require 'yargraph' class Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter include Bio::FinishM::Logging # connections is an Enumerable of Probe object , sequences is a hash of name => DNA string def initialize(connections, sequence_ids) @graph = @circular_probes = [] @sequence_ids = sequence_ids # Setup hash of setable to original # Assume there is only 1 connection between two contig ends @connection_hash = {} connections.each do |conn| key = conn.to_settable raise "Duplicate connections not handled (yet?), found #{conn} => #{key}" if @connection_hash.key?(key) @connection_hash[key] = conn end # Add connections connections.each do |conn| if conn.probe1.to_settable == conn.probe2.to_settable @circular_probes.push con..probe1 else @graph.add_edge conn.probe1.to_settable, conn.probe2.to_settable end end log.debug "Created a graph with #{@graph.vertices.to_a.length} vertices and #{@graph.edges.length} edges" if log.debug? end def connections @connection_hash.values end # Return sequences that exclusively connect the start to the end. In particular, # return an Array of sequence names def circular_sequences to_return = [] connections.each do |conn| if conn.probe1.sequence_index == conn.probe2.sequence_index and conn.probe1.side != conn.probe2.side and @graph.edges[conn.probe1.to_settable].length == 1 and @graph.edges[conn.probe2.to_settable].length == 1 to_return.push conn.probe1.sequence_index end end return to_return end # Return an Array of Connection objects that represent edges where # there is only a single connection from both side def doubly_single_contig_connections likelies = [] already_seen_connections = @graph.vertices.each do |v| # If there is only 1 connection on both sides, then go with that neighbours = @graph.neighbours(v) log.debug "Testing connection between #{v} and #{neighbours}" if neighbours.length == 1 and @graph.neighbours(neighbours[0]).length == 1 log.debug "Connection passed the doubly-test" if log.debug? neighbour = neighbours[0] conn = conn.probe1 = conn.probe2 = settable = conn.to_settable # Record the connection unless it is duplicate unless already_seen_connections.include?(settable) likelies.push @connection_hash[settable] already_seen_connections << settable end end end return likelies end # Single linkage cluster the likely_inter_contig_connections # and the start to ends for each of the contigs. Assumes def scaffolds(contig_connections) # It is like an (easy) # assembly problem because each vertex can only be connected to # two others - 1 intra-contig and 1 inter-contig (unless it is circular) likelies_edge_set = contig_connections.each do |conn| likelies_edge_set.add_edge conn.probe1.to_settable, conn.probe2.to_settable end scaffolded_paths = [] circular_single_contigs = # while there is more elements in the likelies set, # 'pop' an arbitrary edge out of the graph while starting_edge = likelies_edge_set.pop log.debug "starting to scaffold from #{starting_edge}" if log.debug? # Ignore likelies that are circular if starting_edge[0][0] == starting_edge[1][0] log.debug "Not scaffolding contig #{starting_edge[0][0] } since it appears to be circular" if log.debug? circular_single_contigs << starting_edge[0][0] next end circular = false # go 'left'. Connect the other side of the left. lefts = [[0])] rights = [[1])] log.debug "rights was #{rights[0].to_s}" if log.debug? # while there is another node to the left while next_probe = likelies_edge_set[lefts[-1].companion.to_settable].to_a[0] next_probe_probe = companion = lefts[-1].companion likelies_edge_set.delete next_probe, companion.to_settable if next_probe_probe.companion.to_settable == rights[0].to_settable log.debug "Found multi-contig circularity between #{next_probe_probe.companion} and #{rights[0] }" if log.debug? circular = true break end lefts.push companion lefts.push next_probe_probe log.debug "Adding node to the left: #{next_probe} and companion #{companion}" if log.debug? end # and go right while next_probe = likelies_edge_set[rights[-1].companion.to_settable].to_a[0] companion = rights[-1].companion rights.push companion rights.push log.debug "Adding node to the right: #{next_probe} and companion #{companion}" if log.debug? likelies_edge_set.delete next_probe, companion.to_settable end # Add the left and the right together into one path scaffolded_paths.push( [lefts[-1].companion]+ lefts.reverse+ rights+ [rights[-1].companion], circular) ) end if log.debug? log.debug "Found #{scaffolded_paths.length} multi-contig scaffold(s):" scaffolded_paths.each do |path| log.debug "Scaffold: #{path.collect{|e| e.to_s}.join(', ') }" end end # for each scaffolded set, create new scaffold object scaffolds = [] scaffolded_contigs = scaffolded_paths.each do |path| raise if path.length % 2 != 0 scaffold = scaffold.circular = path.circular previous_probe = nil path.each_with_index do |probe, i| if i % 2 == 1 previous_probe = probe next end contig = contig.sequence_index = probe.sequence_index if probe.side == :start contig.direction = true else contig.direction = false end scaffold.contigs ||= [] unless scaffold.contigs.empty? dummy_conn = dummy_conn.probe1 = previous_probe dummy_conn.probe2 = probe original_connection = @connection_hash[dummy_conn.to_settable] scaffold.gap_lengths.push original_connection.distance end scaffold.contigs.push contig scaffolded_contigs << probe.sequence_index end scaffolds.push scaffold end # for each contig that is not in a contig, add as singleton @sequence_ids.each do |i| unless scaffolded_contigs.include?(i) scaff = contig = contig.sequence_index = i contig.direction = true scaff.contigs = [contig] if circular_single_contigs.include?(i) scaff.circular = true else scaff.circular = false end scaffolds.push scaff end end return scaffolds end # Assuming the sequence_ids given in the initialize # are the same as the sequence_index def unconnected_probes observed_connections = connections.each do |conn| observed_connections << conn.probe1.to_settable observed_connections << conn.probe2.to_settable end to_return = [] @sequence_ids.each do |index| [:start, :end].each do |side| probe = probe.sequence_index = index probe.side = side unless observed_connections.include?(probe.to_settable) to_return.push probe end end end return to_return end # Return an Array of sequence indices that did not have any connections # to any others. def unconnected_sequences observed_sequences = connections.each do |conn| observed_sequences << conn.probe1.sequence_index observed_sequences << conn.probe2.sequence_index end return @sequence_ids.to_a - observed_sequences.to_a end class Connection # Probe objects attr_accessor :probe1, :probe2 attr_accessor :distance def to_s [@probe1, @probe2].join('/')+":#{@distance}" end def to_settable if @probe1.sequence_index < @probe2.sequence_index return [@probe1.to_settable, @probe2.to_settable].flatten elsif @probe1.sequence_index == @probe2.sequence_index if @probe1.side < @probe2.side return [@probe1.to_settable, @probe2.to_settable].flatten else return [@probe2.to_settable, @probe1.to_settable].flatten end else return [@probe2.to_settable, @probe1.to_settable].flatten end end end class Probe attr_accessor :side #:start or :end attr_accessor :sequence_index #ID of the underlying sequence as an Integer def initialize(settable_representation=nil) unless settable_representation.nil? @sequence_index = settable_representation[0] @side = settable_representation[1] end end def to_settable [@sequence_index, @side] end def to_s side = @side == :start ? 's' : 'e' "#{@sequence_index}#{side}" end # Return a probe representing the other side of the contig def companion companion = companion.sequence_index = @sequence_index companion.side = @side == :start ? :end : :start return companion end end class Scaffold attr_accessor :contigs, :gap_lengths attr_accessor :circular def circular? @circular end def initialize @contigs = [] @gap_lengths = [] end def sequence(sequence_id_to_nucleotides_hash) raise "Programming error" unless @contigs.length == @gap_lengths.length + 1 parts = [] add_sequence_of = lambda do |contig| seq = sequence_id_to_nucleotides_hash[contig.sequence_index] if contig.direction == true parts.push seq elsif contig.direction == false parts.push else raise "Programming error" end end @contigs[0] @gap_lengths.each_with_index do |gap_length, i| parts.push 'N'*gap_length @contigs[i+1] end return parts.join('') end end class UnscaffoldedContig attr_accessor :sequence_index, :direction end class PossiblyCircularArray < Array attr_accessor :circular def initialize(array, circular) @circular = circular super(array) end end end