= editing_mode = simple_form_for @group do |f| .form-group = f.input :name, as: :string, required: false, label: 'Team name' .form-group %label.form-label-bold{ for: :group_description } Team description %p.form-hint= info_text('hint_team_description') = f.input :description, label: false, input_html: { class: 'wider' } .form-group %label.form-label-bold{ for: :group_responsibilities } Team responsibilities (optional) %p.form-hint= info_text('hint_team_responsibilities') = f.input :responsibilities, label: false, input_html: { class: 'wider' } - if @group.editable_parent? .form-group.group-parent.editable-container - if params[:group_id] = f.input :parent_id, as: :hidden - else %label.form-label-bold Team parent %p.form-hint Use this to change where in the organisation this team is located. .editable-fields{ style: ('display:none' unless @group.new_record?) } = render layout: 'peoplefinder/shared/org_browser' do = f.input :parent_id, as: :hidden -unless @group.new_record? .editable-summary.parent-summary - if @group.parent .title= breadcrumbs(@group.parent.path) .cta= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'show-editable-fields' .form-group %label.form-label-bold{ for: :group_team_email_address } Team email address %p.form-hint= info_text('hint_team_email_address') = f.input :team_email_address, as: :string, required: false, label: false .form-group = f.button :submit .cancel - if @group.new_record? = link_to 'Cancel', :back - else = link_to 'Cancel', @group