module Kitabu # The Kitabu::Generator class will create a new book structure. # # ebook = # ebook.destination_root = "/some/path/book-name" # ebook.invoke_all # class Generator < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions desc "Generate a new e-Book structure" def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../templates" end def copy_html_templates copy_file "layout.erb" , "templates/html/layout.erb" copy_file "layout.css" , "templates/html/layout.css" copy_file "user.css" , "templates/html/user.css" copy_file "syntax.css" , "templates/html/syntax.css" end def copy_epub_templates copy_file "cover.erb" , "templates/epub/cover.erb" copy_file "epub.css" , "templates/epub/user.css" copy_file "epub.erb" , "templates/epub/page.erb" copy_file "cover.png" , "templates/epub/cover.png" end def copy_sample_page copy_file "" , "text/" end def copy_config_file @name = full_name @uid = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{}--#{rand}") @year = template "config.erb", "config/kitabu.yml" end def copy_helper_file copy_file "helper.rb", "config/helper.rb" end def create_directories empty_directory "output" empty_directory "images" empty_directory "code" end def create_git_files create_file ".gitignore" do "output/*.{html,epub,pdf}\noutput/tmp" end create_file "output/.gitkeep" create_file "images/.gitkeep" create_file "code/.gitkeep" end def copy_guardfile copy_file "Guardfile", "Guardfile" end private # Retrieve user's name using finger. # Defaults to John Doe. # def full_name name = `finger $USER 2> /dev/null | grep Login | colrm 1 46`.chomp name.present? ? name.squish : "John Doe" end end end