module Bioinform class PWM # sets or gets limit size of calculation hash. It's a defence against overuse CPU resources by non-appropriate data def max_hash_size!(new_max_hash_size) @max_hash_size = new_max_hash_size self end def max_hash_size(*args) case args.size when 0 then @max_hash_size when 1 then max_hash_size!(args.first) else raise ArgumentError, '#max_hash_size method can get 0 or 1 argument' end end def threshold(pvalue) thresholds(pvalue){|_, thresh, _| return thresh } end def thresholds(*pvalues) thresholds_by_pvalues(*pvalues).each do |pvalue,(thresholds, counts)| threshold = thresholds.begin + 0.1 * (thresholds.end - thresholds.begin) real_pvalue = counts.end.to_f / vocabulary_volume yield pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue end end def count_distribution_under_pvalue(max_pvalue) cnt_distribution = {} look_for_count = max_pvalue * vocabulary_volume until cnt_distribution.inject(0.0){|sum,(score,count)| sum + count} >= look_for_count cnt_distribution = count_distribution_after_threshold(threshold_gauss_estimation(max_pvalue)) max_pvalue *=2 # if estimation counted too small amount of words - try to lower threshold estimation by doubling pvalue end cnt_distribution end # ret-value: hash {pvalue => [thresholds, counts]} # thresholds = left_threshold .. right_threshold (left_threshold < right_threshold) # counts = left_count .. right_count (left_count > right_count) def thresholds_by_pvalues(*pvalues) sorted_scores = count_distribution_under_pvalue(pvalues.max).sort.reverse scores ={|score,count| score} counts ={|score,count| count} partial_sums = counts.partial_sums results = {} pvalue_counts = pvalues.sort.collect_hash{|pvalue| [pvalue, pvalue * vocabulary_volume] } do |pvalue,look_for_count| ind = partial_sums.index{|sum| sum >= look_for_count} minscore, count_at_minscore = scores[ind], partial_sums[ind] maxscore, count_at_maxscore = ind > 0 ? [ scores[ind-1], partial_sums[ind-1] ] : [ best_score + 1.0, 0.0 ] results[pvalue] = [(minscore .. maxscore), (count_at_minscore .. count_at_maxscore)] end results end def count_distribution_after_threshold(threshold) return{|score, count| score >= threshold} if @count_distribution scores = { 0 => 1 } length.times do |column| scores.replace recalc_score_hash(scores, @matrix[column], threshold - best_suffix(column + 1)) raise 'Hash overflow in PWM::ThresholdByPvalue#count_distribution_after_threshold' if max_hash_size && scores.size > max_hash_size end scores end def count_distribution @count_distribution ||= count_distribution_after_threshold(worst_score) end def recalc_score_hash(scores, column, least_sufficient) new_scores = scores.each do |score, count| 4.times do |letter| new_score = score + column[letter] if new_score >= least_sufficient new_scores[new_score] += count * @background[letter] end end end new_scores end def counts_by_thresholds(*thresholds) scores = count_distribution_after_threshold(thresholds.min){ |threshold| scores.inject(0.0){|sum,(score,count)| (score >= threshold) ? sum + count : sum} } end def pvalue_by_threshold(threshold) counts_by_thresholds(threshold).first / vocabulary_volume end end end