# frozen_string_literal: true require 'http/cookie' require 'strscan' require 'time' class HTTP::Cookie::Scanner < StringScanner # Whitespace. RE_WSP = /[ \t]+/ # A pattern that matches a cookie name or attribute name which may # be empty, capturing trailing whitespace. RE_NAME = /(?!#{RE_WSP})[^,;\\"=]*/ RE_BAD_CHAR = /([\x00-\x20\x7F",;\\])/ # A pattern that matches the comma in a (typically date) value. RE_COOKIE_COMMA = /,(?=#{RE_WSP}?#{RE_NAME}=)/ def initialize(string, logger = nil) @logger = logger super(string) end class << self def quote(s) return s unless s.match(RE_BAD_CHAR) (+'"') << s.gsub(/([\\"])/, "\\\\\\1") << '"' end end def skip_wsp skip(RE_WSP) end def scan_dquoted (+'').tap { |s| case when skip(/"/) break when skip(/\\/) s << getch when scan(/[^"\\]+/) s << matched end until eos? } end def scan_name scan(RE_NAME).tap { |s| s.rstrip! if s } end def scan_value(comma_as_separator = false) (+'').tap { |s| case when scan(/[^,;"]+/) s << matched when skip(/"/) # RFC 6265 2.2 # A cookie-value may be DQUOTE'd. s << scan_dquoted when check(/;/) break when comma_as_separator && check(RE_COOKIE_COMMA) break else s << getch end until eos? s.rstrip! } end def scan_name_value(comma_as_separator = false) name = scan_name if skip(/\=/) value = scan_value(comma_as_separator) else scan_value(comma_as_separator) value = nil end [name, value] end if Time.respond_to?(:strptime) def tuple_to_time(day_of_month, month, year, time) Time.strptime( '%02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC' % [day_of_month, month, year, *time], '%d %b %Y %T %Z' ).tap { |date| date.day == day_of_month or return nil } end else def tuple_to_time(day_of_month, month, year, time) Time.parse( '%02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC' % [day_of_month, month, year, *time] ).tap { |date| date.day == day_of_month or return nil } end end private :tuple_to_time def parse_cookie_date(s) # RFC 6265 5.1.1 time = day_of_month = month = year = nil s.split(/[\x09\x20-\x2F\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7E]+/).each { |token| case when time.nil? && token.match(/\A(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2}))?(?=\D|\z)/) sec = if $3 $3.to_i else # violation of the RFC @logger.warn("Time lacks the second part: #{token}") if @logger 0 end time = [$1.to_i, $2.to_i, sec] when day_of_month.nil? && token.match(/\A(\d{1,2})(?=\D|\z)/) day_of_month = $1.to_i when month.nil? && token.match(/\A(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i) month = $1.capitalize when year.nil? && token.match(/\A(\d{2,4})(?=\D|\z)/) year = $1.to_i end } if day_of_month.nil? || month.nil? || year.nil? || time.nil? return nil end case day_of_month when 1..31 else return nil end case year when 100..1600 return nil when 70..99 year += 1900 when 0..69 year += 2000 end hh, mm, ss = time if hh > 23 || mm > 59 || ss > 59 return nil end tuple_to_time(day_of_month, month, year, time) end def scan_set_cookie # RFC 6265 4.1.1 & 5.2 until eos? start = pos len = nil skip_wsp name, value = scan_name_value(true) if value.nil? @logger.warn("Cookie definition lacks a name-value pair.") if @logger elsif name.empty? @logger.warn("Cookie definition has an empty name.") if @logger value = nil end attrs = {} case when skip(/,/) # The comma is used as separator for concatenating multiple # values of a header. len = (pos - 1) - start break when skip(/;/) skip_wsp aname, avalue = scan_name_value(true) next if aname.empty? || value.nil? aname.downcase! case aname when 'expires' # RFC 6265 5.2.1 avalue &&= parse_cookie_date(avalue) or next when 'max-age' # RFC 6265 5.2.2 next unless /\A-?\d+\z/.match(avalue) when 'domain' # RFC 6265 5.2.3 # An empty value SHOULD be ignored. next if avalue.nil? || avalue.empty? when 'path' # RFC 6265 5.2.4 # A relative path must be ignored rather than normalizing it # to "/". next unless /\A\//.match(avalue) when 'secure', 'httponly' # RFC 6265 5.2.5, 5.2.6 avalue = true end attrs[aname] = avalue end until eos? len ||= pos - start if len > HTTP::Cookie::MAX_LENGTH @logger.warn("Cookie definition too long: #{name}") if @logger next end yield name, value, attrs if value end end def scan_cookie # RFC 6265 4.1.1 & 5.4 until eos? skip_wsp # Do not treat comma in a Cookie header value as separator; see CVE-2016-7401 name, value = scan_name_value(false) yield name, value if value skip(/;/) end end end