@import "hacks"; @import "base/normalize"; @import "base/reset"; @import "base/hybrid"; @import "base/h5bp"; // protect against multiple resets $RESET_INIT: false !default; // @category base // sets the base styles for the page (e.g. reset or normalize) // @mixin base // @param $exclude {List} the list of styles to exclude @see _normalize.scss and _reset.scss // @param $method {String} reset method [reset|normalize|h5bp|hybrid] // @param $force {Boolean} force reset to invoke; by default base() can only be invoked once, to re-invoke must pass in $force: true @mixin base($exclude: $CONFIG_RESET_EXCLUDES, $method: $CONFIG_RESET_METHOD, $force: false) { @if not $RESET_INIT or $force { $RESET_INIT: true; // normalize @if $method == normalize { @include base-normalize($exclude: $exclude); } // html5 boiler plate @else if $method == h5bp { @include base-h5bp($exclude: $exclude); } // hyrbid reset (reset + some normalize) @else if $method == hybrid { @include base-hybrid($exclude: $exclude); } // default to reset @else { @include base-reset($exclude: $exclude); } } @if $CONFIG_GLYPHS_AUTO and do-once("archetype/base#glyph") { @include base-glyph(); } } @mixin base-glyph() { // the font-face mixin will likely change in a future version, keep an eye on this // https://github.com/chriseppstein/compass/issues/867 @include font-face($CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_FILES, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_EOT, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_WEIGHT, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_STYLE); // output a second @font-face set with a versioned family name // this will help avoid collisions when multi-app CSS is loaded on a single page @include font-face('#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME}-#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_VERSION}', $CONFIG_GLYPHS_FILES, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_EOT, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_WEIGHT, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_STYLE); } // auto invoke base reset @if $CONFIG_RESET_AUTO and do-once('archetype/base') { @include base($CONFIG_RESET_EXCLUDES); }