class TensorStream::OpMaker attr_reader :operation, :description, :parameters, :options, :gradient, :check_types, :supports_broadcast, :data_type_coercion, :aliases, :custom, :infer_type_proc, :exclude def initialize(op) @operation = op @parameters = [] @options = {} @gradient = nil @supports_broadcast = false @data_type_coercion = false @exclude = false @description = [] @aliases = [] @custom = [] @infer_type_proc = lambda { |tensor| next nil if tensor.inputs[0].nil? next tensor.inputs[0].shape.shape if tensor.inputs.size == 1 TensorStream::TensorShape.infer_shape(tensor.inputs[0].shape.shape, tensor.inputs[1].shape.shape) if tensor.inputs.size == 2 && tensor.inputs[0] && tensor.inputs[1] } end def other_names(aliases) @aliases += aliases end def add_custom(custom_code) @custom << custom_code end def self.scan op_files = Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "ops", "*.rb")] op_files.each { |file| load File.join("tensor_stream", "ops", File.basename(file)) } end def self.define_operation(op_code, &block) @ops ||= {} op_maker = @ops[op_code.to_sym] = op_maker end # call an operations' gradient definition def self.gradient_op(context_caller, node, grad) raise "No derivative op defined for #{node.operation}" if @ops[node.operation].nil? || @ops[node.operation].gradient.nil? context_caller.instance_exec(grad, node, node.inputs, &@ops[node.operation].gradient) end def self.infer_shape(context_caller, tensor) return nil unless @ops[tensor.operation] context_caller.instance_exec(tensor, &@ops[tensor.operation].infer_type_proc) end def self.each_op(&block) @ops.values.sort_by { |op| op.operation }.reject(&:exclude).each do |op| end end def what_it_does(description) @description << description end def what_it_does_code(description) @description << "#{description}" end def exclude! @exclude = true end def description_lines { |line| line.split("\n") }.flatten end def generate_body body = [] { |p| p[:validate] }.each do |p| body << "check_allowed_types(#{p[:name]}, TensorStream::Ops::#{p[:validate]})" end if data_type_coercion? body << "#{expand_params(false).join(', ')} = apply_data_type_coercion(#{expand_params(false).join(', ')})" end if check_types? body << "check_data_types(#{expand_params(false).join(', ')})" end custom.each do |c| body << c end body << "_op(:#{operation}, #{(expand_params(false) + options_call).join(', ')})" { |line| " #{line}"}.join("\n") end ## # adds a parameter to the op # def parameter(name, description, default_value = nil, validate: nil) @parameters << { name: name.to_s, description: description, default_value: default_value, validate: validate } end def option(name, description, default_value = nil, options = {}) @options[name] = { description: description, default_value: default_value, options: options } end def define_gradient(&block) @gradient = block end def define_shape(&block) @infer_type_proc = block end def expand_params(print_defaults) { |param| print_defaults && param[:default_value] ? "#{param[:name]} = #{default_with_nil(param[:default_value])}" : "#{param[:name]}" } end def parameters_must_have_same_data_type! @check_types = true end def apply_data_type_coercion! @data_type_coercion = true end def supports_broadcasting! if (@parameters.size> 1) @supports_broadcast = true else raise "Ops with parameters < 2 cannot support broadcasting" end end def supports_broadcasting? @supports_broadcast end def data_type_coercion? @data_type_coercion end def check_types? @check_types end def expand_options(print_defaults) { |k, v| print_defaults && v[:default_value] ? "#{k}: #{default_with_nil(v[:default_value])}" : "#{k}:" } end def options_call { |k, v| if v.dig(:options, :alias) "#{v.dig(:options, :alias)}: #{k}" else "#{k}: #{k}" end } end def default_with_nil(v) v == :nil ? 'nil' : v end end TensorStream::OpMaker.scan