# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'log4r' class String def unindent gsub(/^#{scan(/^\s*/).min_by{|l|l.length}}/, "") end end module VagrantPlugins module ProviderLibvirt module Action # Action for create new box for Libvirt provider class PackageDomain include VagrantPlugins::ProviderLibvirt::Util::Ui def initialize(app, env) @logger = Log4r::Logger.new('vagrant_libvirt::action::package_domain') @app = app @options = ENV.fetch('VAGRANT_LIBVIRT_VIRT_SYSPREP_OPTIONS', '') @operations = ENV.fetch('VAGRANT_LIBVIRT_VIRT_SYSPREP_OPERATIONS', 'defaults,-ssh-userdir,-ssh-hostkeys,-customize') end def call(env) env[:ui].info(I18n.t('vagrant_libvirt.package_domain')) libvirt_domain = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.client.lookup_domain_by_uuid( env[:machine].id ) domain = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.servers.get(env[:machine].id.to_s) volumes = domain.volumes.select { |x| !x.nil? } root_disk = volumes.select do |x| x.name == libvirt_domain.name + '.img' end.first raise Errors::NoDomainVolume if root_disk.nil? package_func = method(:package_v1) box_format = ENV.fetch('VAGRANT_LIBVIRT_BOX_FORMAT_VERSION', nil) case box_format when nil if volumes.length() > 1 msg = "Detected more than one volume for machine, in the future this will switch to using the v2 " msg += "box format v2 automatically." msg += "\nIf you want to include the additional disks attached when packaging please set the " msg += "env variable VAGRANT_LIBVIRT_BOX_FORMAT_VERSION=v2 to use the new format. If you want " msg += "to ensure that your box uses the old format for single disk only, please set the " msg += "environment variable explicitly to 'v1'" env[:ui].warn(msg) end when 'v2' package_func = method(:package_v2) when 'v1' else env[:ui].warn("Unrecognized value for 'VAGRANT_LIBVIRT_BOX_FORMAT_VERSION', defaulting to v1") end metadata = package_func.call(env, volumes) # metadata / Vagrantfile package_directory = env["package.directory"] File.write(package_directory + '/metadata.json', metadata) File.write(package_directory + '/Vagrantfile', vagrantfile_content(env)) @app.call(env) end def package_v1(env, volumes) domain_img = download_volume(env, volumes.first, 'box.img') sysprep_domain(domain_img) sparsify_volume(domain_img) info = JSON.parse(`qemu-img info --output=json #{domain_img}`) img_size = (Float(info['virtual-size'])/(1024**3)).ceil return metadata_content_v1(img_size) end def package_v2(env, volumes) disks = [] volumes.each_with_index do |vol, idx| disk = {:path => "box_#{idx+1}.img"} volume_img = download_volume(env, vol, disk[:path]) if idx == 0 sysprep_domain(volume_img) end sparsify_volume(volume_img) disks.push(disk) end return metadata_content_v2(disks) end def vagrantfile_content(env) include_vagrantfile = "" if env["package.vagrantfile"] include_vagrantfile = <<-EOF # Load include vagrant file if it exists after the auto-generated # so it can override any of the settings include_vagrantfile = File.expand_path("../include/_Vagrantfile", __FILE__) load include_vagrantfile if File.exist?(include_vagrantfile) EOF end <<-EOF.unindent Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt| libvirt.driver = "kvm" end #{include_vagrantfile} end EOF end def metadata_content_v1(filesize) <<-EOF.unindent { "provider": "libvirt", "format": "qcow2", "virtual_size": #{filesize} } EOF end def metadata_content_v2(disks) data = { "provider": "libvirt", "format": "qcow2", "disks": disks.each do |disk| {'path': disk[:path]} end } JSON.pretty_generate(data) end protected def sparsify_volume(volume_img) `virt-sparsify --in-place #{volume_img}` end def sysprep_domain(domain_img) # remove hw association with interface # working for centos with lvs default disks `virt-sysprep --no-logfile --operations #{@operations} -a #{domain_img} #{@options}` end def download_volume(env, volume, disk_path) package_directory = env["package.directory"] volume_img = package_directory + '/' + disk_path env[:ui].info("Downloading #{volume.name} to #{volume_img}") download_image(volume_img, env[:machine].provider_config.storage_pool_name, volume.name, env) do |progress,image_size| rewriting(env[:ui]) do |ui| ui.clear_line ui.report_progress(progress, image_size, false) end end # Clear the line one last time since the progress meter doesn't # disappear immediately. rewriting(env[:ui]) {|ui| ui.clear_line} # Prep domain disk backing = `qemu-img info "#{volume_img}" | grep 'backing file:' | cut -d ':' -f2`.chomp if backing env[:ui].info('Image has backing image, copying image and rebasing ...') `qemu-img rebase -p -b "" #{volume_img}` end return volume_img end # Fog libvirt currently doesn't support downloading images from storage # pool volumes. Use ruby-libvirt client instead. def download_image(image_file, pool_name, volume_name, env) begin pool = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.client.lookup_storage_pool_by_name( pool_name ) volume = pool.lookup_volume_by_name(volume_name) image_size = volume.info.allocation # B stream = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.client.stream # Use length of 0 to download remaining contents after offset volume.download(stream, offset = 0, length = 0) buf_size = 1024 * 250 # 250K, copied from upload_image in handle_box_image.rb progress = 0 retval = stream.recv(buf_size) open(image_file, 'wb') do |io| while (retval.at(0) > 0) recvd = io.write(retval.at(1)) progress += recvd yield [progress, image_size] retval = stream.recv(buf_size) end end rescue => e raise Errors::ImageDownloadError, volume_name: volume_name, pool_name: pool_name, error_message: e.message end progress == image_size end end end end end