'use strict'; const UIValue = Symbol('Displayed value in UI'); const UISelection = Symbol('Displayed selection in UI'); const InitialValue = Symbol('Initial value to compare on blur'); function isUIValue(value) { return typeof value === 'object' && UIValue in value; } function isUISelectionStart(start) { return !!start && typeof start === 'object' && UISelection in start; } function setUIValue(element, value) { if (element[InitialValue] === undefined) { element[InitialValue] = element.value; } element[UIValue] = value; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers element.value = Object.assign(new String(value), { [UIValue]: true }); } function getUIValue(element) { return element[UIValue] === undefined ? element.value : String(element[UIValue]); } /** Flag the IDL value as clean. This does not change the value.*/ function setUIValueClean(element) { element[UIValue] = undefined; } function clearInitialValue(element) { element[InitialValue] = undefined; } function getInitialValue(element) { return element[InitialValue]; } function setUISelectionRaw(element, selection) { element[UISelection] = selection; } function setUISelection(element, { focusOffset: focusOffsetParam, anchorOffset: anchorOffsetParam = focusOffsetParam }, mode = 'replace') { const valueLength = getUIValue(element).length; const sanitizeOffset = (o)=>Math.max(0, Math.min(valueLength, o)); const anchorOffset = mode === 'replace' || element[UISelection] === undefined ? sanitizeOffset(anchorOffsetParam) : element[UISelection].anchorOffset; const focusOffset = sanitizeOffset(focusOffsetParam); const startOffset = Math.min(anchorOffset, focusOffset); const endOffset = Math.max(anchorOffset, focusOffset); element[UISelection] = { anchorOffset, focusOffset }; if (element.selectionStart === startOffset && element.selectionEnd === endOffset) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers const startObj = Object.assign(new Number(startOffset), { [UISelection]: true }); try { element.setSelectionRange(startObj, endOffset); } catch { // DOMException for invalid state is expected when calling this // on an element without support for setSelectionRange } } function getUISelection(element) { var _element_selectionStart, _element_selectionEnd, _element_UISelection; const sel = (_element_UISelection = element[UISelection]) !== null && _element_UISelection !== void 0 ? _element_UISelection : { anchorOffset: (_element_selectionStart = element.selectionStart) !== null && _element_selectionStart !== void 0 ? _element_selectionStart : 0, focusOffset: (_element_selectionEnd = element.selectionEnd) !== null && _element_selectionEnd !== void 0 ? _element_selectionEnd : 0 }; return { ...sel, startOffset: Math.min(sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusOffset), endOffset: Math.max(sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusOffset) }; } function hasUISelection(element) { return !!element[UISelection]; } /** Flag the IDL selection as clean. This does not change the selection. */ function setUISelectionClean(element) { element[UISelection] = undefined; } exports.clearInitialValue = clearInitialValue; exports.getInitialValue = getInitialValue; exports.getUISelection = getUISelection; exports.getUIValue = getUIValue; exports.hasUISelection = hasUISelection; exports.isUISelectionStart = isUISelectionStart; exports.isUIValue = isUIValue; exports.setUISelection = setUISelection; exports.setUISelectionClean = setUISelectionClean; exports.setUISelectionRaw = setUISelectionRaw; exports.setUIValue = setUIValue; exports.setUIValueClean = setUIValueClean;