# frozen_string_literal: true describe "OracleEnhancedAdapter date and datetime type detection based on attribute settings" do before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @conn.execute "DROP TABLE test_employees" rescue nil @conn.execute "DROP SEQUENCE test_employees_seq" rescue nil @conn.execute <<~SQL CREATE TABLE test_employees ( employee_id NUMBER(6,0) PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(25), email VARCHAR2(25), phone_number VARCHAR2(20), hire_date DATE, job_id NUMBER(6,0), salary NUMBER(8,2), commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), manager_id NUMBER(6,0), department_id NUMBER(4,0), created_at DATE, updated_at DATE ) SQL @conn.execute <<~SQL CREATE SEQUENCE test_employees_seq MINVALUE 1 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 10040 CACHE 20 NOORDER NOCYCLE SQL end after(:all) do @conn.execute "DROP TABLE test_employees" @conn.execute "DROP SEQUENCE test_employees_seq" end describe "/ DATE values from ActiveRecord model" do before(:each) do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base self.primary_key = "employee_id" end end def create_test_employee(params = {}) @today = params[:today] || Date.new(2008, 8, 19) @now = params[:now] || Time.local(2008, 8, 19, 17, 03, 59) @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", hire_date: @today, created_at: @now ) @employee.reload end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, "TestEmployee") ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end it "should return Date value from DATE column by default" do create_test_employee expect(@employee.hire_date.class).to eq(Date) end it "should return Date value from DATE column with old date value by default" do create_test_employee(today: Date.new(1900, 1, 1)) expect(@employee.hire_date.class).to eq(Date) end it "should return Time value from DATE column if attribute is set to :datetime" do class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base attribute :hire_date, :datetime end create_test_employee expect(@employee.hire_date.class).to eq(Time) # change to current time with hours, minutes and seconds @employee.hire_date = @now @employee.save! @employee.reload expect(@employee.hire_date.class).to eq(Time) expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@now) end end end describe "OracleEnhancedAdapter assign string to :date and :datetime columns" do include SchemaSpecHelper before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(CONNECTION_PARAMS) @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection schema_define do create_table :test_employees, force: true do |t| t.string :first_name, limit: 20 t.string :last_name, limit: 25 t.date :hire_date t.date :last_login_at t.datetime :last_login_at_ts end end class ::TestEmployee < ActiveRecord::Base attribute :last_login_at, :datetime end @today = Date.new(2008, 6, 28) @today_iso = "2008-06-28" @today_nls = "28.06.2008" @nls_date_format = "%d.%m.%Y" @now = Time.local(2008, 6, 28, 13, 34, 33) @now_iso = "2008-06-28 13:34:33" @now_nls = "28.06.2008 13:34:33" @nls_time_format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" @now_nls_with_tz = "28.06.2008 13:34:33+05:00" @nls_with_tz_time_format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S%Z" @now_with_tz = Time.parse @now_nls_with_tz end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, "TestEmployee") @conn.drop_table :test_employees, if_exists: true ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end after(:each) do ActiveRecord.default_timezone = :utc end it "should assign ISO string to date column" do @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", hire_date: @today_iso ) expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) @employee.reload expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) end it "should assign NLS string to date column" do @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", hire_date: @today_nls ) expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) @employee.reload expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) end it "should assign ISO time string to date column" do @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", hire_date: @now_iso ) expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) @employee.reload expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) end it "should assign NLS time string to date column" do @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", hire_date: @now_nls ) expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) @employee.reload expect(@employee.hire_date).to eq(@today) end it "should assign ISO time string to datetime column" do ActiveRecord.default_timezone = :local @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", last_login_at: @now_iso ) expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now) @employee.reload expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now) end it "should assign NLS time string to datetime column" do ActiveRecord.default_timezone = :local @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", last_login_at: @now_nls ) expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now) @employee.reload expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now) end it "should assign NLS time string with time zone to datetime column" do @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", last_login_at: @now_nls_with_tz ) expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now_with_tz) @employee.reload expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@now_with_tz) end it "should assign ISO date string to datetime column" do ActiveRecord.default_timezone = :local @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", last_login_at: @today_iso ) expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@today.to_time) @employee.reload expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@today.to_time) end it "should assign NLS date string to datetime column" do ActiveRecord.default_timezone = :local @employee = TestEmployee.create( first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", last_login_at: @today_nls ) expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@today.to_time) @employee.reload expect(@employee.last_login_at).to eq(@today.to_time) end end