module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper def p_text_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = {}) options = options.stringify_keys clientid = sanitize_to_id(name) widgetvar = options.has_key?("widgetVar") ? options["widgetVar"] : "widget_"+clientid output = tag :input, { "type" => "text", "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name), "value" => value }.update(options.stringify_keys) widgetclass = "InputText" widgetclass = "Password" if options['type'] == 'password' options_ui = options options_ui = options_ui.merge(:id => clientid ) options_ui = options_ui.to_json script = '$(function() {' script += "'#{widgetclass}','#{widgetvar}',#{options_ui})" script += '});' output += javascript_tag(script, "id" => clientid+"_s") end def p_text_area_tag(name, content = nil, options = {}) options = options.stringify_keys clientid = sanitize_to_id(name) widgetvar = options.has_key?("widgetVar") ? options["widgetVar"] : "widget_"+clientid if size = options.delete("size") options["cols"], options["rows"] = size.split("x") if size.respond_to?(:split) end escape = options.delete("escape") { true } content = ERB::Util.html_escape(content) if escape output = content_tag :textarea, content.to_s.html_safe, { "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name) }.update(options) options_ui = options options_ui = options_ui.merge(:id => clientid ) options_ui = options_ui.to_json script = '$(function() {' script += "'InputTextarea','#{widgetvar}',#{options_ui})" script += '});' output += javascript_tag(script, "id" => clientid+"_s") end def p_button_tag(content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block) options = content_or_options if block_given? && content_or_options.is_a?(Hash) options ||= {} options = options.stringify_keys if disable_with = options.delete("disable_with") message = ":disable_with option is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 4.1. " \ "Use 'data: { disable_with: \'Text\' }' instead." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message options["data-disable-with"] = disable_with end if confirm = options.delete("confirm") message = ":confirm option is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 4.1. " \ "Use 'data: { confirm: \'Text\' }' instead'." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message options["data-confirm"] = confirm end options.reverse_merge! 'name' => 'button', 'type' => 'submit' if options['ajax'] == 'true' options['onclick'] = '' if !options.has_key?('onclick') options['onclick'] += "PrimeFaces.ab({source: 'this'});return false;" end output = content_tag :button, content_or_options || 'Button', options, &block clientid = sanitize_to_id(options["id"]) widgetvar = options.has_key?("widgetVar") ? options["widgetVar"] : "widget_"+clientid options_ui = options options_ui = options_ui.merge(:id => clientid ) options_ui = options_ui.to_json script = '$(function() {' script += "'Button','#{widgetvar}',#{options_ui})" script += '});' output += javascript_tag(script, "id" => clientid+"_s") end def p_check_box_tag(name, value = "1", checked = false, options = {}) html_options = { "type" => "checkbox", "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name), "value" => value }.update(options.stringify_keys) html_options["checked"] = "checked" if checked output = tag :input, html_options clientid = sanitize_to_id(name) widgetvar = options.has_key?("widgetVar") ? options["widgetVar"] : "widget_"+clientid options_ui = options options_ui = options_ui.merge(:id => clientid ) options_ui = options_ui.to_json script = '$(function() {' script += "'CheckBox','#{widgetvar}',#{options_ui})" script += '});' output += javascript_tag(script, "id" => clientid+"_s") end def p_password_field_tag(name = "password", value = nil, options = {}) p_text_field_tag(name, value, options.update("type" => "password")) end def p_select_tag(name, option_tags = nil, options = {}) option_tags ||= "" html_name = (options[:multiple] == true && !name.to_s.ends_with?("[]")) ? "#{name}[]" : name if options.delete(:include_blank) option_tags = content_tag(:option, '', :value => '').safe_concat(option_tags) end if prompt = options.delete(:prompt) option_tags = content_tag(:option, prompt, :value => '').safe_concat(option_tags) end output = content_tag :select, option_tags, { "name" => html_name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name) }.update(options.stringify_keys) clientid = sanitize_to_id(name) widgetvar = options.has_key?("widgetVar") ? options["widgetVar"] : "widget_"+clientid options_ui = options options_ui = options_ui.merge(:id => clientid ) options_ui = options_ui.to_json script = '$(function() {' script += "'Dropdown','#{widgetvar}',#{options_ui})" script += '});' output += javascript_tag(script, "id" => clientid+"_s") end end