require 'securerandom' # ============================================================================= # template for generating an orats auth project for rails 4.1.x # ============================================================================= # view the task list at the bottom of the file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # private functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_token SecureRandom.hex(64) end def method_to_sentence(method)!('_', ' ') method[0] = method[0].upcase method end def log_task(message) puts say_status 'task', "#{method_to_sentence(message.to_s)}:", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 end def git_commit(message) git add: '-A' git commit: "-m '#{message}'" end def migrate(table_name, migration='') utc_now ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") class_name = table_name.to_s.classify.pluralize file "db/migrate/#{utc_now}_create_#{table_name}.rb", %{ class Create#{class_name} < ActiveRecord::Migration def change #{migration} end end } end # --- def delete_app_css run 'rm -f app/assets/stylesheets/application.css' end def update_gemfile log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'Gemfile', before: "\ngem 'kaminari'" do <<-S gem 'devise', '~> 3.2.4' gem 'devise-async', '~> 0.9.0' gem 'pundit', '~> 0.2.3' S end git_commit 'Add authentication related gems' end def update_dotenv log_task __method__ inject_into_file '.env', before: "\nSMTP_ADDRESS" do <<-CODE TOKEN_DEVISE_SECRET: #{generate_token} TOKEN_DEVISE_PEPPER: #{generate_token} CODE end inject_into_file '.env', before: "\nDATABASE_NAME" do <<-CODE ACTION_MAILER_DEVISE_DEFAULT_FROM: info@#{app_name}.com CODE end git_commit 'Add devise tokens and default e-mail' end def run_bundle_install log_task __method__ run 'bundle install' end def add_pundit log_task __method__ generate 'pundit:install' inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', after: "::Base\n" do <<-S include Pundit S end inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', after: ":exception\n" do <<-S rescue_from Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, with: :account_not_authorized S end inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', after: " #end\n" do <<-S def account_not_authorized redirect_to request.headers['Referer'] || root_path, flash: { error: I18n.t('authorization.error') } end S end git_commit 'Add pundit policy and controller logic' end def add_devise_initializers log_task __method__ file 'config/initializers/devise_async.rb', 'Devise::Async.backend = :sidekiq' generate 'devise:install' git_commit 'Add the devise and devise async initializers' end def update_devise_initializer log_task 'Update the devise initializer' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', "''", "ENV['ACTION_MAILER_DEVISE_DEFAULT_EMAIL']" gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', /(?<=key = )'\w{128}'/, "ENV['TOKEN_DEVISE_SECRET']" gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', /(?<=pepper = )'\w{128}'/, "ENV['TOKEN_DEVISE_PEPPER']" gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.timeout_in = 30.minutes', 'config.timeout_in = 2.hours' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.expire_auth_token_on_timeout = false', 'config.expire_auth_token_on_timeout = true' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts', 'config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.unlock_strategy = :both', 'config.unlock_strategy = :both' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.maximum_attempts = 20', 'config.maximum_attempts = 7' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.unlock_in = 1.hour', 'config.unlock_in = 2.hours' gsub_file 'config/initializers/devise.rb', '# config.last_attempt_warning = false', 'config.last_attempt_warning = true' git_commit 'Update the devise defaults' end def update_sidekiq_config log_task __method__ append_file 'config/sidekiq.yml' do <<-S - mailer S end git_commit 'Add the devise mailer queue to sidekiq' end def update_routes log_task __method__ gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', "mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'\n", '' inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', after: "collection\n end\n" do <<-S # disable users from being able to register by uncommenting the lines below # get 'accounts/sign_up(.:format)', to: redirect('/') # post 'accounts(.:format)', to: redirect('/') # disable users from deleting their own account by uncommenting the line below # delete 'accounts(.:format)', to: redirect('/') devise_for :accounts authenticate :account, lambda { |account| } do mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq' end S end git_commit 'Add the devise route and protect sidekiq with authentication' end def add_en_locale_for_authorization log_task __method__ gsub_file 'config/locales/en.yml', "hello: \"Hello world\"\n", '' append_file 'config/locales/en.yml' do <<-S authorization: error: 'You are not authorized to perform this action.' S end git_commit 'Add en locale entry for authorization errors' end def add_devise_migration log_task __method__ migrate :accounts, %{ create_table(:accounts) do |t| ## Database authenticatable t.string :email, :null => false, :default => '' t.string :encrypted_password, :null => false, :default => '' ## Recoverable t.string :reset_password_token t.datetime :reset_password_sent_at ## Rememberable t.datetime :remember_created_at ## Trackable t.integer :sign_in_count, :default => 0, :null => false t.datetime :current_sign_in_at t.datetime :last_sign_in_at t.string :current_sign_in_ip t.string :last_sign_in_ip ## Lockable t.integer :failed_attempts, :default => 0, :null => false # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts t.string :unlock_token # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both t.datetime :locked_at ## Role t.string :role, default: 'guest' t.timestamps end add_index :accounts, :email, :unique => true add_index :accounts, :reset_password_token, :unique => true add_index :accounts, :unlock_token, :unique => true } git_commit 'Add devise model migration' end def add_account_model log_task __method__ file 'app/models/account.rb' do <<-'S' class Account < ActiveRecord::Base ROLES = %w[admin guest] devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :timeoutable, :lockable, :validatable, :async before_validation :ensure_password, on: :create after_save :invalidate_cache validates :role, inclusion: { in: ROLES } def self.serialize_from_session(key, salt) # store the current_account in the cache so we do not perform a db lookup on each authenticated page single_key = key.is_a?(Array) ? key.first : key Rails.cache.fetch("account:#{single_key}") do Account.where(id: single_key).entries.first end end def self.generate_password(length = 10) Devise.friendly_token.first(length) end def is?(role_check) role.to_sym == role_check end private def ensure_password # only generate a password if it does not exist self.password ||= Account.generate_password end def invalidate_cache Rails.cache.delete("account:#{id}") end end S end git_commit 'Add account model' end def add_seed_user log_task __method__ append_file 'db/seeds.rb', "\nAccount.create({ email: \"admin@#{app_name}.com\", password: \"password\", role: \"admin\" })" git_commit 'Add seed user' end def update_test_helper log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'test/test_helper.rb', after: "end\n" do <<-S class ActionController::TestCase include Devise::TestHelpers end S end git_commit 'Add devise test helper' end def add_account_fixtures log_task __method__ file 'test/fixtures/accounts.yml' do <<-S foo: id: 1 email: encrypted_password: passwordisnotreallyencrypted role: admin created_at: 2012-01-01 01:45:17 current_sign_in_at: 2013-03-15 11:22:33 no_role: id: 2 email: encrypted_password: hackthegibson created_at: 1995-09-15 08:10:12 bad_role: id: 3 email: encrypted_password: reallysecure role: ahhhh created_at: 2011-09-20 10:10:10 beep: id: 4 email: encrypted_password: beepbeepbeep created_at: 2010-03-6 05:15:45 S end git_commit 'Add account fixtures' end def add_account_unit_tests log_task __method__ file 'test/models/account_test.rb' do <<-S require 'test_helper' class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @account = accounts(:foo) end def teardown @account = nil end test 'expect new account' do assert @account.valid? assert_not_nil assert_not_nil @account.encrypted_password end test 'expect guest to be default role' do no_role = accounts(:no_role) assert_equal 'guest', no_role.role end test 'expect invalid role to not save' do bad_role = accounts(:bad_role) assert_not bad_role.valid? end test 'expect e-mail to be unique' do duplicate = Account.create(email: '') assert_not duplicate.valid? end test 'expect random password if password is empty' do @account.password = '' @account.encrypted_password = '' random_password = Account.generate_password assert_equal 10, random_password.length end test 'expect random password of 20 characters' do assert_equal 20, Account.generate_password(20).length end end S end git_commit 'Add account unit tests' end def add_current_user_alias log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', after: "::Base\n" do <<-S alias_method :current_user, :current_account S end git_commit 'Add current_user alias' end def add_devise_controller_override log_task __method__ inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', before: "end\n" do <<-S private # override devise to customize the after sign in path #def after_sign_in_path_for(resource) # if :admin # admin_path # else # somewhere_path # end #end S end git_commit 'Add devise after_sign_in_path_for override' end def add_devise_views log_task __method__ file 'app/views/devise/confirmations/new.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Confirm' meta_description '...' heading 'Confirm' %>
<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: confirmation_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post }) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control', maxlength: 254, autofocus: true, data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-maxlength' => '254' } %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Send <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb' do <<-S

Welcome <%= @email %>!

You can confirm your account email through the link below:

<%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token) %>

S end file 'app/views/devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb' do <<-S

Hello <%= %>!

Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below.

<%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_password_url(@resource, reset_password_token: @token) %>

If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.

Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.

S end file 'app/views/devise/mailer/unlock_instructions.html.erb' do <<-S

Hello <%= %>!

Your account has been locked due to an excessive number of unsuccessful sign in attempts.

Click the link below to unlock your account:

<%= link_to 'Unlock my account', unlock_url(@resource, unlock_token: @token) %>

S end file 'app/views/devise/passwords/edit.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Change your password' meta_description '...' heading 'Change your password' %>
<%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: password_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put } do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :reset_password_token %>
<%= f.label :password, 'New password' %> <%= f.password_field :password, maxlength: 128, class: 'form-control', autofocus: true, data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-minlength' => '8', 'rule-maxlength' => '128' } %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Send <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/passwords/new.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Forgot your password?' meta_description '...' heading 'Forgot your password?' %>
<%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: password_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control', autofocus: true, maxlength: 254, data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-maxlength' => '254' } %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Send <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Edit your account' meta_description '...' heading 'Edit your account' %>
<%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :patch } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :current_password %> Supply your current password to make any changes <%= f.password_field :current_password, maxlength: 128, class: 'form-control', data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-minlength' => '8', 'rule-maxlength' => '128' } %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control', maxlength: 254, autofocus: true %>
<% if devise_mapping.confirmable? && resource.pending_reconfirmation? %>

Currently waiting confirmation for: <%= resource.unconfirmed_email %>

<% end %>
<%= f.label :password %> Leave this blank if you do not want to change it <%= f.password_field :password, class: 'form-control' %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Save <% end %> <% end %>

Unhappy? <%= button_to 'Cancel my account', registration_path(resource_name), method: :delete %>

S end file 'app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Register a new account' meta_description '...' heading 'Register a new account' %>
<%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control', maxlength: 254, autofocus: true %>
<%= f.label :password %> <%= f.password_field :password, maxlength: 128, class: 'form-control', data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-minlength' => '8', 'rule-maxlength' => '128' } %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Register <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/sessions/new.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Sign in' meta_description '...' heading 'Sign in' %>
<%= form_for resource, as: resource_name, url: session_path(resource_name) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, maxlength: 254, class: 'form-control', autofocus: true %>
<%= f.label :password %> <%= f.password_field :password, maxlength: 128, class: 'form-control', data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-minlength' => '8', 'rule-maxlength' => '128' } %>
<% if devise_mapping.rememberable? -%>
<%= f.label :remember_me do %> <%= f.check_box :remember_me %> Stay signed in <% end %>
<% end -%> <%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Sign in <% end %> <% end %>

Having trouble accessing your account?

<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/unlocks/new.html.erb' do <<-S <% title 'Re-send unlock instructions' meta_description '...' heading 'Re-send unlock instructions' %>
<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: unlock_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post }) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :email %> <%= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control', maxlength: 254, autofocus: true, data: { 'rule-required' => 'true', 'rule-maxlength' => '254' } %>
<%= button_tag type: 'submit', class: 'btn btn-primary' do %> Send <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render 'devise/shared/links' %>
S end file 'app/views/devise/shared/_links.html.erb' do <<-'S' <%= content_tag(:h4, 'Or do something else') if controller_name != 'sessions' %> S end git_commit 'Add devise views' end def add_auth_links_to_the_navbar log_task __method__ file 'app/views/layouts/_navigation_auth.html.erb', <<-S <% if current_account %>
  • <%= link_to 'Settings', edit_account_registration_path %>
  • <%= link_to 'Sign out', destroy_account_session_path, method: :delete %>
  • <% else %>
  • <%= link_to 'Sign in', new_account_session_path %>
  • <%= link_to 'Register', new_account_registration_path %>
  • <% end %> S inject_into_file 'app/views/layouts/_navigation.html.erb', after: "\n" do <<-S S end append_file 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss' do <<-S @media (min-width: $screen-sm) { .nav-auth { float: right; } } S end git_commit 'Add authentication links to the layout' end def remove_unused_files_from_git log_task __method__ git add: '-u' git_commit 'Remove unused files' end # --- delete_app_css update_gemfile update_dotenv run_bundle_install add_pundit add_devise_initializers update_devise_initializer update_sidekiq_config update_routes add_en_locale_for_authorization add_devise_migration add_account_model add_seed_user update_test_helper add_account_fixtures add_account_unit_tests add_current_user_alias add_devise_controller_override add_devise_views add_auth_links_to_the_navbar remove_unused_files_from_git