#!/usr/bin/ruby # Video Contact Sheet Ruby: # ---------------------- # # Generates contact sheets of videos # # Prerequisites: Ruby, ImageMagick, ffmpeg/libav or mplayer # # Load library path for development $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") require 'optparse' require 'vcs' require 'yaml' include VCSRuby # Configuration can Override options options = { quiet: false, verbose: false, capturer: :any, format: nil, output: [] } # Command Line Parameter arguments arguments = { '--capturer' => [:ffmpeg, :libav, :mplayer, :any], '--format' => [:png, :jpg, :jpeg, :tiff], '--funky' => [:polaroid, :photos, :overlap, :rotate, :photoframe, :polaroidframe, :film, :random] } # Command Line Parameters optparse = OptionParser.new do|opts| opts.separator $vcs_ruby_name + ' ' + $vcs_ruby_version.to_s opts.separator '' opts.on( '-i [INTERVAL]', '--interval [INTERVAL]', 'Set the interval [INTERVAL]') do |interval| options[:interval] = TimeIndex.new interval end opts.on( '-c [COLMNS]', '--columns [COLUMNS]', 'Arrange the output in columns.') do |columns| options[:columns] = columns.to_i end opts.on( '-r [ROWS]', '--rows [ROWS]', 'Arrange the output in rows.') do |rows| options[:rows] = rows.to_i end opts.on( '-H [HEIGHT]', '--height [HEIGHT]', 'Set the output (individual thumbnail) height.') do |height| options[:height] = height.to_i end opts.on( '-W [WIDTH]', '--width [WIDTH]', 'Set the output (individual thumbnail) width.') do |width| options[:width] = width.to_i end opts.on( '-A [ASPECT]', '--aspect [ASPECT]', 'Aspect ratio. Accepts a floating point number or a fraction.') do |aspect| options[:aspect] = aspect.to_f end opts.on( '-f [FROM]', '--from [FROM]', 'Set starting time. No caps before this.') do |from| options[:from] = TimeIndex.new from end opts.on( '-t [TO]', '--to [TO]', 'Set ending time. No caps beyond this.') do |to| options[:to] = TimeIndex.new to end opts.on( '-T [TITLE]', '--title [TITLE]', 'Set ending time. No caps beyond this.') do |title| options[:title] = title end opts.on( '-f [format]', '--format [FORMAT]', arguments['--format'], 'Formats: ' + Tools::list_arguments(arguments["--format"])) do |format| options[:format] = format end opts.on('-C [CAPTURER]', '--capture [CAPTURER]', arguments['--capturer'], 'Capturer: ' + Tools::list_arguments(arguments["--capturer"])) do |capturer| options[:capturer] = capturer end opts.on( '-T [TITLE]', '--title [TITLE]', 'Set Title') do |title| options[:title] = title end opts.on( '-o [FILE]', '--output [FILE]', 'File name of output. When ommited will be derived from the input filename. Can be repeated for multiple files.') do |file| options[:output] << file end opts.on( '-s [SIGNATURE]', '--signature [SIGNATURE]', 'Change the image signature to your preference.') do |signature| options[:signature] = signature end opts.on( '--no-signature', 'Remove footer with signature') do options[:no_signature] = true end opts.on( '-l [HIGHLIGHT]', '--highlight [HIGHLIGHT]', 'Add the frame found at timestamp [HIGHLIGHT] as a highlight.') do |highlight| options[:highlight] = TimeIndex.new highlight end opts.on("--[no-]timestamp", "Add timestamp to thumbnails. Default: true") do |timestamp| options[:timestamp] = timestamp end opts.on("--[no-]shadow", "Add shadow to thumbnails. Default: true") do |shadow| options[:shadow] = shadow end opts.on("--[no-]polaroid", "Add polaroid frame to thumbnail. Default: false") do |polaroid| options[:polaroid] = polaroid end opts.on( '-p [PROFILE]', '--profile [PROFILE]', 'Loads additional setting from profile.yml.') do |profile| options[:profile] = profile end opts.on( '-q', '--quiet', 'Don\'t print progress messages just errors.') do |file| options[:quiet] = true end opts.on('--continue', 'Prints Error message and continues with next file (if any left)') do |file| options[:continue] = true end opts.on("-V", "--verbose", "More verbose Output.") do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on( '-v', '--version', 'Current Version' ) do puts $vcs_ruby_name + ' ' + $vcs_ruby_version.to_s exit 0 end opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Prints help' ) do options[:help] = true end opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Examples:' opts.separator ' Create a contact sheet with default values (4 x 4 matrix):' opts.separator ' $ vcs video.avi' opts.separator '' opts.separator ' Create a sheet with vidcaps at intervals of 3 and a half minutes, save to' opts.separator ' "output.jpg":' opts.separator ' $ vcs -i 3m30 input.wmv -o output.jpg' opts.separator '' opts.separator ' Create a sheet with vidcaps starting at 3 mins and ending at 18 mins in 2m intervals' opts.separator ' $ vcs --from 3m --to 18m -i 2m input.avi' opts.separator '' opts.separator ' See more examples at vcs-ruby homepage .' opts.separator '' end Tools::print_help optparse if ARGV.empty? optparse.parse! Tools::print_help optparse if options[:help] || ARGV.empty? Configuration.instance.verbose = options[:verbose] Configuration.instance.quiet = options[:quiet] # Invoke ContactSheet errors = {} ARGV.each_with_index do |video, index| begin sheet = Tools::contact_sheet_with_options video, options sheet.initialize_filename(options[:output][index]) if options[:output][index] sheet.build rescue Exception => e errors[video] = e STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{e.message}" STDERR.puts "#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" if options[:verbose] break unless options[:continue] end end if options[:continue] && errors.length > 0 errors.each do |video, e| STDERR.puts "File: #{video}" STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{e.message}" end STDERR.puts "Total: #{errors.length} Errors" end