# frozen_string_literal: true class Netdisco class LLDP < XDP MIB = "1.0.8802.1.1.2" # lldpMIB OID = { # http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/download/802.1AB-2009.pdf # finding IP address for LLDP neighbour as of JunOS 13.3R1 and IOS 15.0(2)SG8 is not practical # ifsubtype is ifindex but value 0 for JunOS neighbours # ifsubtype is systemportnumber for IOS neighbours (what ever that is) # luckily some IP address is in the OID key itself, while dodgy, better than nothing # in JunOS it was some random RFC1918 address in VRF interface, not something I could poll # .1.0.8802. # in IOS it was usable address # .1.0.8802. # (1.4 is IPv4) # as well LocPortId/RemPortId is hard, it is 'local' (snmpifindex really) in JunOS, but ifName in IOS lldpLocPortId: "1.0.8802.", lldpRemChassisIdSubtype: "1.0.8802.", # CSCO and JNPR use 4 (MAC address) rendering ChassisID useless lldpRemChassisId: "1.0.8802.", lldpRemPortIdSubtype: "1.0.8802.", lldpRemPortId: "1.0.8802.", lldpRemSysName: "1.0.8802.", lldpRemManAddrIfSubtype: "1.0.8802.", } PEERS_BY = OID[:lldpRemChassisId] PortSubType = { mac_address: 3, } private def make_peers peers = [] @mib.by_oid(PEERS_BY).each do |_, vb| peer = Peer.new peer_id = vb.oid_id(PEERS_BY) peer.oid = get_oid_hash peer_id ip = @mib.by_partial(OID[:lldpRemManAddrIfSubtype], peer_id) peer.raw_ip = ip.oid[-4..-1].join(".") if ip # FIXME: IPv4 specific peer.raw_ip ||= "" # sometimes we can't fnd any IP (EX2200 talking Arista found) peer.raw_name = @mib[OID[:lldpRemSysName], peer_id].value peer.ip = get_ip(peer.raw_ip, peer.raw_name) peer.dst = @mib[OID[:lldpRemPortId], peer_id].value if @mib[OID[:lldpRemPortIdSubtype], peer_id].value.to_i == PortSubType[:mac_address] peer.dst = peer.dst&.each_char&.map { |e| "%02x" % e.ord }&.join&.scan(/..../).join(".") end peer.src = @mib[OID[:lldpLocPortId], peer_id[1]].value rescue nil peers << peer end peers end end end