import "@hotwired/turbo" console.debug("[Panda CMS] Controllers loading..."); import "controllers" console.debug("[Panda CMS] Controllers loaded..."); // Import editor resources import { EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES, EDITOR_JS_CSS } from "panda/cms/editor/editor_js_config" import { ResourceLoader } from "panda/cms/editor/resource_loader" // Function to load editor resources async function loadEditorResources() { console.debug("[Panda CMS] Loading editor resources..."); try { // First load EditorJS core const editorCore = EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES[0] await ResourceLoader.loadScript(document, document.head, editorCore) // Then load all tools in parallel const toolLoads = EDITOR_JS_RESOURCES.slice(1).map(async (resource) => { await ResourceLoader.loadScript(document, document.head, resource) }) // Load CSS directly since it's a string, not an array await ResourceLoader.embedCSS(document, document.head, EDITOR_JS_CSS) // Wait for all resources to load await Promise.all(toolLoads) console.debug("[Panda CMS] Editor resources loaded"); // Dispatch a custom event when resources are loaded document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('editorjs:loaded')) } catch (error) { console.error("[Panda CMS] Error loading editor resources:", error); } } // Load resources on both initial page load and Turbo cache restore document.addEventListener('turbo:load', loadEditorResources); document.addEventListener('turbo:render', loadEditorResources);