class RearControllerSetup include RearConstants class << self def init(*args, &proc) new.init(*args, &proc) end def crudify(*args, &proc) new.crudify(*args, &proc) end end def init ctrl (@ctrl = ctrl).class_exec do extend RearSetup extend RearHelpers::ClassMixin include RearConstants include RearHelpers::InstanceMixin import RearActions include EL::Ace if defined?(EL::Ace) include EL::CKE if defined?(EL::CKE) reject_automount! EUtils.register_extra_engines! end define_setup_methods define_error_handlers end def crudify ctrl, model, opts, &proc (@ctrl = ctrl).class_exec do @__rear__orm = RearUtils.orm(model) @__rear__assocs = RearUtils.extract_assocs(model) @__rear__real_columns, @__rear__pkey = RearUtils.extract_columns(model) @__rear__real_columns.each do |c| input(*c) unless @__rear__assocs[:belongs_to].any? {|a,s| s[:belongs_to_keys][:source] == c.first } end end setup_crudifier(opts, &proc) define_association_hooks define_pane_hooks define_editor_hooks define_default_filters end def setup_crudifier opts, &proc @ctrl.class_exec do # use :destroy! on DataMapper opts[:delete] ||= :destroy! if orm == :dm # asking Espresso to define CRUD actions crudify(model, :crud, opts, &proc) alias_before :post_crud, :create, :save alias_before :put_crud, :update, :save alias_before :delete_crud, :destroy before :create, :update, :destroy do halt(400, '%s is in readonly mode' % model) if readonly? end end end def define_default_filters @ctrl.class_exec do # built-in filter for all controllers. it will search by primary key filter(pkey, cmp: :csl, class: 'input-small search-query') end end def define_setup_methods @ctrl.class_exec do # allow to set path to custom templates. # to use custom templates install them via "$ rear i:t PATH" # and use `rear_templates PATH` when mounting Rear controllers. # # @example # # install templates in views/ folder # $ rear i:t views/ # # # set path to custom templates when mounting Rear controllers # do # mount Rear.controllers, '/admin' do # rear_templates 'views/rear/' # end # end # def rear_templates path return @__rear__templates_fullpath = path.to_s if path =~ /\A(\w\:)?\// && @__rear__templates_fullpath.nil? @__rear__templates_path = path.to_s if @__rear__templates_path.nil? end define_setup_method :rear_templates # similar to `rear_templates` except it sets path to custom assets def rear_assets path return @__rear__assets_fullpath = path.to_s if path =~ /\A(\w\:)?\// && @__rear__assets_fullpath.nil? @__rear__assets_path = path.to_s if @__rear__assets_path.nil? end define_setup_method :rear_assets end end def define_error_handlers @ctrl.class_exec do error 500 do |e| error = if e.respond_to?(:backtrace) e.backtrace.inject([e.message]) {|bt,l| bt << l} elsif e.is_a?(Array) e else [e.to_s] end out = rq.xhr? ? error*"\n" : reander_l(:layout) {reander_p :error, error: error} halt 500, out end end end def define_association_hooks @ctrl.class_exec do # all communications between associated models happens through primary keys. # it does not matter what keys models using to associate one to each other, # Rear will always use pkeys to display/update associated objects. # this is achieved by using ORM setters for associated objects, # like `state=` on `belongs_to :state` assocs # or `cities<<` on `has_many :cities` etc. # so it will basically fetch remote objects by pkey and feed them to that setters. # # hooks order is important. this one should always go first before /reverse_assoc/ do ctrl = action_params[:source_ctrl].split('::').inject(Object) {|f,c| f.const_get(c)} assoc = ctrl.assocs[action_params[:assoc_type].to_sym][action_params[:assoc_name].to_sym] readonly = ctrl.readonly_assocs.include?(assoc[:name]) || assoc[:readonly] || ctrl.readonly? halt(400, '%s is in readonly mode' % model) if readonly && (post? || delete?) struct = { type: assoc[:type], name: assoc[:name], dom_id: assoc[:dom_id] + (action_params[:attached] ? '' : '_detached'), readonly: readonly ? true : false, # using true/false here cause it will be converted to string and fed to javascript attached: action_params[:attached], route: route(action, *action_params__array[0..3]), source_item:, ctrl.pkey)[action_params[:item_id].to_i], target_item: orm[params[:target_item_id].to_i]||{}, source_key: nil, target_key: nil, } if struct[:type] == :belongs_to && (struct[:attached] || struct[:source_item].nil?) struct[:source_key], struct[:target_key] = assoc[:belongs_to_keys].values_at(:source, :target) end @reverse_assoc =**struct.values).freeze end end end def define_pane_hooks @ctrl.class_exec do before :get_index, :get_reverse_assoc, :get_quickview do conditions = filters_to_sql source_item, source_assoc = nil if @reverse_assoc && @reverse_assoc.attached if source_item = @reverse_assoc.source_item source_assoc = else conditions = {conditions: {pkey => 0}} end end total_items = source_item ? orm.assoc_count(source_assoc, source_item, conditions) : orm.count(conditions) total_pages = (total_items.to_f / __rear__.ipp.to_f).ceil side_pages = xhr? ? 2 : PAGER__SIDE_PAGES current_page = params[:page].to_i current_page = 1 if current_page < 1 current_page = total_pages if current_page > total_pages page_min = current_page - side_pages page_min = total_pages - (side_pages * 2) if (current_page + side_pages) > total_pages page_min = 1 if page_min < 1 page_max = current_page + side_pages page_max = side_pages * 2 if current_page < side_pages page_max = total_pages if page_max > total_pages offset = (current_page - 1) * __rear__.ipp offset = 0 if offset < 0 counter = [offset + 1, offset + __rear__.ipp, total_items] counter[0] = offset if counter[0] > total_items counter[1] = total_items if counter[1] > total_items @pager_context = { total_items: total_items, total_pages: total_pages, current_page: current_page, page_min: page_min, page_max: page_max, counter: {|n| RearUtils.number_with_delimiter(n)} } @pager = total_pages > 1 ? reander_p(:pager, @pager_context) : '' conditions[:limit ] = __rear__.ipp conditions[:offset] = offset if order = order_params_to_sql || __rear__.order_by conditions[:order] = order end @items = if source_item orm.assoc_filter(source_assoc, source_item, conditions) else orm.filter(conditions) end end end end def define_editor_hooks @ctrl.class_exec do before :get_edit do if (id = action_params[:id].to_i) > 0 @item = orm[id] || halt(400, "Item with ID %s not found" % id) @item_id = id else @item = @brand_new_item = @item_id = 0 end end end end end