require 'singleton' require 'praxis/extensions/field_selection' module Praxis module Plugins module MapperPlugin include Praxis::PluginConcern # The Mapper plugin is an overarching set of things to include in your application # when you want to use the rendring, field_selection, filtering (and potentially pagination) extensions # To use the plugin, set it up like any other plugin by registering to the bootloader. # Typically you'd do that in environment.rb, inside the `Praxis::Application.configure do |application|` block, by: # application.bootloader.use Praxis::Plugins::MapperPlugin # # The plugin accepts only 1 configuration option thus far, which you can set inside the same block as: # application.config.mapper.debug_queries = true # when debug_queries is set to true, the system will output information about the expanded fields # and associations that the system ihas calculated necessary to pull from the DB, based on the requested # API fields, API filters and `property` dependencies defined in the domain models (i.e., resources) class Plugin < Praxis::Plugin include Singleton def config_key :mapper end def load_config! {} # override the default one, since we don't necessarily want to configure it via a yaml file. end def prepare_config!(node) node.attributes do attribute :debug_queries, Attributor::Boolean, default: false, description: 'Weather or not to log debug information about queries executed in the build_query automation module' end end end module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Praxis::Extensions::Rendering include Praxis::Extensions::FieldExpansion end def build_query(base_query) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize domain_model = self.media_type&.domain_model raise "No domain model defined for #{}. Cannot use the attribute filtering helpers without it" unless domain_model filters = request.params.filters if request.params&.respond_to?(:filters) # Handle filters base_query = domain_model.craft_filter_query( base_query , filters: filters ) # Handle field and nested field selection base_query = domain_model.craft_field_selection_query(base_query, selectors: selector_generator.selectors) # handle pagination and ordering if the pagination extention is included base_query = domain_model.craft_pagination_query(base_query, pagination: _pagination) if self.respond_to?(:_pagination) base_query end def selector_generator return unless self.media_type.respond_to?(:domain_model) && self.media_type.domain_model < Praxis::Mapper::Resource @selector_generator ||= \, self.expanded_fields) end end end end end