class PersonalReport @RED = '255, 0, 0'; @YELLOW = '255, 215, 0'; @GREEN = '70, 136, 71'; @YELLOW_GOAL = 4; @GREEN_GOAL = 7; init: (selector, @debugMode=false) -> @selector = $(selector) @log('initialize') @setupListeners() setupListeners: -> @log('setup listeners') @selector.on 'shown', $.proxy(this, 'shownListener') shownListener: (event) -> @log('tab shown: ' + $('href')) @loadReport( $('data-type'), $('data-container'), $('data-path') ) loadReport: (@reportType, @container, path) -> @log('report: loading...') $.ajax path, type: 'GET', success: $.proxy(this, 'successCallback'), error: $.proxy(this, 'errorCallback') successCallback: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) -> @log('report: loaded') @reportData = data @buildReport() errorCallback: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) -> @log('report: error') highchartOptions: -> options = chart: borderRadius: 0 renderTo: @container height: 400 type: 'column' title: text: @reportTitle() tooltip: borderColor: 'darkGrey' useHMTL: true headerFormat: '{}' pointFormat: ' Total:{point.y} ' footerFormat: '' xAxis: categories: @categories() labels: formatter: -> numberOfAxisLabels = @axis.categories.length # if we end up excluding labels, we determine an even or odd number # of elements so that we always end up displaying the right-most label offset = numberOfAxisLabels % 2; index = @axis.categories.indexOf(@value) if ((index + offset) % 2 == 0 and $(window).width() <= 500) return '' else return @value yAxis: title: text: "Views/Relearns" stackLabels: enabled: true style: fontWeight: 'bold' color: 'grey' plotOptions: series: stacking: 'normal' borderColor: 'white' series: [{ type: 'column' name: 'Relearns' data: @relearns() borderColor: 'white' shadow: false },{ type: 'column' name: 'Unique Views' data: @uniqueViews() borderColor: 'white' shadow: false }] credits: enabled: false legend: enabled: false options buildReport: -> @log('report: building') @chart = new Highcharts.Chart(@highchartOptions()) reportTitle: -> @log('report title for: '+ @reportType); $('#'+ @reportType).data('title'); categories: -> categories = [] categories.push @formatCategoryName category for category in @reportData categories formatCategoryName: (data) -> return "#{data.primary_name}
#{data.secondary_name}" uniqueViews: -> uniqueViews = [] uniqueViews.push( y: data.views, color: @gradeColour(data, 1) ) for data in @reportData uniqueViews relearns: -> relearns = [] relearns.push( y: data.relearns, color: @gradeColour(data, 0.5) ) for data in @reportData relearns gradeColour: (data, opacity) -> total = (parseInt(data.views, 10) + parseInt(data.relearns, 10)) return "rgba(#{PersonalReport.RED}, #{opacity})" if (total < (PersonalReport.YELLOW_GOAL * @multiplier())) return "rgba(#{PersonalReport.YELLOW}, #{opacity})" if (total < (PersonalReport.GREEN_GOAL * @multiplier())) return "rgba(#{PersonalReport.GREEN}, #{opacity})" if (total >= (PersonalReport.GREEN_GOAL * @multiplier())) multiplier: -> return 1 if @isWeekly() return 7 if @isMonthly() return 31 if @isAnnually() isWeekly: -> @reportType is 'week' isMonthly: -> @reportType is 'month' isAnnually: -> @reportType is 'annual' log: (message) -> console.log("[PersonalReport] " + message) if @debugMode @PersonalReport = PersonalReport