg(user.first_name, msg); }, boxClosed: function(id) {}, // called when the close icon is clicked boxManager: { // thanks to the widget factory facility // similar to http://alexsexton.com/?p=51 init: function(elem) { this.elem = elem; }, addMsg: function(peer, msg) { var self = this; var box = self.elem.uiChatboxLog; var e = document.createElement('div'); if((peer==null)||($(peer).html()=="")){ var fContent = msg } else { var fContent = "" + peer +": " + msg } $(e).html(fContent) .addClass("ui-chatbox-msg"); box.append(e); self._scrollToBottom(); if(!self.elem.uiChatboxTitlebar.hasClass("ui-state-focus") && !self.highlightLock) { self.highlightLock = true; self.highlightBox(); } }, highlightBox: function() { this.elem.uiChatbox.addClass("ui-state-highlight"); var self = this; //Get highlight color from css var dummy_element = $("

"); var options = {color: $(dummy_element).css("color")}; self.elem.uiChatboxTitlebar.effect("highlight", options, 300); if (((typeof mustBounceBoxForChatWindow == 'function')&&(mustBounceBoxForChatWindow(self)))||((typeof mustBounceBoxForChatWindow != 'function'))) { self.elem.uiChatbox.effect("bounce", {times:3}, 300, function(){ self.highlightLock = false; self._scrollToBottom(); }); } else { self.highlightLock = false; } }, toggleBox: function(show) { this.elem.uiChatbox.toggle(show); }, _scrollToBottom: function() { var box = this.elem.uiChatboxLog; box.scrollTop(box.get(0).scrollHeight); } } }, toggleContent: function(event) { this.uiChatboxContent.toggle(); if(this.uiChatboxContent.is(":visible")) { this.uiChatboxInputBox.focus(); } }, widget: function() { return this.uiChatbox }, _create: function(){ var self = this, options = self.options, title = options.title || "No Title", // chatbox uiChatbox = (self.uiChatbox = $('

')) .appendTo(document.body) .addClass('ui-widget ' + 'ui-corner-top ' + 'ui-chatbox' ) .attr('outline', 0) .focusin(function(){ // ui-state-highlight is not really helpful here self.uiChatbox.removeClass('ui-state-highlight'); self.uiChatboxTitlebar.addClass('ui-state-focus'); }) .focusout(function(){ self.uiChatboxTitlebar.removeClass('ui-state-focus'); }), // titlebar uiChatboxTitlebar = (self.uiChatboxTitlebar = $('
')) .addClass('ui-widget-header ' + 'ui-corner-top ' + 'ui-chatbox-titlebar ' + 'ui-dialog-header' // take advantage of dialog header style ) .click(function(event) { self.toggleContent(event); }) .appendTo(uiChatbox), uiChatboxTitle = (self.uiChatboxTitle = $('')) .html(title) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarClose = (self.uiChatboxTitlebarClose = $('')) .addClass('ui-corner-all ' + 'ui-chatbox-icon ' ) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function() {uiChatboxTitlebarClose.addClass('ui-state-hover');}, function() {uiChatboxTitlebarClose.removeClass('ui-state-hover');}) // .focus(function() { // uiChatboxTitlebarClose.addClass('ui-state-focus'); // }) // .blur(function() { // uiChatboxTitlebarClose.removeClass('ui-state-focus'); // }) .click(function(event) { uiChatbox.hide(); self.options.boxClosed(self.options.id); return false; }) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarCloseText = $('') .addClass('ui-icon-closethick ' + 'chat-thick ' + 'chat-closethick') .text('close') .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebarClose), uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize = (self.uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize = $('')) .addClass('ui-corner-all ' + 'ui-chatbox-icon' ) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function() {uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize.addClass('ui-state-hover');}, function() {uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize.removeClass('ui-state-hover');}) // .focus(function() { // uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize.addClass('ui-state-focus'); // }) // .blur(function() { // uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize.removeClass('ui-state-focus'); // }) .click(function(event) { self.toggleContent(event); return false; }) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarMinimizeText = $('') .addClass('ui-icon-minusthick ' + 'chat-thick ' + ' chat-minusthick') .text('minimize') .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebarMinimize), //Video Menu button uiChatboxTitlebarVideo = (self.uiChatboxTitlebarVideo = $('')) .addClass('ui-corner-all ' + 'ui-chatbox-icon' + ' ui-videobox-icon' ) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function() {uiChatboxTitlebarVideo.addClass('ui-state-hover');}, function() {uiChatboxTitlebarVideo.removeClass('ui-state-hover');}) .click(function(event) { toggleVideoBox(self) return false; }) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarVideoText = $('') .addClass('ui-icon-circle-triangle-e ' + 'chat-thick ' + ' chat-videothick' ) .text('video') .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebarVideo), //Change video-window Menu button uiChatboxTitlebarVideoChange = (self.uiChatboxTitlebarVideoChange = $('')) .addClass('ui-corner-all ' + 'ui-chatbox-icon' + ' ui-videobox-icon-change' ) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function() {uiChatboxTitlebarVideoChange.addClass('ui-state-hover');}, function() {uiChatboxTitlebarVideoChange.removeClass('ui-state-hover');}) .click(function(event) { toggleVideoBoxChange(self) return false; }) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarVideoText = $('') .addClass('ui-icon-newwin ' + 'chat-thick ' + ' chat-videoPublisherthick' ) .text('') .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebarVideoChange), //Games Menu button uiChatboxTitlebarGames = (self.uiChatboxTitlebarGames = $('')) .addClass('ui-corner-all ' + 'ui-chatbox-icon' + ' ui-games-icon' ) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function() {uiChatboxTitlebarGames.addClass('ui-state-hover');}, function() {uiChatboxTitlebarGames.removeClass('ui-state-hover');}) .click(function(event) { PRESENCE.GAME.INTERFACE.pickGamesButton(self) return false; }) .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebar), uiChatboxTitlebarGamesText = $('') .addClass('ui-icon-star ' + 'chat-thick ' + ' chat-gamesthick' ) .text('') .appendTo(uiChatboxTitlebarGames), // content uiChatboxContent = (self.uiChatboxContent = $('
')) .addClass('ui-widget-content ' + 'ui-chatbox-content ' ) .appendTo(uiChatbox), //Notification div uiChatboxNotify = (self.uiChatboxNotify = $('
')) .addClass('ui-widget-content ' + 'ui-chatbox-notify' ) .click(function(event) { onClickChatNotification(self.uiChatboxNotify) }) .appendTo(uiChatboxContent), //VideoBox div uiVideobox = (self.uiVideobox = $('
')) .addClass('ui-widget-content ' + 'ui-videobox' ) .click(function(event) { // anything? }) .appendTo(uiChatboxContent), //ChatBoxLog uiChatboxLog = (self.uiChatboxLog = self.element) //.show() .addClass('ui-widget-content '+ 'ui-chatbox-log' ) .appendTo(uiChatboxContent), uiChatboxInput = (self.uiChatboxInput = $('
')) .addClass('ui-widget-content ' + 'ui-chatbox-input' ) .click(function(event) { // anything? }) .appendTo(uiChatboxContent), uiChatboxInputBox = (self.uiChatboxInputBox = $('')) .addClass('ui-widget-content ' + 'ui-chatbox-input-box ' + 'ui-corner-all' ) .appendTo(uiChatboxInput) .keydown(function(event) { if(event.keyCode && event.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { var userChatDataInputControlBoolean = (((typeof userChatDataInputControl == 'function')&&(userChatDataInputControl()))||((typeof userChatDataInputControl != 'function'))); if (userChatDataInputControlBoolean) { msg = $.trim($(this).val()); if (msg.length > 0) { self.options.messageSent(self.options.id, self.options.user, msg); } $(this).val(''); } return false; } }) .focusin(function() { uiChatboxInputBox.addClass('ui-chatbox-input-focus'); var box = $(this).parent().prev(); box.scrollTop(box.get(0).scrollHeight); }) .focusout(function() { uiChatboxInputBox.removeClass('ui-chatbox-input-focus'); }); // disable selection uiChatboxTitlebar.find('*').add(uiChatboxTitlebar).disableSelection(); // switch focus to input box when whatever clicked uiChatboxContent.children().click(function(){ // click on any children, set focus on input box self.uiChatboxInputBox.focus(); }); self._setWidth(self.options.width); self._setHeight(self.options.height); self._setVideo(self.options.video); self._position(self.options.offset); self.options.boxManager.init(self); if(!self.options.hidden) { uiChatbox.show(); } }, _setOption: function(option, value) { if(value != null){ switch(option) { case "hidden": if(value) { this.uiChatbox.hide(); } else { this.uiChatbox.show(); } break; case "offset": this._position(value); break; case "width": this._setWidth(value); break; case "height": this._setHeight(value); break; case "video": this._setVideo(value); break; case "groupBox": this._setGroupBox(value); break; } } $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments); }, _setWidth: function(width) { this.uiChatboxTitlebar.width(width + "px"); this.uiChatboxLog.width(width + "px"); // this is a hack, but i can live with it so far this.uiChatboxInputBox.css("width", (width - 14) + "px"); }, _setHeight: function(height) { this.uiChatboxLog.height(height + "px"); }, _setGroupBox: function(groupBox) { this.uiChatboxLog.groupBox(groupBox); }, _setVideo: function(videoHeight) { this.uiVideobox.height(videoHeight + "px"); if (videoHeight==0){ this.uiVideobox.hide(); } else { this.uiVideobox.show(); } }, _position: function(offset) { this.uiChatbox.css("right", offset); } }); }(jQuery));