Lai, Chun-Ta Stable Isotopologues of Atmospheric Moisture at Wind River Field Station (USA) DataONE 2015 water vapor oxygen isotopes hydrogen isotopes deuterium excess old growth coniferous forests Pacific Northwest laser spectrascopy Lai, Chun-Ta National Science Foundation, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Dataset 1333357 Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0) This dataset includes stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of near-surface water vapor measured at Wind River Field Station, WA, USA (45.8205N, 121.9519W, 371m asl). Near-continuous hourly averages are available from 3 heights (1m, 10m and 60m above ground) for the entire year in 2012. General findings learned from this dataset have been published at 2013 AGU Fall meeting (Linking evapotranspiration, boundary-layer processes and atmospheric moisture using isotope tracer modeling and data, #A51B-0024). High-precision isotope data were made possible by an off-axis cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy analyzer (Los Gatos Research). Data correction and quality control follow the protocol described by Rambo et al. (2011) Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28(11), 1448-1457, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00053.1. AGS-0956425