# encoding: UTF-8 # # = Configuration # # == This is the global Alchemy configuration file # Please override your apps settings in your config/alchemy/config.yml file. # You can use a handy rake task to generate it. # # rake alchemy:app_structure:create:config # The amount of time of inactivity in minutes after which the user is kicked out of his current session. # Only active in production environment!!! :auto_logout_time: 30 # === Redirect options # redirect_index: You can set to redirect (an 301 permanent, for all you SEO geeks ^_^) to first child page (typically the homepage) the index/intro page if it's not visible. # So you don't get an 404 error if the language root page is not visible. # redirect_to_public_child: Alchemy redirects to the first public child page found, if a page is not visible. :redirect_index: true :redirect_to_public_child: true # Enabling the Ferret fulltext search engine. # Tip! For best performance and stability install a crontab that reindexes ferrets search index periodly. # Example: cd ~/html/alchemy/current && RAILS_ENV=production rake ferret:rebuild_index :ferret: true # === Pagecaching # Enable/Disable pagecaching globally. # Hint: You can enable/disable page caching for single Alchemy::PageLayouts in the page_layout.yml file. :cache_pages: true # === Sitemap # Alchemy renders a nice HTML (