# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require_relative '../metadata' require_relative 'metadata' module GoodData class Report < GoodData::MdObject include Mixin::Lockable class << self # Method intended to get all objects of that type in a specified project # # @param options [Hash] the options hash # @option options [Boolean] :full if passed true the subclass can decide to pull in full objects. This is desirable from the usability POV but unfortunately has negative impact on performance so it is not the default # @return [Array | Array] Return the appropriate metadata objects or their representation def all(options = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) query('report', Report, options) end def create(options = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) client, project = GoodData.get_client_and_project(options) title = options[:title] fail 'Report needs a title specified' unless title summary = options[:summary] || '' options_rd = options.dup options_rd.delete(:identifier) rd = options[:rd] || ReportDefinition.create(options_rd) rd.save report = { 'report' => { 'content' => { 'domains' => [], 'definitions' => [rd.uri] }, 'meta' => { 'tags' => '', 'deprecated' => '0', 'summary' => summary, 'title' => title } } } # TODO: write test for report definitions with explicit identifiers report['report']['meta']['identifier'] = options[:identifier] if options[:identifier] client.create(Report, report, :project => project) end def data_result(result, options = {}) client = options[:client] data_result_uri = result['execResult']['dataResult'] begin result = client.poll_on_response(data_result_uri, options) do |body| body && body['taskState'] && body['taskState']['status'] == 'WAIT' end rescue RestClient::BadRequest => e resp = JSON.parse(e.response) if GoodData::Helpers.get_path(resp, %w(error component)) == 'MD::DataResult' raise GoodData::UncomputableReport else raise e end end if result.empty? ReportDataResult.new(data: [], top: 0, left: 0) else ReportDataResult.from_xtab(result) end end end # Add a report definition to a report. This will show on a UI as a new version. # # @param report_definition [GoodData::ReportDefinition | String] Report definition to add. Either it can be a URI of a report definition or an actual report definition object. # @return [GoodData::Report] Return self def add_definition(report_definition) rep_def = project.report_definitions(report_definition) content['definitions'] = definition_uris << rep_def.uri self end # Add a report definition to a report. This will show on a UI as a new version. # # @param report_definition [GoodData::ReportDefinition | String] Report definition to add. Either it can be a URI of a report definition or an actual report definition object. # @return [GoodData::Report] Return self def add_definition!(report_definition) res = add_definition(report_definition) res.save end # Returns the newest (current version) report definition as an object # # @return [GoodData::ReportDefinition] Returns the newest report defintion def definition project.report_definitions(latest_report_definition_uri) end alias_method :latest_report_definition, :definition # Returns the newest (current version) report definition uri # # @return [String] Returns uri of the newest report defintion def definition_uri definition_uris.last end alias_method :latest_report_definition_uri, :definition_uri # Gets a report definitions (versions) of this report as objects. # # @return [Array] Returns list of report definitions. Oldest comes first def definitions content['definitions'].pmap { |uri| project.report_definitions(uri) } end alias_method :report_definitions, :definitions # Gets list of uris of report definitions (versions) of this report. # # @return [Array] Returns list of report definitions' uris. Oldest comes first def definition_uris content['definitions'] end # Deletes report along with its report definitions. # # @return [GoodData::Report] Returns self def delete defs = definitions super defs.peach(&:delete) self end # Computes the report and returns the result. If it is not computable returns nil. # # @return [GoodData::DataResult] Returns the result def execute(options = {}) fail 'You have to save the report before executing. If you do not want to do that please use GoodData::ReportDefinition' unless saved? result = client.post '/gdc/xtab2/executor3', 'report_req' => { 'report' => uri } GoodData::Report.data_result(result, options.merge(client: client)) end # Returns true if you can export and object # # @return [Boolean] Returns whether the report is exportable def exportable? true end # Returns binary data of the exported report in a given format. The format can be # either 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx' or 'pdf'. # # @return [String] Returns data def export(format, options = {}) result = client.post('/gdc/xtab2/executor3', 'report_req' => { 'report' => uri }) result1 = client.post('/gdc/exporter/executor', :result_req => { :format => format, :result => result }) client.poll_on_code(result1['uri'], options.merge(process: false)) end # Returns the newest (current version) report definition uri # # @return [String] Returns uri of the newest report defintion def purge_report_of_unused_definitions! full_list = definition_uris remove_definition_but_latest purged_list = definition_uris to_remove = full_list - purged_list save to_remove.each { |uri| client.delete(uri) } self end # Removes definition from the report. The definition to remove can be passed in any form that is accepted by # GoodData::ReportDefintion[] # # @param definition [String | GoodData::ReportDefinition] Report defintion to remove # @return [GoodData::Report] Returns report with removed definition def remove_definition(definition) a_def = GoodData::ReportDefinition[definition, project: project, client: client] def_uri = a_def.uri content['definitions'] = definition_uris.reject { |x| x == def_uri } self end # TODO: Cover with test. You would probably need something that will be able to create a report easily from a definition # Removes all definitions but the latest from the report. This is useful for cleaning up before you create # a template out of a project. # # @return [GoodData::Report] Returns report with removed definitions def remove_definition_but_latest to_remove = definition_uris - [latest_report_definition_uri] to_remove.each do |uri| remove_definition(uri) end self end # Method used for replacing values in their state according to mapping. Can be used to replace any values but it is typically used to replace the URIs. Returns a new object of the same type. # # @param [Array]Mapping specifying what should be exchanged for what. As mapping should be used output of GoodData::Helpers.prepare_mapping. # @return [GoodData::Report] def replace(mapping) new_defs = definitions.map do |rep_def| rep_def.replace(mapping) end new_defs.pmap(&:save) self end ## Update report definition and reflect the change in report # # @param [Hash] opts Options # @option opts [Boolean] :new_definition (true) If true then new definition will be created # @return [GoodData::ReportDefinition] Updated and saved report definition def update_definition(opts = { :new_definition => true }, &block) # TODO: Cache the latest report definition somehow repdef = definition.dup block.call(repdef, self) if block_given? if opts[:new_definition] new_def = GoodData::ReportDefinition.create(:client => client, :project => project) rd = repdef.json['reportDefinition'] rd.delete('links') %w(author uri created identifier updated contributor).each { |k| rd['meta'].delete(k) } new_def.json['reportDefinition'] = rd new_def.save add_definition!(new_def) return new_def else repdef.save end repdef end end end