require 'yaml' require 'google/api_client' require 'mechanize' require 'google-simple-client/error' module GoogleSimpleClient class Session OAUTH_SCOPE = '' REDIRECT_URI = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' # Create the object and parse options # @param [options] # Required options are: # :client_id, :client_secret, :email, and :password # Optional options are: # :redirect_uri, :scope, and :verbose # # Options may be provided as paramters or via an init file # ./.google-simple-client or ~/.google-simple-client def initialize options = {} @options = { redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI, scope: OAUTH_SCOPE, client_id: nil, client_secret: nil, email: nil, password: nil } init_file_options = read_options_from_init_file @options.merge!(init_file_options) @options.merge!(options) @verbose = @options.delete(:verbose) raise"Missing option error #{@options.inspect}") unless @options.values.all? end # Authenticates with Google Drive def authenticate init_client uri = @client.authorization.authorization_uri code = scrape_web_and_return_code(uri) @client.authorization.code = code @client.authorization.fetch_access_token! @drive = @client.discovered_api('drive', 'v2') end # Gets the files matching the title in the requested format # @param [title] The name of the requested document # @param [format] The format, available formats are: 'pdf', 'html', 'csv', etc. def get(title, format) files = find_files(title) return "No files found for title #{title}" if files.empty? if format { |f| download_file(f, format) } else { |f| f.title } end end private def read_options_from_init_file file = find_init_file if file hash = YAML.load_file(file) hash.each_with_object({}){|(k,v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v} else {} end end def find_init_file return '.google-simple-client' if File.exist?('.google-simple-client') return "#{ENV['HOME']}/.google-simple-client" if File.exist?("#{ENV['HOME']}/.google-simple-client") end def init_client @client = @client.authorization.client_id = @options[:client_id] @client.authorization.client_secret = @options[:client_secret] @client.authorization.scope = @options[:scope] @client.authorization.redirect_uri = @options[:redirect_uri] end def scrape_web_and_return_code uri agent = # Start loggin in log "Logging into #{uri}" page = agent.get(uri) log page.title # Login form = page.form_with(:id => 'gaia_loginform') form.Email = @options[:email] form.Passwd = @options[:password] log "Submitting form" page = agent.submit(form) log page.title # Accept accept_form = page.forms[0] raise"Cannot obtain code from #{page.title}") unless accept_form log "Accepting form" page = agent.submit(accept_form) log page.title # Code is the string after the = code = page.title.split('=')[1] raise"Cannot obtain code from #{page.title}") unless code log "Retrieved code: #{code}" code end def find_files(title) log "Searching for '#{title}'" result = @client.execute( :api_method => @drive.files.list, :parameters => { :q => "title contains '#{title}'" } ) raise['error']['message']) if result.status != 200 files = log "Found #{files.items.size} files" files.items end def download_file(file, format) url = file.export_links['application/pdf'] raise"Cannot download file #{file}") unless url fetch_url = url.sub('pdf', format) log "Fetching file: #{fetch_url}" result = @client.execute(:uri => fetch_url) raise['error']['message']) unless result.status == 200 log result.body return result.body end def log text puts text if @verbose end end end