# CloudsmithApi::RepositoryWebhookRequest ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **events** | **Array<String>** | | **is_active** | **BOOLEAN** | If enabled, the webhook will trigger on subscribed events and send payloads to the configured target URL. | [optional] **package_query** | **String** | The package-based search query for webhooks to fire. This uses the same syntax as the standard search used for repositories, and also supports boolean logic operators such as OR/AND/NOT and parentheses for grouping. If a package does not match, the webhook will not fire. | [optional] **request_body_format** | **Integer** | The format of the payloads for webhook requests. | [optional] **request_body_template_format** | **Integer** | The format of the payloads for webhook requests. | [optional] **request_content_type** | **String** | The value that will be sent for the 'Content Type' header. | [optional] **secret_header** | **String** | The header to send the predefined secret in. This must be unique from existing headers or it won't be sent. You can use this as a form of authentication on the endpoint side. | [optional] **secret_value** | **String** | The value for the predefined secret (note: this is treated as a passphrase and is encrypted when we store it). You can use this as a form of authentication on the endpoint side. | [optional] **signature_key** | **String** | The value for the signature key - This is used to generate an HMAC-based hex digest of the request body, which we send as the X-Cloudsmith-Signature header so that you can ensure that the request wasn't modified by a malicious party (note: this is treated as a passphrase and is encrypted when we store it). | [optional] **target_url** | **String** | The destination URL that webhook payloads will be POST'ed to. | **templates** | [**Array<WebhookTemplate>**](WebhookTemplate.md) | | **verify_ssl** | **BOOLEAN** | If enabled, SSL certificates is verified when webhooks are sent. It's recommended to leave this enabled as not verifying the integrity of SSL certificates leaves you susceptible to Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks. | [optional]