module Appfuel # This represents the message delivered by RabbitMQ. We encapsulate it # so that if you want to fire an action from the command line you can # use a CliRequest and not worry about rabbit details # class MsgRequest attr_reader :config, :service_route, :reply_to, :correlation_id, :delivery_info, :properties, :feature, :action, :inputs, :current_user # # metadata properties # headers: message headers, important for service_route # reply_to: name of rpc response queue # correlation_id: id used in rpc to match response # # @param msg String serialized message from rabbitmq # @param delivery_info Hash info used to acknowledge messages # @param metadata Object properties of the messages # # @return MsgRequest def initialize(msg, delivery_info, metadata) @auditable = true self.inputs = msg self.delivery_info = delivery_info = metadata end # Rpc requires a reply queue to respond to and a correlation_id to # identify that response in the queue. When these two things exist # then the request is consided to be an rpc # # @return [Boolean] def rpc? !reply_to.nil? && !correlation_id.nil? end # Flag used to determine if the request should be sent to the audit log. # The default value is true and a header is used to opt out of this. # # @return [Boolean] def auditable? @auditable end # The current user is required for all audit logs and this flag is used # to determine if it exists. When an audit is not required the current # user is optional # # @return [Boolean] def current_user? !@current_user.nil? end private # Ensures when a current_user_id is given it is valid. This is optional # and the msg will not enforce its presence when auditable is true, that # will be handled by objects implementing auditing. # # @param value [Integer, nil] the current user id # @return [Integer, nil] def current_user=(value) return @current_user = nil if value.nil? begin @current_user = Integer(value) rescue raise 'current_user_id must be an Integer' end end # All message inputs are sent encoded as json. We parse then json then # symbolize the keys which allows any validation, action or command to # expect a consistent hash # # @param data [String] # @return [Hash] def inputs=(data) data = data.to_s return @inputs = {} if data.empty? begin data = JSON.parse(data) fail "message inputs must be a hash" unless data.is_a?(Hash) @inputs = data.deep_symbolize_keys rescue => e msg = "message request could not parse the inputs: #{e.message}" error = error.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise error end end # Hash like structure that hold information about the delivery of the message # :consumer_tag Each consumer (subscription) has an identifier called a # consumer tag. It can be used to unsubscribe from # messages. Consumer tags are just strings. # # :delivery_tag If set to 1, the delivery tag is treated as # "up to and including", so that multiple messages can be # acknowledged with a single method. If set to zero, the # delivery tag refers to a single message. If the multiple # field is 1, and the delivery tag is zero, this indicates # acknowledgement of all outstanding messages. # # :redelivered true if this delivery is a redelivery ( the message was # requeued at least once ) # # :routing_key routing key used by exchange to route to queue # # :exchange name of exchange # # :consumer the consumer that subsribed # # :channel the channel the message was sent on # # @param data [Bunny::Delivery::Info] # @return [Bunny::Delivery::Info] def delivery_info=(data) @deliver_info = data end # Hash like structure that holds attributes of the message as defined by # the amqp protocol # # :content_type (Optional) content type of the message, as set by # the publisher # # :content_encoding (Optional) content encoding of the message, as set # by the publisher # # :headers message headers # # :delivery_mode [Integer] Delivery mode (persistent or transient) # # :priority [Integer] Message priority, as set by the publisher # # :correlation_id [String] What message this message is a reply to # (or corresponds to), as set by the publisher # # :reply_to [String] (Optional) How to reply to the publisher # (usually a reply queue name) # # :expiration [String] Message expiration, as set by the publisher # # :message_id [String] Message ID, as set by the publisher # # :timestamp [Time] Message timestamp, as set by the publisher # # :user_id [String] Publishing user, as set by the publisher # not an application user # # :app_id [String] Publishing application, as set by the # publisher # # :cluster_id [String] Cluster ID, as set by the publisher # # @param data [Bunny::MessageProperties] # @return Bunny::MessageProperties def properties=(data) @reply_to = data.reply_to @correlation_id = data.correlation_id if data.headers['auditable'] == false @auditable = false end self.service_route = data.headers['service_route'] self.current_user = data.headers['current_user'] @properties = data end # The service route is a forward slash separated string consisting of two # parts. The first part is the feature that holds the action and the # second is the action itself. # # @example 'offers/create' # feature is Offers # action is Create # # This is used by the dispatcher to locate the action to be called # # @param route [String] # @param [String] def service_route=(route) fail "service route missing from message headers" if route.nil? fail "service route must be a String" unless route.is_a?(String) feature, action= route.split('/', 2) # NOTE: feature.strip! returns nil we are really after the empty? if feature.nil? || (feature.strip! || feature.empty?) fail "feature is missing route must be like /" end if action.nil? || (action.strip! || action.empty?) fail "action is missing route must be like /" end @service_route = route @feature = feature.camelize @action = action.camelize route end end end