if defined?(DataMapper) namespace :dm do namespace :auto do desc "Perform automigration (reset your db data)" task :migrate => :environment do ::DataMapper.auto_migrate! puts "<= dm:auto:migrate executed" end desc "Perform non destructive automigration" task :upgrade => :environment do ::DataMapper.auto_upgrade! puts "<= dm:auto:upgrade executed" end end namespace :migrate do task :load => :environment do require 'dm-migrations/migration_runner' FileList["db/migrate/*.rb"].each do |migration| load migration end end desc "Migrate up using migrations" task :up, [:version] => :load do |t, args| version = args[:version] || ENV['VERSION'] migrate_up!(version) puts "<= dm:migrate:up #{version} executed" end desc "Migrate down using migrations" task :down, [:version] => :load do |t, args| version = args[:version] || ENV['VERSION'] migrate_down!(version) puts "<= dm:migrate:down #{version} executed" end end desc "Migrate the database to the latest version" task :migrate => 'dm:migrate:up' desc "Create the database" task :create => :environment do config = DataMapper.repository.adapter.options.symbolize_keys user, password, host = config[:user], config[:password], config[:host] database = config[:database] || config[:path].sub(/\//, "") charset = config[:charset] || ENV['CHARSET'] || 'utf8' collation = config[:collation] || ENV['COLLATION'] || 'utf8_unicode_ci' puts "=> Creating database '#{database}'" case config[:adapter] when 'postgres' system("createdb", "-E", charset, "-h", host, "-U", user, database) puts "<= dm:create executed" when 'mysql' query = [ "mysql", "--user=#{user}", (password.blank? ? '' : "--password=#{password}"), (%w[ localhost].include?(host) ? '-e' : "--host=#{host} -e"), "CREATE DATABASE #{database} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET #{charset} DEFAULT COLLATE #{collation}".inspect ] system(query.compact.join(" ")) puts "<= dm:create executed" when 'sqlite3' DataMapper.setup(DataMapper.repository.name, config) else raise "Adapter #{config[:adapter]} not supported for creating databases yet." end end desc "Drop the database (postgres and mysql only)" task :drop => :environment do config = DataMapper.repository.adapter.options.symbolize_keys user, password, host = config[:user], config[:password], config[:host] database = config[:database] || config[:path].sub(/\//, "") puts "=> Dropping database '#{database}'" case config[:adapter] when 'postgres' system("dropdb", "-h", host, "-U", user, database) puts "<= dm:drop executed" when 'mysql' query = [ "mysql", "--user=#{user}", (password.blank? ? '' : "--password=#{password}"), (%w[ localhost].include?(host) ? '-e' : "--host=#{host} -e"), "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{database}".inspect ] system(query.compact.join(" ")) puts "<= dm:drop executed" when 'sqlite3' File.delete(config[:path]) if File.exist?(config[:path]) else raise "Adapter #{config[:adapter]} not supported for dropping databases yet." end end desc "Drop the database, migrate from scratch and initialize with the seed data" task :reset => [:drop, :setup] desc "Create the database migrate and initialize with the seed data" task :setup => [:create, :migrate, :seed] end end