class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base include Valuation::LifetimeValue include Valuation::LifetimeFees include Ext::Resellable::Organization include Ext::Integrations::Organization attr_accessible :name, :time_zone, :ein, :legal_organization_name, :email, :receive_daily_sales_report, :country, :state, :zip, :phone_number, :website, :discipline, :cached_slug has_many :events has_many :charts has_many :shows has_many :tickets has_many :discounts has_many :people has_many :segments has_many :user_memberships has_many :orders has_many :items has_many :membership_types has_many :memberships has_many :members has_many :pass_types has_many :searches has_many :users, :through => :user_memberships, :order => 'user_memberships.owner desc' has_many :kits, :before_add => :check_for_duplicates, :after_add => lambda { |u,k| k.activate! unless k.activated? } has_many :imports validates_presence_of :name, :email, :time_zone, :country, :state, :zip, :phone_number, :discipline validates :ein, :presence => true, :if => :updating_tax_info validates :legal_organization_name, :presence => true, :if => :updating_tax_info scope :receiving_sales_email, where(:receive_daily_sales_report => true) is_sluggable :name, :editable => true validates :cached_slug, :exclusion => { :in => %w(orders tickets admin artfully statements settlements search searches store event events show shows reseller members mobile member resellers merges people phones refunds exchanges), :message => "we can't set your Storefront URL to \"%{value}\"" }, :uniqueness => { :message => "\"%{value}\" has already been taken"} def to_param end # # We aren't interested in FAFS donations, so override lifetime_orders # to only include Artfully orders see: Valuation::LifetimeValue # def lifetime_orders orders.where('transaction_id is not null') end # # Returns Tag objects. For an array of tag strings, call unique_tag_strings_for # # This has been supersceded by tags_on and tag_counts_on in acts_as_taggable_on # But those methods have not been added to an acts_as_taggable_on release yet. # def tags_for(tagged_association) #Yak begin self.send(tagged_association.to_sym) rescue NoMethodError raise NoMethodError, "No tagged has_many association found for #{tagged_association.to_sym}" end table_name = Kernel.const_get(tagged_association.to_s.classify).table_name ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.joins("INNER JOIN taggings ON = taggings.tag_id") .joins("INNER JOIN #{table_name} ON #{table_name}.id = taggings.taggable_id") .joins("INNER JOIN organizations ON = #{table_name}.organization_id") .where(" = ?", end def unique_tag_strings_for(tagged_association) self.tags_for(tagged_association) end # # Will promote user to owner and demote any other owners # def make_owner(user) UserMembership.promote(user, self) end # # In service of the user_memberships.owner migration. # def previous_owner users.order(' asc').first end def owner @owner ||= UserMembership.includes(:user).where(:organization_id => => true).first.try(:user) end def dummy Person.dummy_for(self) end def to_s name end def membership_kit self.kits.where(:type => "MembershipKit").first end def passes_kit self.kits.where(:type => "PassesKit").first end delegate :can?, :cannot?, :to => :ability def ability end attr_accessor :updating_tax_info def update_tax_info(params) @updating_tax_info = true update_attributes({ :ein => params[:ein], :legal_organization_name => params[:legal_organization_name], :email => params[:email] }) end def has_tax_info? !(ein.blank? or legal_organization_name.blank?) end def available_kits Kit.pad_with_new_kits(kits) end def authorization_hash { :authorized => can?(:receive, Donation), :type => donation_type, :fsp_name => name_for_donations } end def donations Item.includes(:order => [:person => :address]).where(:product_type => "Donation", :orders => { :organization_id => id }) end def ticket_sales Item.includes(:show => [:event => :venue], :order => [:person => :address]).where(:product_type => "Ticket", :orders => { :organization_id => id }) end def has_kit?(name) kits.where(:state => "activated").map(&:class).map(&:name).include?(name.to_s.camelize + "Kit") end private def check_for_duplicates(kit) raise Kit::DuplicateError if kits.find{|k| k.type == kit.type} end def donation_type return :sponsored if kits.where(:type => "SponsoredDonationKit").any? && kits.where(:type => "SponsoredDonationKit").first.activated? return :regular if kits.where(:type => "RegularDonationKit").any? && kits.where(:type => "RegularDonationKit").first.activated? end end