# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### # wxRuby3 interface Director class ### require 'ostruct' require 'set' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' require 'json' require 'monitor' require_relative './config' require_relative './extractor' require_relative './streams' require_relative './swig_runner' require_relative './util/string' require_relative './core/spec' require_relative './core/package' require_relative './core/mapping' module WXRuby3 class Director include MonitorMixin include Util::StringUtil AnyOf = Config::AnyOf class << self def Package(pkgid, *required_features, depends_on: [], &block) block.call(self[pkgid].requires(*required_features).depends_on(*depends_on.collect { |pid| self[pid] })) end def Spec(pkg, modname, name: nil, director: nil, processors: nil, requirements: []) pkg.add_director(WXRuby3::Director::Spec.new(pkg, modname, name: name, director: director, processors: processors, requirements: requirements)) end def AnyOf(*features) Director::AnyOf.new(*features) end def verbose? Config.instance.verbose? end def trace? Config.instance.verbosity>1 end private def package(pkgname) packages[pkgname] ||= Package.new(pkgname) end def scan_for_includes(file) incs = [] File.read(file).scan(/^%include\s+["'](.*?)["']\s*$/) do |_inc| # exclude SWIG standard typemaps include incs << File.join(File.dirname(file), $1) unless $1 == 'typemaps.i' end incs end def get_common_dependencies mods = ["#{WXRuby3.config.swig_dir}/wx.i"] .concat(WXRuby3.config.helper_modules.collect { |m| "#{WXRuby3.config.swig_dir}/#{m}.i" }) .concat(WXRuby3.config.include_modules) common_deps = mods.inject({}) do |hash, mod| hash[mod] = scan_for_includes(mod); hash end common_deps.keys.each do |incmod| common_deps[incmod].concat(common_deps[incmod].collect { |dep| common_deps[dep] || [] }.flatten) end common_deps end public def packages @packages ||= {} end def each_package(&block) packages.each_value do |pkg| pkg.each_package(&block) if Package.full_docs? || Config.instance.features_set?(*pkg.required_features) end end def all_packages active_pkgs = packages.values.select { |pkg| Config.instance.features_set?(*pkg.required_features) } ::Enumerator::Chain.new(*active_pkgs.collect { |pkg| pkg.all_packages }) end def all_director_names all_packages.collect { |pkg| pkg.included_directors.collect { |dir| dir.spec.module_name } }.flatten end def common_dependencies @common_deps ||= get_common_dependencies end def [](pkg) pkg.split('::').inject(self) { |p, pkgnm| p.__send__(:package, pkgnm) } end def cpp_flags(cpp_src) each_package do |pkg| return pkg.cpp_flags if pkg.all_cpp_files.include?(cpp_src) end '' end def source_file @source_file ||= __FILE__ end def source_file=(v) @source_file = v end def handle_subclassing(sub) sub.class_eval do def self.inherited(subsub) subsub.source_file = Pathname(caller_locations.first.absolute_path).relative_path_from(Pathname(Config.wxruby_root)).to_s Director.handle_subclassing(subsub) end end end def enum_cache_path File.join(Config.instance.common_path, 'enums.json') end def enum_cache_control_path File.join(Config.instance.common_path, 'enums.json.done') end ENUM_CACHE_MTX = ::Mutex.new def update_enum_cache(dir) ENUM_CACHE_MTX.synchronize do @enum_cache['directors'] << dir.spec.module_name unless @enum_cache['directors'].include?(dir.spec.module_name) Stream.transaction do f = Stream.new(enum_cache_path) f << JSON.pretty_generate(@enum_cache) end end end def check_enum_cache ENUM_CACHE_MTX.synchronize do unless @enum_cache if File.exist?(enum_cache_path) @enum_cache = JSON.load(File.read(enum_cache_path)) end unless @enum_cache @enum_cache = { "directors" => [], "enums" => {} } end Extractor::EnumDef.enums(@enum_cache['enums']) end end end def validate_enum_cache if File.exist?(enum_cache_path) enum_cache = JSON.load(File.read(enum_cache_path)) dir_names = all_director_names return enum_cache['directors'].size == dir_names.size && all_director_names.all? { |nm| enum_cache['directors'].include?(nm) } end false end end def self.inherited(sub) sub.source_file = Pathname(caller_locations.first.absolute_path).relative_path_from(Pathname(Config.wxruby_root)).to_s Director.handle_subclassing(sub) end def initialize(spec) super() @spec = spec @defmod = nil @type_maps = nil setup end attr_reader :spec, :defmod def type_maps # delayed initialization of typemaps (only when requested the first time) unless @type_maps @type_maps = Typemap::Collection.new create_typemaps end @type_maps end def has_events? @defmod.items.any? {|item| Extractor::ClassDef === item && (item.event || item.event_list) } end def extract_interface(genint = true, gendoc: false) self.synchronize do unless @defmod Director.check_enum_cache # check and possibly init/load enum cache STDERR.puts "* extracting #{spec.module_name}" if Director.verbose? @defmod = process(gendoc: gendoc) Director.update_enum_cache(self) # update enum list cache register end end if genint generator.run end end def rake_file File.join(Config.instance.rake_deps_path, ".#{spec.name}.rake") end def source_files list = [Pathname(Director.source_file).relative_path_from(Pathname(WXRuby3::Config.wxruby_root)).to_s] kls = self.class while kls != Director list << kls.source_file kls = kls.superclass end list end def create_rakefile # make sure XML specs have been extracted extract_interface(false) # no need to generate anything yet # create dependencies rake_generator.run end def generate_code extract_interface(false) # make sure interface specs have been extracted SwigRunner.process(self) end def generate_doc extract_interface(false, gendoc: true) # make sure interface specs have been extracted doc_generator.run end protected def setup # noop end def handle_item_ignore(defmod, fullname, ignore, ignoredoc) action = (ignore==false) ? 'regard' : 'ignore' # find the item item = defmod.find_item(fullname) if item # set the item's ignore flags item.ignore(ignore, ignore_doc: ignoredoc) # in case we looked up a function without arg mask also set the ignore flags of any overloads if Extractor::FunctionDef === item && !fullname.index('(') item.overloads.each {|ovl| ovl.ignore(ignore, ignore_doc: ignoredoc) } end else STDERR.puts "INFO: Cannot find '#{fullname}' (module '#{spec.module_name}') to #{action}." end end def handle_item_readonly(defmod, fullname) # find the item item = defmod.find_item(fullname) if item if Extractor::VariableDef === item item.no_setter = true else STDERR.puts "ERROR: Invalid item [#{item}]. Only variables can be made readonly." end else STDERR.puts "INFO: Cannot find '#{fullname}' (module '#{spec.module_name}') to make readonly." end end def handle_item_event_overrides(defmod, clsnm, overrides) # find the item item = defmod.find_item(clsnm) if Extractor::ClassDef === item overrides.each_pair do |evt, spec| # remove overridden spec item.event_types.delete_if { |evt_hnd, _, _, _| evt_hnd == evt.upcase } # add new spec item.event_types << [evt.upcase, *spec] end else STDERR.puts "ERROR: Invalid item [#{item}]. Only classes can have ignored events." end end def handle_item_rename(defmod, fullname, rb_name) # find the item unless (item = defmod.find_item(fullname)) # if we can't find the item based on exact naming check if the class for # this class member (in case it is) has folded base that might match # get class and method signature clsnm, mtdsig = fullname.split('::').pop(2) unless mtdsig.nil? || (foldedbases = spec.folded_bases[clsnm] || []).empty? foldedbases.detect { |base| item = defmod.find_item("#{base}::#{mtdsig}") } end end if item if Extractor::FunctionDef === item && !fullname.index('(') # in case a function/method is renamed without a full signature spec rename ALL overloads similarly item.all.each do |ovl| ovl.rb_name = rb_name end else item.rb_name = rb_name end else STDERR.puts "INFO: Cannot find '#{fullname}' (module '#{spec.module_name}') to rename." if Director.trace? end end def handle_duplicate_const_overloads(cls) cls.methods.each do |mtd| unless mtd.is_ctor || mtd.is_dtor || mtd.is_operator || !mtd.has_overloads # ignore any non-const overloads which match a const overload with the same signature # and only differ in returning a non-const type vs a const type # (as Ruby has no notion of const types these are essentially the same when wrapped) non_const_ovls = mtd.all.select { |ovl| !ovl.ignored && !ovl.is_const } unless non_const_ovls.empty? mtd.all.select { |ovl| !ovl.ignored && ovl.is_const }.each do |const_ovl| non_const_ovl = non_const_ovls.find { |nco| !nco.ignored && nco.argument_list.strip == const_ovl.argument_list.strip } if non_const_ovl && non_const_ovl.type.strip == const_ovl.type.sub('const ', '').strip non_const_ovl.ignore end end end end end end def process(gendoc: false) # extract the module definitions defmod = Extractor.extract_module(spec.package, spec.module_name, spec.name, spec.items, gendoc: gendoc) # handle ignores spec.ignores.each_pair do |fullname, ignore_spec| handle_item_ignore(defmod, fullname, ignore_spec[:ignore], ignore_spec[:ignore_doc]) end # handle regards spec.regards.each_pair do |fullname, regarddoc| handle_item_ignore(defmod, fullname, false, !regarddoc) end # handle readonly settings spec.readonly.each do |name| handle_item_readonly(defmod, name) end # handle event(handler)s overrides spec.event_overrides.each_pair do |clsnm, overrides| handle_item_event_overrides(defmod, clsnm, overrides) end # handle renames for ruby (for doc purposes) spec.renames.each_pair do |rb_name, names| names.each { |fullname| handle_item_rename(defmod, fullname, rb_name) } end # handle class specified includes defmod.classes.each do |cls| unless cls.ignored spec.includes.merge(cls.includes) unless cls.includes.empty? end end # prevent unnecessary code bloat defmod.classes.each do |cls| unless cls.ignored handle_duplicate_const_overloads(cls) end end # TODO - should we just ignore all deprecations? # create deprecated function proxies unless deprecates suppressed unless Config.instance.no_deprecate defmod.items.select {|i| !i.ignored }.each do |item| case item when Extractor::ClassDef clsnm = spec.class_name(item.name) item.items.each do |member| if Extractor::MethodDef === member member.all.each do |ovl| if !ovl.ignored && ovl.deprecated is_void = (ovl.type && !ovl.type=='void') spec.add_extend_code clsnm, <<~__HEREDOC #{ovl.is_static ? 'static ' : ''}#{ovl.type} #{ovl.name}#{ovl.args_string} { std::wcerr << "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{ovl.is_static ? 'static ' : ''}#{ovl.type} #{clsnm}::#{ovl.name}#{ovl.args_string}" << std::endl; #{is_void ? '' : 'return '}$self->#{ovl.name}(#{ovl.parameters.collect {|p| p.name}.join(',')}); } __HEREDOC end end end end when Extractor::FunctionDef if item.deprecated is_void = (item.type && !item.type=='void') spec.add_swig_code <<~__HEREDOC // auto-generated deprecation function wrapper #{item.type} #{item.name}#{item.args_string} { std::wcerr << "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{item.type} #{item.name}#{item.args_string}" << std::endl; #{is_void ? '' : 'return '}#{item.name}(#{item.parameters.collect {|p| p.name}.join(',')}); } __HEREDOC end end end end defmod end def register helper = DirectorSpecsHelper::Simple.new(self) mreg = {} helper.def_items.each do |item| if Extractor::ClassDef === item && !item.ignored && !helper.is_folded_base?(item.name) clsnm = helper.class_name(item) mreg[clsnm] = helper.base_class(item) Spec.class_index[clsnm] = helper end Spec.module_registry[helper.module_name] = mreg end end private :register def generator WXRuby3::InterfaceGenerator.new(self) end def doc_generator WXRuby3::DocGenerator.new(self) end def rake_generator RakeDependencyGenerator.new(self) end class FixedInterface < Director def extract_interface(genint = nil) # noop end end end # class Director end # module WXRuby3 Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'typemap', '*.rb')).each do |fn| require fn end # include this before loading any derived directors WXRuby3::Director.include(WXRuby3::Typemap::Common) Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'generate', '*.rb')).each do |fn| require fn end Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'director', '*.rb')).each do |fn| require fn end require_relative './specs/interfaces'