require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveModel::Serializer::Associations do let(:user) { User.find(1) } let(:category) { Category.first } context 'when authorize is not set' do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :CategorySerializer) if defined?(CategorySerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :ProjectSerializer) if defined?(ProjectSerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :Ability) if defined?(Ability) CategorySerializer = do attributes :id has_many :projects has_one :project end ProjectSerializer = do attributes :id end Ability = do include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) cannot :read, :project end end end it 'should serialize forbidden has_many records' do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:projects].length).to eq(2) end it 'should serialize forbidden has_one records' do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:project]).to_not be_nil end end context 'when authorize is set to false' do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :CategorySerializer) if defined?(CategorySerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :ProjectSerializer) if defined?(ProjectSerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :Ability) if defined?(Ability) CategorySerializer = do attributes :id has_many :projects, authorize: false has_one :project, authorize: false end ProjectSerializer = do attributes :id end Ability = do include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) cannot :read, :project end end end it 'should serialize forbidden has_many records' do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:projects].length).to eq(2) end it 'should serialize forbidden has_one records' do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:project]).to_not be_nil expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:project]).to_not be_nil end end context 'when authorize set to true' do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :CategorySerializer) if defined?(CategorySerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :ProjectSerializer) if defined?(ProjectSerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :Ability) if defined?(Ability) CategorySerializer = do attributes :id has_many :projects, authorize: true has_one :project, authorize: true end ProjectSerializer = do attributes :id end Ability = do include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) can :read, Category can :read, Project do |pr| == end end end end it 'should filter unauthorized records', focus: true do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:projects].length).to eq(1) end it 'should nil out unauthorized has_one records' do expect(, scope: user).serializable_hash[:project]).to be_nil end it 'should serialize authorized has_one records' do expect(, scope: User.find(2)).serializable_hash[:project]).to_not be_nil end end context 'when serializing has_many current_user should be available' do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :CategorySerializer) if defined?(CategorySerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :ProjectSerializer) if defined?(ProjectSerializer) Object.send(:remove_const, :Ability) if defined?(Ability) CategorySerializer = do attributes :id has_many :projects has_one :project end ProjectSerializer = do attributes :id def id if current_user.nil? nil else end end end Ability = do include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) can :read, :category can :read, :project end end end it 'should serialize authorized has_one records' do expect(, scope: User.find(2)).serializable_hash[:project]).to_not be_nil expect(, scope: User.find(2)).serializable_hash[:project][:id]).to eq 2 end end end