require "lumberjack" require "guard/ui" require "guard/watcher" module Guard # The runner is responsible for running all methods defined on each plugin. # class Runner # Runs a Guard-task on all registered plugins. # # @param [Symbol] task the task to run # # @param [Hash] scopes either the Guard plugin or the group to run the task # on # def run(task, scope_hash = {}) Lumberjack.unit_of_work do _scoped_plugins(scope_hash || {}) do |plugin| _supervise(plugin, task) if plugin.respond_to?(task) end end end MODIFICATION_TASKS = [ :run_on_modifications, :run_on_changes, :run_on_change ] ADDITION_TASKS = [:run_on_additions, :run_on_changes, :run_on_change] REMOVAL_TASKS = [:run_on_removals, :run_on_changes, :run_on_deletion] # Runs the appropriate tasks on all registered plugins # based on the passed changes. # # @param [Array] modified the modified paths. # @param [Array] added the added paths. # @param [Array] removed the removed paths. # def run_on_changes(modified, added, removed) types = { MODIFICATION_TASKS => modified, ADDITION_TASKS => added, REMOVAL_TASKS => removed } ::Guard::UI.clearable _scoped_plugins do |plugin| ::Guard::UI.clear types.each do |tasks, unmatched_paths| next if unmatched_paths.empty? match_result = ::Guard::Watcher.match_files(plugin, unmatched_paths) next if match_result.empty? next unless (task = tasks.detect { |meth| plugin.respond_to?(meth) }) _supervise(plugin, task, match_result) ::Guard::UI.clearable end end end # Run a Guard plugin task, but remove the Guard plugin when his work leads # to a system failure. # # When the Group has `:halt_on_fail` disabled, we've to catch # `:task_has_failed` here in order to avoid an uncaught throw error. # # @param [Guard::Plugin] guard the Guard to execute # @param [Symbol] task the task to run # @param [Array] args the arguments for the task # @raise [:task_has_failed] when task has failed # def _supervise(plugin, task, *args) catch self.class.stopping_symbol_for(plugin) do plugin.hook("#{ task }_begin", *args) begin result = plugin.send(task, *args) rescue Interrupt throw(:task_has_failed) end plugin.hook("#{ task }_end", result) result end rescue ScriptError, StandardError, RuntimeError ::Guard::UI.error("#{ } failed to achieve its"\ " <#{ task }>, exception was:" \ "\n#{ $!.class }: #{ $!.message }" \ "\n#{ $!.backtrace.join("\n") }") ::Guard.remove_plugin(plugin)"\n#{ } has just been fired") $! end # Returns the symbol that has to be caught when running a supervised task. # # @note If a Guard group is being run and it has the `:halt_on_fail` # option set, this method returns :no_catch as it will be caught at the # group level. # @see ._scoped_plugins # # @param [Guard::Plugin] guard the Guard plugin to execute # @return [Symbol] the symbol to catch # def self.stopping_symbol_for(guard)[:halt_on_fail] ? :no_catch : :task_has_failed end private # Loop through all groups and run the given task for each Guard plugin. # # If no scope is supplied, the global Guard scope is taken into account. # If both a plugin and a group scope is given, then only the plugin scope # is used. # # Stop the task run for the all Guard plugins within a group if one Guard # throws `:task_has_failed`. # # @param [Hash] scopes hash with plugins or a groups scope # @yield the task to run # def _scoped_plugins(scopes = {}) fail "NO PLUGIN SCOPE" if scopes.nil? if plugins = _current_plugins_scope(scopes) plugins.each do |guard| yield(guard) end else _current_groups_scope(scopes).each do |group| fail "Invalid group: #{group.inspect}" unless group.respond_to?(:name) current_plugin = nil block_return = catch :task_has_failed do ::Guard.plugins(group: do |guard| current_plugin = guard yield(guard) end end next unless block_return.nil? "#{ } has failed,"\ " other group's plugins execution has been halted." end end end # Returns the current plugins scope. # Local plugins scope wins over global plugins scope. # If no plugins scope is found, then NO plugins are returned. # # @param [Hash] scopes hash with a local plugins or a groups scope # @return [Array] the plugins to scope to # def _current_plugins_scope(scope) return nil unless (plugins = _find_non_empty_plugins_scope(scope)) Array(plugins).map { |plugin| _instantiate(:plugin, plugin) } end # Returns the current groups scope. # Local groups scope wins over global groups scope. # If no groups scope is found, then ALL groups are returned. # # @param [Hash] scopes hash with a local plugins or a groups scope # @return [Array] the groups to scope to # def _current_groups_scope(scope) <<<<<<< HEAD found = _find_non_empty_groups_scope(scope) groups = Array(found).map { |group| _instantiate(:group, group) } return groups if groups.any? { |g| == :common } ([_instantiate(:group, :common)] + Array(found)).compact ======= groups = _find_non_empty_groups_scope(scope) Array(groups).map { |group| _instantiate(:group, group) } >>>>>>> origin/api_safe_refactoring end def _instantiate(meth, obj) (obj.is_a?(Symbol) || obj.is_a?(String)) ? ::Guard.send(meth, obj) : obj end # Find the first non empty element in the given possibilities # def _find_non_empty_scope(type, local_scope, *additional_possibilities) found = [ local_scope[:"#{type}s"], [local_scope[type.to_sym]], ::Guard.scope[:"#{type}s"], additional_possibilities.flatten ] found.compact.detect { |a| !Array(a).compact.empty? } end # Find the first non empty plugins scope # def _find_non_empty_plugins_scope(scope) fail "NO PLUGIN SCOPE" if scope.nil? _find_non_empty_scope(:plugin, scope) end # Find the first non empty groups scope # def _find_non_empty_groups_scope(scope) common = [] common + _find_non_empty_scope(:group, scope, ::Guard.groups) end end end