require 'bio-blastxmlparser' require 'forwardable' require 'net/http' require 'tempfile' require 'uri' require 'yaml' require 'genevalidator/exceptions' require 'genevalidator/query' module GeneValidator # Gets the raw sequences for each hit in a BLAST output file class RawSequences class <(.*)\n/).flatten values = content.enum_for(:scan, /(>[^>]+)/).map { Regexp.last_match.begin(0) } # make an index hash index_hash = {} keys.each_with_index do |k, i| start = values[i] endf = (i == values.length - 1) ? content.length - 1 : values[i + 1] index_hash[k] = [start, endf] end # create FASTA index config[:raw_seq_file_index] = "#{raw_seq_file}.idx" config[:raw_seq_file_load] = index_hash[:raw_seq_file_index], 'w') do |f| YAML.dump(index_hash, f) end content = nil end private def write_an_index_file(output_file, db_type) file =, 'w+') iterate_xml(file, db_type) if opt[:blast_xml_file] iterate_tabular(file, db_type) if opt[:blast_tabular_file] rescue $stderr.puts '*** Error: There was an error in analysing the BLAST' $stderr.puts ' output file. Please ensure that BLAST output file' $stderr.puts ' is in the correct format and then try again. If you' $stderr.puts ' are using a remote database, please ensure that you' $stderr.puts ' have internet access.' exit 1 ensure file.close unless file.nil? end alias_method :write_a_raw_seq_file, :write_an_index_file def iterate_xml(file, db_type) n =[:blast_xml_file]).to_enum n.each do |iter| iter.each do |hit| if db_type == 'remote' || hit.hit_id.nil? file.puts FetchRawSequences.extract_from_remote_db(hit.accession) else file.puts hit.accession end end end end def iterate_tabular(file, db_type) table_headers = opt[:blast_tabular_options].split(/[ ,]/) tab_file =[:blast_tabular_file]) rows = CSV.parse(tab_file, col_sep: "\t", skip_lines: /^#/, headers: table_headers) rows.each do |row| if db_type == 'remote' || row['sseqid'].nil? file.puts FetchRawSequences.extract_from_remote_db(row['sacc']) else file.puts row['sseqid'] end end end end end class FetchRawSequences class << self extend Forwardable def_delegators GeneValidator, :opt, :config def run(identifier, accession) # first try to extract from previously created raw_sequences HASH raw_seq = extract_from_index(identifier) if opt[:raw_sequences] # then try to just extract that sequence based on accession. if opt[:db] !~ /remote/ && (raw_seq.nil? || raw_seq =~ /Error/) raw_seq = extract_from_local_db(false, accession) end # then try to extract from remote database if opt[:db] =~ /remote/ && (raw_seq.nil? || raw_seq =~ /Error/) raw_seq = extract_from_remote_db(accession) end # return nil if the raw_sequence still produces an error. (raw_seq =~ /Error/) ? nil : raw_seq end ## # Gets raw sequence by fasta identifier from a fasta index file # Params: # +identifier+: String # Output: # String with the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the identifier def extract_from_index(identifier) idx = config[:raw_seq_file_load][identifier] query = IO.binread(opt[:raw_sequences], idx[1] - idx[0], idx[0]) parse_query = query.scan(/>([^\n]*)\n([A-Za-z\n]*)/)[0] parse_query[1].gsub("\n", '') rescue 'Error' # return error so it can then try alternative fetching method. end ## # Gets raw sequence by accession number from a givem database # Params: # +accno+: accession number as String # +db+: database as String # Output: # String with the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the accession def extract_from_local_db(batch, accno = nil, idx_file = nil) cmd = (batch) ? batch_raw_seq_cmd(idx_file) : single_raw_seq_cmd(accno) efile ='blast_out') `#{cmd} &>#{efile.path}` raw_seqs = failed_raw_sequences(raw_seqs) if batch && raw_seqs =~ /Error/ raw_seqs # when obtaining a single raw_seq, this contains the sequence ensure efile.close efile.unlink end def batch_raw_seq_cmd(index_file) "blastdbcmd -entry_batch '#{index_file}' -db '#{opt[:db]}'" \ " -outfmt '%f' -out '#{opt[:raw_sequences]}'" end def single_raw_seq_cmd(accession) "blastdbcmd -entry '#{accession}' -db '#{opt[:db]}' -outfmt '%s'" end def failed_raw_sequences(blast_output) blast_output.each_line do |line| acc = line.match(/Error: (\w+): OID not found/)[1] $stderr.puts "\nCould not find sequence '#{acc.chomp}' within the" \ ' BLAST database.' $stderr.puts "Attempting to obtain sequence '#{acc.chomp}' from" \ ' remote BLAST databases.'[:raw_sequences], 'a+') do |f| f.puts extract_from_remote_db(acc) end end end def extract_from_remote_db(accession, db_seq_type = 'protein') uri = '' \ "db=#{db_seq_type}&retmax=1&usehistory=y&term=#{accession}/" result = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(uri)) query = result.match(%r{<\bQueryKey\b>([\w\W\d]+)})[1] web_env = result.match(%r{<\bWebEnv\b>([\w\W\d]+)})[1] uri = '' \ 'rettype=fasta&retmode=text&retstart=0&retmax=1&' \ "db=#{db_seq_type}&query_key=#{query}&WebEnv=#{web_env}" result = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(uri)) result[0..result.length - 2] end end end end