require 'helper' require 'mocha' setup_mongoid class MongoUser include Mongoid::Document include HasConstant has_constant :salutations, ['Mr', 'Mrs'] end if defined?(Mongoid) class MongoUserWithProc include Mongoid::Document include HasConstant has_constant :salutations, lambda { ['Mr', 'Mrs'] } end if defined?(Mongoid) class MongoUserWithout include Mongoid::Document include HasConstant end class AnotherUser include Mongoid::Document include HasConstant end class Thing include Mongoid::Document include HasConstant field :salutation, :type => String end class MongoidTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'Instance' do context 'when storing arrays' do setup do MongoUserWithout.has_constant :sports, %w(running cycling tennis), :as => :array @user = :sports => %w(running tennis) end context 'setter' do should 'take an array' do assert_equal [0,2], @user.attributes['sports'] end end context 'getter' do should 'return array of strings' do assert_equal %w(running tennis), @user.sports end end context 'named scopes' do setup do @u = MongoUserWithout.create! :sports => %w(running cycling) @u2 = MongoUserWithout.create! :sports => %w(running tennis) end context 'includes scope' do should 'return all where one of the array items is matched' do assert_equal 1, MongoUserWithout.sports_include('cycling').count assert MongoUserWithout.sports_include('cycling').include?(@u) end should 'work with array arguement' do result = MongoUserWithout.sports_include(%w(running tennis)) assert_equal 1, result.count assert result.include?(@u2) end end end end context 'using a hash' do setup do Thing.has_constant :salutations, { :first => 'Mr', :second => 'Mrs' } @u = :salutation => 'Mrs'! end should 'store the hash key' do assert_equal 'second', @u.reload.attributes['salutation'] end should 'return the correct value' do assert_equal 'Mrs', @u.reload.salutation end context '#update_attribute' do should 'store the correct value' do @u.update_attribute :salutation, 'Mr' assert_equal 'Mr', @u.reload.salutation end end end should 'add the field automatically' do MongoUserWithout.has_constant :salutations, ['Mr', 'Mrs'] assert'salutation') end should 'not add the field if it is already there' do MongoUserWithout.send(:field, :salutation, :type => Integer, :default => 0) MongoUserWithout.has_constant :salutations, ['Mr', 'Mrs'] assert_equal 'Mr', end should 'be able to take default option' do AnotherUser.has_constant :salutations, lambda { %w(Mr Mrs) }, { :default => 0 } assert_equal 'Mr', end should 'take the accessor into account when adding the field' do MongoUserWithProc.has_constant :salutations, ['Mr', 'Mrs'], :accessor => :sal assert'sal') end should 'default values to translated values list' do I18n.stubs(:t).returns(['a', 'b']) MongoUserWithout.has_constant :titles assert_equal ['a', 'b'], MongoUserWithout.titles end should 'add index when index option is supplied' do MongoUserWithout.has_constant :salutations, ['Mr', 'Mrs'], :index => true MongoUserWithout.create_indexes assert MongoUserWithout.index_information.keys.any? { |key| key.match(/salutation/) } end should 'not index when index option is not supplied' do MongoUser.create_indexes assert !MongoUser.index_information.keys.any? { |key| key.match(/salutation/) } end should 'save values as integers' do m = => 'Mr')! assert_equal 'Mr', m.salutation assert_equal 0, m.attributes['salutation'] end should 'not be valid when an incorrect value is supplied' do m = => 'asefe') assert !m.valid? assert_equal ['must be one of Mr, Mrs'], m.errors[:salutation] end should 'not be valid with an incorrect value is supplied and a proc/lambda has been used' do m = => 'asefe') assert !m.valid? assert_equal ['must be one of Mr, Mrs'], m.errors[:salutation] end should 'be valid when a blank value is supplied' do m = => '') assert m.valid? end end context 'Named Scopes' do setup do @man = MongoUser.create!(:salutation => 'Mr') @woman = MongoUser.create!(:salutation => 'Mrs') end should 'provide by_constant scope' do assert_equal 1, MongoUser.by_constant('salutation', 'Mr').count assert_equal @man, MongoUser.by_constant('salutation', 'Mr').first end should 'provide singular_is scope' do assert_equal 1, MongoUser.salutation_is('Mr').count assert_equal @man, MongoUser.salutation_is('Mr').first end should 'provide singular_is_not scope' do assert_equal 1, MongoUser.salutation_is_not('Mr').count assert_equal @woman, MongoUser.salutation_is_not('Mr').first end end end if defined?(Mongoid)