class Aircraft < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key :icao_code # Fuzzy association with FlightSegment cache_loose_tight_dictionary_matches_with :flight_segments, :primary_key => :description, :foreign_key => :aircraft_description class << self # set up a loose_tight_dictionary for matching Aircraft description with FlightSegment aircraft_description def loose_tight_dictionary @loose_tight_dictionary ||=, :haystack_reader => lambda { |record| record.description }, :blockings => => '').map { |record| record['blocking'] }, :identities => => '').map { |record| record['identity'] }, :tighteners => => '').map { |record| record['tightener'] }, :must_match_blocking => true, :first_blocking_decides => true) end # FIXME TODO do we want to restrict this to certain years? # Derive some average characteristics from flight segments def update_averages! # Setup fuzzy matches with FlightSegment manually_cache_flight_segments! # Calculate seats and passengers for each aircraft based on associated flight_segments find_each do |a| if a.seats = a.flight_segments.weighted_average(:seats_per_flight, :weighted_by => :passengers) a.seats_specificity = 'aircraft' end if (passengers = a.flight_segments.sum(:passengers)) > 0 a.passengers = passengers end! end # Calculate seats for any aircraft that don't have any flight_segments by averaging across all aircraft with flight segments in the aircraft class where(:seats => nil).find_each do |a| if a.seats = where(:class_code => a.class_code, :seats_specificity => 'aircraft').weighted_average(:seats, :weighted_by => :passengers) a.seats_specificity = 'aircraft_class'! end end # Calculate any missing fuel use coefficients by averaging across all aircraft with fuel use coefficients in the same aircraft class where(:m3 => nil).find_each do |a| a.m3 = where(:class_code => a.class_code, :fuel_use_specificity => 'aircraft').weighted_average(:m3, :weighted_by => :passengers) a.m2 = where(:class_code => a.class_code, :fuel_use_specificity => 'aircraft').weighted_average(:m2, :weighted_by => :passengers) a.m1 = where(:class_code => a.class_code, :fuel_use_specificity => 'aircraft').weighted_average(:m1, :weighted_by => :passengers) a.b = where(:class_code => a.class_code, :fuel_use_specificity => 'aircraft').weighted_average(:b, :weighted_by => :passengers) if a.valid_fuel_use_equation? a.m3_units = 'kilograms_per_cubic_nautical_mile' a.m2_units = 'kilograms_per_square_nautical_mile' a.m1_units = 'kilograms_per_nautical_mile' a.b_units = 'kilograms' a.fuel_use_specificity = 'aircraft_class'! end end end # Cache fuzzy matches between FlightSegment aircraft_description and Aircraft description def manually_cache_flight_segments! FlightSegment.run_data_miner! LooseTightDictionary::CachedResult.setup connection.select_values("SELECT DISTINCT(aircraft_description) FROM flight_segments WHERE aircraft_description IS NOT NULL").each do |original_description| # If the flight segment's aircraft_description contains '/' then it describes multiple aircraft. # We need to synthesize descriptions for those aircraft, find all Aircraft that fuzzily match the # synthesized descriptions, and associate those Aircraft with the original aircraft_description. # e.g. boeing 747-100/200 if original_description.include?('/') # Pull out the complete first aircraft description # e.g. 'boeing 747-100' first_description = original_description.split('/')[0] # Pull out the root of the description - the text up to and including the last ' ' or '-' # e.g. 'boeing 747-' root_length = first_description.rindex(/[ \-]/) root = first_description.slice(0..root_length) # Pull out the suffixes - the text separated by forward slashes # e.g. ['100', '200'] suffixes = original_description.split(root)[1].split('/') # Create an array of synthesized descriptions by appending each suffix to the root # e.g. ['boeing 747-100', 'boeing 747-200']{ |suffix| root + suffix }.each do |synthesized_description| # Look up the Aircraft that match each synthesized description and associate # them with the original flight segment aircraft_description Aircraft.loose_tight_dictionary.find_all(synthesized_description).each do |aircraft| attrs = { :a_class => "Aircraft", :a => aircraft.description, :b_class => "FlightSegment", :b => original_description } unless ::LooseTightDictionary::CachedResult.exists? attrs ::LooseTightDictionary::CachedResult.create! attrs end end end # If the flight segment's aircraft_description doesn't contain '/' we can use # a method provided by loose_tight_dictionary to associate it with Aircraft else FlightSegment.find_by_aircraft_description(original_description).cache_aircraft! end end end end def valid_fuel_use_equation? [m3, m2, m1, b].all?(&:present?) and [m3, m2, m1, b].any?(&:nonzero?) end falls_back_on :m3 => lambda { weighted_average(:m3, :weighted_by => :passengers) }, # 9.73423082858437e-08 r7110: 8.6540464368905e-8 r6972: 8.37e-8 :m2 => lambda { weighted_average(:m2, :weighted_by => :passengers) }, # -0.000134350543484608 r7110: -0.00015337661447817 r6972: -4.09e-5 :m1 => lambda { weighted_average(:m1, :weighted_by => :passengers) }, # 6.7728101555467 r7110: 4.7781966869412 r6972: 7.85 :b => lambda { weighted_average(:b, :weighted_by => :passengers) }, # 1527.81790006167 r7110: 1065.3476555284 r6972: 1.72e3 :m3_units => 'kilograms_per_cubic_nautical_mile', :m2_units => 'kilograms_per_square_nautical_mile', :m1_units => 'kilograms_per_nautical_mile', :b_units => 'kilograms' col :icao_code col :manufacturer_name col :model_name col :description col :aircraft_type col :engine_type col :engines, :type => :integer col :weight_class col :class_code col :passengers, :type => :float col :seats, :type => :float col :seats_specificity col :m3, :type => :float col :m3_units col :m2, :type => :float col :m2_units col :m1, :type => :float col :m1_units col :b, :type => :float col :b_units col :fuel_use_specificity end