module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # The base class for all of {JdbcAdapter}'s returned columns. # Instances of {JdbcColumn} will get extended with "column-spec" modules # (similar to how {JdbcAdapter} gets spec modules in) if the adapter spec # module provided a `column_selector` (matcher) method for it's database # specific type. # @see JdbcAdapter#jdbc_column_class class JdbcColumn < Column attr_writer :limit, :precision def initialize(config, name, *args) if self.class == JdbcColumn # NOTE: extending classes do not want this if they do they shall call call_discovered_column_callbacks(config) if config default = args.shift else # for extending classes allow ignoring first argument : if ! config.nil? && ! config.is_a?(Hash) default = name; name = config # initialize(name, default, *args) else default = args.shift end end # super <= 4.1: (name, default, sql_type = nil, null = true) # super master: (name, default, cast_type, sql_type = nil, null = true) super(name, default_value(default), *args) init_column(name, default, *args) end # Additional column initialization for sub-classes. def init_column(*args); end # Similar to `ActiveRecord`'s `extract_value_from_default(default)`. # @return default value for a given column def default_value(value); value; end protected # @private def call_discovered_column_callbacks(config) dialect = (config[:dialect] || config[:driver]).to_s for matcher, block in self.class.column_types, self) if matcher === dialect end end public # Returns the available column types # @return [Hash] of (matcher, block) pairs def self.column_types types = {} for mod in ::ArJdbc.modules if mod.respond_to?(:column_selector) sel = mod.column_selector # [ matcher, block ] types[ sel[0] ] = sel[1] end end types end class << self if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING < '4.2' # @private provides compatibility between AR 3.x/4.0 API def string_to_date(value); value_to_date(value) end end end end end end