module Onoma class PropertyNature attr_reader :nomenclature, :name, :type, :fallbacks, :default, :source # New item def initialize(nomenclature, name, type, options = {}) @nomenclature = nomenclature @name = name.to_sym @type = type raise "Invalid type: #{@type.inspect}" unless Onoma::PROPERTY_TYPES.include?(@type) @fallbacks = options[:fallbacks] if options[:fallbacks] @default = options[:default] if options[:default] @required = !!options[:required] @source = options[:choices] if reference? && options[:choices] end Onoma::PROPERTY_TYPES.each do |type| define_method "#{type}?" do @type == type end end def to_xml_attrs attrs = {} attrs[:name] = @name.to_s attrs[:type] = @type.to_s if @source attrs[:choices] = if inline_choices? @source.join(', ') else @source.to_s end end attrs[:required] = 'true' if @required attrs[:fallbacks] = @fallbacks.join(', ') if @fallbacks attrs[:default] = @default.to_s if @default attrs end # Returns if property is required def required? @required end def inline_choices? choice? || choice_list? end def item_reference? item? || item_list? end def reference? choice_list? || item_list? || string_list? || choice? || item? end def list? choice_list? || item_list? || string_list? end def choices_nomenclature @source end # Returns list of choices for a given property def choices if inline_choices? @source || [] elsif item_reference? @nomenclature.sibling(@source) end end def selection if inline_choices? choices.collect do |c| ["nomenclatures.#{}.choices.#{name}.#{c}".t, c] end elsif item_reference? @nomenclature.sibling(@source).selection end end # Return human name of property def human_name I18n.t("nomenclatures.#{}.property_natures.#{name}", default: ["nomenclatures.#{}.properties.#{name}".to_sym, "properties.#{name}".to_sym, "enumerize.#{}.#{name}".to_sym, "labels.#{name}".to_sym, name.humanize]) end alias humanize human_name def <=>(other) name <=> end end end