module ActiveFedora module SemanticNode extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :class_relationships, :internal_uri class_attribute :class_relationships_desc self.class_relationships = {} end attr_accessor :relationships_loaded, :load_from_solr, :subject def assert_kind_of(n, o,t) raise "Assertion failure: #{n}: #{o} is not of type #{t}" unless o.kind_of?(t) end def object_relations load_relationships if !relationships_loaded @object_relations ||= end def relationships_are_dirty object_relations.dirty end def relationships_are_dirty=(val) object_relations.dirty = val end # Add a relationship to the Object. # @param predicate # @param object Either a string URI or an object that is a kind of ActiveFedora::Base def add_relationship(predicate, target, literal=false) object_relations.add(predicate, target, literal) rels_ext.content_will_change! if object_relations.dirty end # Clears all relationships with the specified predicate # @param predicate def clear_relationship(predicate) relationships(predicate).each do |target| object_relations.delete(predicate, target) end rels_ext.content_will_change! if object_relations.dirty end # Checks that this object is matches the model class passed in. # It requires two steps to pass to return true # 1. It has a hasModel relationship of the same model # 2. kind_of? returns true for the model passed in # This method can most often be used to detect if an object from Fedora that was created # with a different model was then used to populate this object. # @param [Class] the model class name to check if an object conforms_to that model # @return [Boolean] true if this object conforms to the given model name def conforms_to?(model_class) if self.kind_of?(model_class) #check has model and class match mod = relationships.first(:predicate=>Predicates.find_graph_predicate(:has_model)) if mod expected = self.class.to_class_uri if mod.object.to_s == expected return true else raise "has_model relationship check failed for model #{model_class} raising exception, expected: '#{expected}' actual: '#{mod.object.to_s}'" end else raise "has_model relationship does not exist for model #{model_class} check raising exception" end else raise "kind_of? check failed for model #{model_class}, actual #{self.class} raising exception" end return false end # Create an RDF statement # @param uri a string represending the subject # @param predicate a predicate symbol # @param target an object to store def build_statement(uri, predicate, target, literal=false) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("ActiveFedora::Base#build_statement has been deprecated.") raise "Not allowed anymore" if uri == :self target = target.internal_uri if target.respond_to? :internal_uri subject = #TODO cache unless literal or target.is_a? RDF::Resource begin target_uri = (target.is_a? URI) ? target : URI.parse(target) if target_uri.scheme.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Invalid target \"#{target}\". Must have namespace." end if target_uri.to_s =~ /\A[\w\-]+:[\w\-]+\Z/ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid target \"#{target}\". Target should be a complete URI, and not a pid." end rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise ArgumentError, "Invalid target \"#{target}\". Target must be specified as a literal, or be a valid URI." end end if literal object = elsif target.is_a? RDF::Resource object = target else object = end, find_graph_predicate(predicate), object) end # # Remove a Rels-Ext relationship from the Object. # @param predicate # @param object Either a string URI or an object that responds to .pid def remove_relationship(predicate, obj, literal=false) object_relations.delete(predicate, obj) self.relationships_are_dirty = true rels_ext.content_will_change! end def inbound_relationships(response_format=:uri) rel_values = {} inbound_relationship_predicates.each_pair do |name,predicate| objects = self.send("#{name}",{:response_format=>response_format}) items = [] objects.each do |object| if (response_format == :uri) #inbound relationships are always object properties items.push(object.internal_uri) else items.push(object) end end unless items.empty? rel_values.merge!({predicate=>items}) end end return rel_values end def outbound_relationships() relationships.statements end # If no arguments are supplied, return the whole RDF::Graph. # if a predicate is supplied as a parameter, then it returns the result of quering the graph with that predicate def relationships(*args) load_relationships if !relationships_loaded if args.empty? raise "Must have internal_uri" unless internal_uri return object_relations.to_graph(internal_uri) end rels = object_relations[args.first] || [] {|o| o.respond_to?(:internal_uri) ? o.internal_uri : o } #TODO, could just return the object end def load_relationships self.relationships_loaded = true content = rels_ext.content return unless content.present? RelsExtDatastream.from_xml content, rels_ext end def ids_for_outbound(predicate) (object_relations[predicate] || []).map do |o| o = o.to_s if o.kind_of? RDF::Literal o.kind_of?(String) ? o.gsub("info:fedora/", "") : end end # Return hash that persists relationship metadata defined by has_relationship calls # @return [Hash] Hash of relationship subject (:self or :inbound) mapped to nested hashs of each relationship name mapped to another hash relationship options # @example For the following relationship # # has_relationship "audio_records", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # # Results in the following returned by relationships_desc # {:self=>{"audio_records"=>{:type=>AudioRecord, :singular=>nil, :predicate=>:has_part, :inbound=>false}}} def relationships_desc @relationships_desc ||= self.class.relationships_desc end # Return hash of relationship names and predicate pairs (inbound and outbound). # It retrieves this information via the relationships_desc hash in the class. # @return [Hash] A hash of relationship names (inbound and outbound) mapped to predicates used def relationship_predicates return @relationship_predicates if @relationship_predicates @relationship_predicates = {} relationships_desc.each_pair do |subj, names| @relationship_predicates[subj] = {} names.each_pair do |name, args| @relationship_predicates[subj][name] = args[:predicate] end end @relationship_predicates end # Return hash of outbound relationship names and predicate pairs # @return [Hash] A hash of outbound relationship names mapped to predicates used def outbound_relationship_predicates relationship_predicates.has_key?(:self) ? relationship_predicates[:self] : {} end # Return hash of inbound relationship names and predicate pairs # @return [Hash] A hash of inbound relationship names mapped to predicates used def inbound_relationship_predicates relationship_predicates.has_key?(:inbound) ? relationship_predicates[:inbound] : {} end module ClassMethods # Return hash that persists relationship metadata defined by has_relationship calls. If you implement a child class of ActiveFedora::Base it will inherit # the relationship descriptions defined there by merging in the class # instance variable values. It will also do this for any level of # ancestors. # @return [Hash] Hash of relationship subject (:self or :inbound) mapped to nested hashs of each relationship name mapped to another hash relationship options # @example # For the following relationship # # has_relationship "audio_records", :has_part, :type=>AudioRecord # # Results in the following returned by relationships_desc # {:self=>{"audio_records"=>{:type=>AudioRecord, :singular=>nil, :predicate=>:has_part, :inbound=>false}}} def relationships_desc #get any relationship descriptions from superclasses if @class_relationships_desc.nil? @class_relationships_desc ||= Hash[:self => {}] #get super classes super_klasses = [] #insert in reverse order so the child overwrites anything in parent super_klass = self.superclass while !super_klass.nil? super_klasses.insert(0,super_klass) super_klass = super_klass.superclass end super_klasses.each do |super_klass| if super_klass.respond_to?(:relationships_desc) super_rels = super_klass.relationships_desc super_rels.each_pair do |subject,rels| @class_relationships_desc[subject] = {} unless @class_relationships_desc.has_key?(subject) @class_relationships_desc[subject].merge!(rels) end end end end @class_relationships_desc end end end end