module Shop module Tags module Card CARD_TYPES = { 'visa' => 'Visa', 'master' => 'Master Card', 'diners' => 'Diners Club', 'amex' => 'American Express' } include Radiant::Taggable tag 'form:card' do |tag| tag.expand end # Outputs a list of credit card types desc %{ Outputs a list of credit card types } tag 'form:card:type' do |tag| content = %{
\n} cards = {} cards.merge! CARD_TYPES cards.reject! { |k,v| tag.attr['except'].split(',').include? k } if tag.attr['except'].present? cards.reject! { |k,v| !tag.attr['only'].split(',').include? k }if tag.attr['only'].present? cards.sort.reverse.each do |k, v| content << %{\n} content << %{\n} end content << %{
} end # Outputs a list of months for credit cards desc %{ Outputs a list of months for credit cards } tag 'form:card:month' do |tag| content = %{} end # Ouputs a list of years for credit cards desc %{ Ouputs a list of years for credit cards } tag 'form:card:year' do |tag| content = %{} end end end end