# frozen_string_literal: true module AMQP class Client # Queue abstraction class Queue # Should only be initialized from the Client # @api private def initialize(client, name) @client = client @name = name end # Publish to the queue, wait for confirm # @param (see Client#publish) # @option (see Client#publish) # @raise (see Client#publish) # @return [self] def publish(body, **properties) @client.publish(body, "", @name, **properties) self end # Subscribe/consume from the queue # @param no_ack [Boolean] When false messages have to be manually acknowledged (or rejected) # @param prefetch [Integer] Specify how many messages to prefetch for consumers with no_ack is false # @param worker_threads [Integer] Number of threads processing messages, # 0 means that the thread calling this method will be blocked # @param arguments [Hash] Custom arguments to the consumer # @yield [Message] Delivered message from the queue # @return [self] def subscribe(no_ack: false, prefetch: 1, worker_threads: 1, arguments: {}, &blk) @client.subscribe(@name, no_ack: no_ack, prefetch: prefetch, worker_threads: worker_threads, arguments: arguments, &blk) self end # Bind the queue to an exchange # @param exchange [String] Name of the exchange to bind to # @param binding_key [String] Binding key on which messages that match might be routed (depending on exchange type) # @param arguments [Hash] Message headers to match on (only relevant for header exchanges) # @return [self] def bind(exchange, binding_key, arguments: {}) @client.bind(@name, exchange, binding_key, arguments: arguments) self end # Unbind the queue from an exchange # @param exchange [String] Name of the exchange to unbind from # @param binding_key [String] Binding key which the queue is bound to the exchange with # @param arguments [Hash] Arguments matching the binding that's being removed # @return [self] def unbind(exchange, binding_key, arguments: {}) @client.unbind(@name, exchange, binding_key, arguments: arguments) self end # Purge/empty the queue # @return [self] def purge @client.purge(@name) self end # Delete the queue # @return [nil] def delete @client.delete_queue(@name) nil end end end end