namespace :remote do task :info do require 'remoting/task' remote('info', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" which :ruby echo "RUBY VERSION: `ruby --version`" echo "RUBYGEM VERSION: `gem --version`" command "RVM_VER=`rvm --version`" echo "RVM VERSION: $RVM_VER" end end desc "Setup git origin" task :init do require 'remoting/task' local('init') do git :init git :remote, :add, :origin, config.repo end end desc "Initialize remote" task :setup do require 'remoting/task' repo_location = config.repo.gsub(/^ssh:\/\/[^\/]+/, "") remote('setup', config.login) do mkdir "-p", repo_location cd repo_location git :init, "--bare" git "--bare", "update-server-info" mkdir "-p", config.dest git :config, "core.bare", :false git :config, "core.worktree", config.dest git :config, "receive.denycurrentbranch", :ignore touch "hooks/post-receive" command("echo '#!/bin/sh' >> hooks/post-receive") command("echo git checkout -f >> hooks/post-receive ") chmod "+x", "hooks/post-receive" end end desc "Commit everything to remote git repository" task :push do require 'remoting/task' message = ENV["MESSAGE"] || "commit #{}" local('push') do git :add, "." git :commit, "-a", "-m", "\"#{message}\"" git :push, "origin", "+master:refs/heads/master" end end desc "Commit everything to remote git repository" task :pull do require 'remoting/task' local('pull') do git :pull, :origin, :master end end desc "Restart the server" task :restart do require 'remoting/task' remote('restart', config.login) do mkdir '-p', config.dest.join('tmp') touch config.dest.join('tmp', 'restart.txt') end end desc "Run bundle install on the server" task :bundle do require 'remoting/task' remote('bundle', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest export "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" command "RAILS_ENV=production", "bundle install", "--without development test", "--deployment" end end desc "Deploy application on server" task :deploy => [:push, :bundle, :"assets:compile", :restart] do end desc "Run rake tasks on server" task :rake, [:invocation] do |t, args| require 'remoting/task' invocation = args[:invocation] remote('rake', config.login, :interactive => true) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest command("RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake #{invocation}") end end desc "Open a remote shell session on server" task :ssh do require 'remoting/task' remote('ssh', config.login, :interactive => true) do end end desc "Dump a remote logfile" task :log, [:lines, :filename] do |t, args| require 'remoting/task' filename, lines = args.values_at(:lines, :filename) filename ||= "production" filename = "#{filename}.log" unless filename =~ /\.[a-z]+$/ lines ||= 100 remote('log', config.login) do cd config.dest tail "-#{lines} log/#{filename}" end end task :logs => [:log] do end desc "Run tail -f on logfile" task :logtail, [:filename] do |t, args| require 'remoting/task' filename= args[:filename] filename ||= "production" filename = "#{filename}.log" unless filename =~ /\.[a-z]+$/ remote('logtail', config.login) do cd config.dest tail "-f log/#{filename}" end end desc "Open a remote console" task :console do require 'remoting/task' remote('console', config.login, :interactive => true) do cd config.dest source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" bundle :exec, "rails c production" end end desc "Update crontab with whenever schedule" task :whenever do require 'remoting/task' remote('whenever', config.login) do cd config.dest whenever "-w" end end namespace :apache do task :ensite do require 'remoting/task' remote('ensite', config.login, :interactive => true) do cd "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled" sudo "ln -s #{config.dest.join('config', 'apache.conf')} #{}" end end task :reload do require 'remoting/task' remote('reload', config.login, :interactive => true) do sudo "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" end end end namespace :assets do desc 'Precompile assets' task :precompile do require 'remoting/task' remote('rake assets:precompile', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest command("RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile") echo 'restarting ...' mkdir '-p', config.dest.join('tmp') touch config.dest.join('tmp', 'restart.txt') end end desc 'compile application related static assets' task :compile do require 'remoting/task' remote('rake assets:compile', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest command("RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:compile") end end end namespace :db do desc "Migrate remote database" task :migrate do |t, args| require 'remoting/task' remote('rake db:migrate', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest command("RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate") end end desc "Seed remote database" task :seed do |t, args| require 'remoting/task' remote('rake db:seed', config.login) do source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" rvm :use, config.ruby cd config.dest command("RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed") end end end end