require 'shellwords' require 'platform-api' module Hatchet class App HATCHET_BUILDPACK_BASE = (ENV['HATCHET_BUILDPACK_BASE'] || "") HATCHET_BUILDPACK_BRANCH = -> { ENV['HATCHET_BUILDPACK_BRANCH'] || Hatchet.git_branch } BUILDPACK_URL = "" attr_reader :name, :stack, :directory, :repo_name class FailedDeploy < StandardError def initialize(app, output) msg = "Could not deploy '#{}' (#{app.repo_name}) using '#{app.class}' at path: '#{}'\n" << " if this was expected add `allow_failure: true` to your deploy hash.\n" << "output:\n" << "#{output}" super(msg) end end def initialize(repo_name, options = {}) @repo_name = repo_name @directory = config.path_for_name(@repo_name) @name = options[:name] || "hatchet-t-#{SecureRandom.hex(10)}" @stack = options[:stack] @debug = options[:debug] || options[:debugging] @allow_failure = options[:allow_failure] || false @labs = ([] << options[:labs]).flatten.compact @buildpacks = options[:buildpack] || options[:buildpacks] || options[:buildpack_url] || self.class.default_buildpack @buildpacks = Array(@buildpacks) @reaper = platform_api) end def self.default_buildpack [HATCHET_BUILDPACK_BASE,].join("#") end def allow_failure? @allow_failure end # config is read only, should be threadsafe def self.config @config ||= end def config self.class.config end def set_config(options = {}) options.each do |key, value| # heroku.put_config_vars(name, key => value) platform_api.config_var.update(name, key => value) end end def get_config # heroku.get_config_vars(name).body platform_api.config_var.info_for_app(name) end def lab_is_installed?(lab) get_labs.any? {|hash| hash["name"] == lab } end def get_labs # heroku.get_features(name).body platform_api.app_feature.list(name) end def set_labs! @labs.each {|lab| set_lab(lab) } end def set_lab(lab) # heroku.post_feature(lab, name) platform_api.app_feature.update(name, lab, enabled: true) end def add_database(plan_name = 'heroku-postgresql:dev', match_val = "HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_[A-Z]+_URL") Hatchet::RETRIES.times.retry do # heroku.post_addon(name, plan_name) platform_api.addon.create(name, plan: plan_name ) _, value = get_config.detect {|k, v| k.match(/#{match_val}/) } set_config('DATABASE_URL' => value) end end # runs a command on heroku similar to `$ heroku run #foo` # but programatically and with more control def run(cmd_type, command = nil, options = {}, &block) command = cmd_type.to_s if command.nil? heroku_options = (options.delete(:heroku) || {}).map {|k,v| "--#{k.to_s.shellescape}=#{v.to_s.shellescape}"}.join(" ") heroku_command = "heroku run #{command.to_s.shellescape} -a #{name} #{ heroku_options }" bundle_exec do if block_given?, heroku_command, options).run(&block) else `#{heroku_command}` end end end # set debug: true when creating app if you don't want it to be # automatically destroyed, useful for debugging...bad for app limits. # turn on global debug by setting HATCHET_DEBUG=true in the env def debug? @debug || ENV['HATCHET_DEBUG'] || false end alias :debugging? :debug? def not_debugging? !debug? end alias :no_debug? :not_debugging? def deployed? # !heroku.get_ps(name).body.detect {|ps| ps["process"].include?("web") }.nil? platform_api.formation.list(name).detect {|ps| ps["type"] == "web"} end def create_app 3.times.retry do begin # heroku.post_app({ name: name, stack: stack }.delete_if {|k,v| v.nil? }) hash = { name: name, stack: stack } hash.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? } rescue Heroku::API::Errors::RequestFailed => e @reaper.cycle if e.message.match(/app limit/) raise e end end end def update_stack(stack_name) @stack = stack_name, build_stack: @stack) end # creates a new heroku app via the API def setup! return self if @app_is_setup puts "Hatchet setup: #{name.inspect} for #{repo_name.inspect}" create_app set_labs! # heroku.put_config_vars(name, 'BUILDPACK_URL' => @buildpack) buildpack_list = {|pack| { buildpack: pack }} platform_api.buildpack_installation.update(name, updates: buildpack_list) @app_is_setup = true self end alias :setup :setup! def push_without_retry! raise NotImplementedError end def teardown! return false unless @app_is_setup if debugging? puts "Debugging App:#{name}" return false end @reaper.cycle end def in_directory(directory = Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| FileUtils.cp_r("#{directory}/.", "#{tmpdir}/.") Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do yield directory end end end # creates a new app on heroku, "pushes" via anvil or git # then yields to self so you can call or # self.deployed? # Allow deploy failures on CI server by setting ENV['HATCHET_RETRIES'] def deploy(&block) in_directory do self.setup! self.push_with_retry!, platform_api, output) if block_given? end ensure self.teardown! end def push max_retries = @allow_failure ? 1 : RETRIES max_retries.times.retry do |attempt| begin @output = self.push_without_retry! rescue StandardError => error puts retry_error_message(error, attempt, max_retries) raise error end end end alias :push! :push alias :push_with_retry :push alias :push_with_retry! :push_with_retry def retry_error_message(error, attempt, max_retries) attempt += 1 return "" if attempt == max_retries msg = "\nRetrying failed Attempt ##{attempt}/#{max_retries} to push for '#{name}' due to error: \n"<< "#{error.class} #{error.message}\n #{error.backtrace.join("\n ")}" end def output @output end def api_key @api_key ||= ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'] || bundle_exec {`heroku auth:token`.chomp } end def heroku raise "Not supported, use `platform_api` instead." @heroku ||= api_key) end def run_ci(timeout: 300, &block) Hatchet::RETRIES.times.retry do result = create_pipeline @pipeline_id = result["id"] end # create_app # platform_api.pipeline_coupling.create(app: name, pipeline: @pipeline_id, stage: "development") test_run = api_key, buildpacks: @buildpacks, timeout: timeout, app: self, pipeline: @pipeline_id) Hatchet::RETRIES.times.retry do test_run.create_test_run end test_run.wait!(&block) ensure delete_pipeline(@pipeline_id) if @pipeline_id end def pipeline_id @pipeline_id end def create_pipeline platform_api.pipeline.create(name: @name) end def source_get_url create_source @source_get_url end def create_source @create_source ||= begin result = platform_api.source.create @source_get_url = result["source_blob"]["get_url"] @source_put_url = result["source_blob"]["put_url"] @source_put_url end end def delete_pipeline(pipeline_id) platform_api.pipeline.delete(pipeline_id) end def platform_api # We have to not use a cache due to @platform_api ||= PlatformAPI.connect_oauth(api_key, cache: end private # if someone uses bundle exec def bundle_exec if defined?(Bundler) Bundler.with_clean_env do yield end else yield end end end end