require "xml/xslt_lib"
module XML
class XSLT
@@extFunctions = {}
# sets up a block for callback when the XPath function
# namespace:name( ... ) is encountered in a stylesheet.
# XML::XSLT.registerExtFunc(namespace_uri, name) do |*args|
# puts args.inspect
# end
# XPath arguments are converted to Ruby objects accordingly:
# number (eg. 1):: Float
# boolean (eg. false()):: TrueClass/FalseClass
# nodeset (eg. /entry/*):: Array of REXML::Elements
# variable (eg. $var):: UNIMPLEMENTED
# It works the same in the other direction, eg. if the block
# returns an array of REXML::Elements the value of the function
# will be a nodeset.
# Note: currently, passing a nodeset to Ruby or REXML::Elements to
# libxslt serializes the nodes and then parses them. Doing this
# with large sets is a bad idea. In the future they'll be passed
# back and forth using Ruby's libxml2 bindings.
def self.registerExtFunc(namespace, name, &block)
@@extFunctions[namespace] ||= {}
@@extFunctions[namespace][name] = block
XML::XSLT.registerFunction(namespace, name)
# deprecated, see +registerExtFunc+
def self.extFunction(name, ns_uri, receiver) #:nodoc:
self.registerExtFunc(ns_uri, name) do |*args|
receiver.send(name.gsub(/-/, "_"), *args)
# registers a block to be called when libxml2 or libxslt encounter an error
# eg:
# XML::XSLT.registerErrorHandler do |error_str|
# $stderr.puts error_str
# end
def self.registerErrorHandler(&block)
@@error_handler = block
# set up default error handler
self.registerErrorHandler do |error_str|
$stderr.puts error_str
alias :media_type :mediaType
class <