Feature: Spec and test together As an RSpec adopter with existing Test::Unit tests I want to run a few specs alongside my existing Test::Unit tests So that I can experience a smooth, gradual migration path Scenario Outline: Run specs and tests together Given a file named "spec_and_test_together.rb" with: """ require 'spec/autorun' require 'spec/test/unit' describe "An Example" do it "should pass with assert" do assert true end it "should fail with assert" do assert false end it "should pass with should" do 1.should == 1 end it "should fail with should" do 1.should == 2 end end class ATest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_should_pass_with_assert assert true end def test_should_fail_with_assert assert false end def test_should_pass_with_should 1.should == 1 end def test_should_fail_with_should 1.should == 2 end def setup @from_setup ||= 3 @from_setup += 1 end def test_should_fail_with_setup_method_variable @from_setup.should == 40 end before do @from_before = @from_setup + 1 end def test_should_fail_with_before_block_variable @from_before.should == 50 end define_method :"test: should run with strange name" do assert true end end """ When I run " spec_and_test_together.rb -fs" Then the exit code should be 256 And the stdout should include "ATest" And the stdout should include "Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError in 'An Example should fail with assert'" And the stdout should include "'An Example should fail with should' FAILED" And the stdout should include "11 examples, 6 failures" And the stdout should include /expected: 40,\s*got: 4/m And the stdout should include /expected: 50,\s*got: 5/m Scenarios: run with ruby and spec | Command | | ruby | | spec |