module ThorSCMVersion class MissingP4ConfigException < StandardError def initialize(config_option) @config_option = config_option end def message "#{@config_option} is not set in your environment." end end module Perforce class << self def check_environment ["P4PORT","P4USER", "P4PASSWD", "P4CLIENT"].each {|config| raise if ENV[config].nil? or ENV[config].empty? } end def set "p4 set" end def parse_and_set_p4_set p4_set = set parsed_p4_config = p4_set.split("\n").inject({}) do |p4_config, line| key, value = line.split('=') value = value.gsub(/\(.*/, '').strip unless value.nil? p4_config[key] = value p4_config end parsed_p4_config.each {|key,value| ENV[key] = value} end def connection parse_and_set_p4_set check_environment "echo #{ENV["P4PASSWD"]} | p4 login" yield ensure "p4 logout" end end end class P4Version < ScmVersion class << self def all_from_path(path) Dir.chdir(path) do all_labels_array = `p4 labels -e \"#{module_name(path)}*\"`.split("\n") thor_scmversion_labels = get_thor_scmversion_labels(all_labels_array, module_name(path)) current_versions = thor_scmversion_labels.collect do |label| new_instance = new(*parse_label(label, module_name(path))) end.sort.reverse if current_versions.empty? first_instance = new(0, 0, 0) end current_versions << first_instance if current_versions.empty? current_versions end end def depot_path(path) `p4 dirs #{File.expand_path(path)}`.chomp end def module_name(path) File.expand_path(path).split("/").last end def parse_label(label, p4_module_name) label.split(" ")[1].gsub("#{p4_module_name}-", "").split('.') end def get_thor_scmversion_labels(labels, p4_module_name){|label| label.split(" ")[1].gsub("#{p4_module_name}-", "").match(ScmVersion::VERSION_FORMAT)} end end def initialize(major=0, minor=0, patch=0) self.p4_depot_path = self.class.depot_path('.') self.p4_module_name = self.class.module_name('.') super(major, minor, patch) end attr_accessor :version_file_path attr_accessor :p4_depot_path attr_accessor :p4_module_name def retrieve_tags # noop # p4 always has labels available, you just have to ask the server for them. end def tag if windows? `type #{File.expand_path(get_p4_label_file).gsub(File::Separator, File::ALT_SEPARATOR)} | p4 label -i` else `cat #{File.expand_path(get_p4_label_file)} | p4 label -i` end end def auto_bump # TODO: actually implement this bump!(:patch) end private def get_label_name "#{p4_module_name}-#{self}" end def get_p4_label_template %{ Label: #{get_label_name} Description: Created by thor-scmversion. Owner: #{ENV["P4USER"]} Options: unlocked Revision: @#{get_last_submitted_p4_changelist} View: #{p4_depot_path}/...} end def get_last_submitted_p4_changelist `p4 changes -s submitted -m 1 #{p4_depot_path}/...`.split(' ')[1] end def get_p4_label_file tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir, "p4_label.tmp"), "w") do |file| file.write(get_p4_label_template) file end end def windows? RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ end end end